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Pat Foley

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Everything posted by Pat Foley

  1. Pat Foley

    Incompatible types bug in D11.1

    Look at Line 63
  2. My frontal lobe Latency is one-two minutes L1 cache. one to two weeks L2 cache every else is water under the bridge. excepting a few grudges. 🙂
  3. I learned alot from Mike questions and answers. Here's my stab at it. program interSector; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} {$o+} uses System.SysUtils, System.Diagnostics, Classes; type // TsetOPs = (EditStr, ButtonStr, CheckStr, FormStr, FrameStr, ListBoxStr, PageControlStr, TabControlStr, RadioBtnStr, ComboBoxStr); TdbKey = (dateID, sqlID, CashID, EditID, ButtonID, CheckID, FormID, FrameID, ListBoxID, PageControlID, TabControlID, RadioBtnID, ComboBoxID); // : integer; TsetKeys = set of TdbKey; const cLoop = 100000000; cSet: TsetKeys = [dateID, CheckID, FrameID, ComboBoxID]; var vSW: TStopwatch; vBool: boolean; procedure IsIntersected(const aID: integer; var aB: boolean); inline var Intersected: TsetKeys; Op: TdbKey; begin Intersected := [CheckID, FrameID, ButtonID] * cSet; aB := aB or (Intersected <> []); //for OPs in Intersected do to build relational DB end; begin vBool := false; vSW := TStopwatch.StartNew; var I: CppULongInt := 0; while I < cLoop do begin Inc(I); IsIntersected(I, vBool); end; Writeln(Format('IsIntersect = %5s', [vSW.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString])); vBool := not vBool; readln; end. interSector.dpr.44: IsInterSected(I,VBool); 000000000052B51F 89C1 mov ecx,eax 000000000052B521 85C9 test ecx,ecx 000000000052B523 7D05 jnl interSector + $6A 000000000052B525 E8A611EEFF call @BoundErr 000000000052B52A 480FB70D1E010000 movzx rcx,word ptr [rel $0000011e] 000000000052B532 66230D035B0200 and cx,[rel $00025b03] 000000000052B539 803D5831030000 cmp byte ptr [rel $00033158],$00 000000000052B540 750D jnz interSector + $8F 000000000052B542 663B0D09010000 cmp cx,[rel $00000109] 000000000052B549 7504 jnz interSector + $8F 000000000052B54B 33C9 xor ecx,ecx 000000000052B54D EB02 jmp interSector + $91 000000000052B54F B101 mov cl,$01 000000000052B551 880D41310300 mov [rel $00033141],cl interSector.dpr.41: while I < cLoop do 000000000052B557 81F800E1F505 cmp eax,$05f5e100 000000000052B55D 72B6 jb interSector + $55 000000000052B55F 90 nop
  4. Pat Foley

    Dynamic creation of TActionManager with Actions

    Use ActionManager as in design window and its property editors and sub editors adding stubs to be used like this to connect the events at runtime. procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); const popupmenuitemCaptions: array[0..1] of String=('Action4','frameAction1'); var popupFrameCaption: string; I: Integer; A: TContainedAction; begin for popupFrameCaption in popupmenuitemCaptions do for I := 0 to ActionManager1.ActionCount - 1 do begin A := ActionManager1.Actions[I]; if A.caption = popupFrameCaption then begin A.OnExecute := Frame11.PopupActionBar1.Items[0].OnClick; A.Execute; Break; end; end; end; object ActionManager1: TActionManager ActionBars = < item Items.CaptionOptions = coAll Items = <> ActionBar = ActionToolBar3 end> LinkedActionLists = < item Caption = '(No Name)' end> Images = ImageList1 Left = 722 Top = 172 StyleName = 'Platform Default' object Action4: TAction Category = 'Frame' Caption = 'Action4' ImageIndex = 1 OnExecute = Action4Execute end object DatasetFirst1: TDataSetFirst Category = 'Dataset' Caption = '&First' Hint = 'First' ImageIndex = 0 end end Inspecting the object in design by copying it to notepad shows Images property to possibly set at runtime.
  5. Pat Foley

    Build a Windows GUI shell in Delphi (CarPC)?

    It would be easier to duct tape an iPad over the airbag and run the speakers thru blue tooth. Second way. third item. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/projects-raspberry-pi-touchscreen-display/ Third way. Delphi has a location demo for phone that works and ties into google maps. covers the map software. 25% of project would done. Works on my present android phone. Four. Finding screen size. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1424920/how-do-i-get-the-usable-coordinates-of-the-screen-in-delphi to get the feel of embedded system Use the Task Manager to shut down Win Explorer. You can restart from Task Manager using new task Explorer.
  6. Pat Foley

    Window /client size bug in 10.4

    Actually Marco's post is between D11 to D10.4 PE flags updated to 6 to allow thinner borders and more margin. Try Autosizing False and Center True. To center image on form set align = alClient. That allows changing images readily.
  7. Pat Foley

    Window /client size bug in 10.4

    If you stored the image in the image control. Try this in 10.4 Select Image in Design window. Bring up the Picture editor F11 for object inspector and click on ellipses ... In the Picture editor save image as some thing else plus extension what it was.( .bmp .ping) view the image with other app. Other wise just delete the image control and install fresh one.
  8. Sorry lost color when I tried different names in the code in Notepad++.
  9. Just as well run a Nick Hodges Nu 7 on it Control-d "to save time formatting" if you spent the money for chain saw. procedure TForm1.serverExecute(AContext: TIdContext); var clients: tlist; i: integer; messaggioprelevato, FileName: string; FileStreamIn: TFileStream; begin messaggioprelevato := AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadLn; // send this magic string just before you send file stream if messaggioprelevato <> '!FILE#' then begin clients := Server.Contexts.LockList; try for i := 0 to connessi - 1 do TIdContext(clients.Items[i]).Connection.IOHandler.WriteLn (messaggioprelevato); finally Server.Contexts.UnlockList; end; end else begin // recv file stream TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin showmessage('Arriva qualcosa...'); FileName := 'C:' //suspect drive name in Windows end); FileStreamIn := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try AContext.Connection.IOHandler.ReadStream(aFileStreamIn); finally FileStreamIn.Free; end; end; end;
  10. Pat Foley

    How to use tDateTimePicker for BOTH date and time

    What do the Objects look like IDE? Design copy from 10.4 // after fix object DateTimePicker1: TDateTimePicker Left = 280 Top = 32 Width = 186 Height = 21 Hint = 'Use<> arrow keys to select time field Up/Down arrow Keys to sele' + 'ct new field value' Date = 44628.000000000000000000 Format = 'dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss' Time = 0.690069409720308600 DateFormat = dfLong ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True TabOrder = 5 end //Fresh object DateTimePicker2: TDateTimePicker Left = 64 Top = 32 Width = 186 Height = 21 Date = 44629.000000000000000000 Time = 0.024456481478409840 TabOrder = 6 end
  11. That means to a painter read the directions on can One gallon to 100 square feet. To a pilot ground school. To a programmer a little knowledge is a dangerous thing--drink deep or drink not*. I try make a game of it, reading a chapter out of a book, write some code in notepad, and if runs without error I win big and even a few errors is a win when the coding structure is remembered readily. That how I sharpened my axe in the olden days now I use notepad++ 🙂 *A quote quoted in Pascal with Excellence.
  12. Pat Foley

    Get memory used by a Memtable record??

    Task Manager mentioned in Cary Jensen's question on SO about fd copydatasset memory issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61018590/is-there-a-solution-to-the-firedac-copydataset-and-copyrecord-memory-loss
  13. Replace with magic overloaded procedure the compiler knows which to use with args passed. procedure serverExecute(AThread: TIdContext; const aFileName); overload; ... procedure TForm1.serverExecute(AThread: TIdContext; const aFileName); Add second overloaded procedure. Never Merge when better to unravel!
  14. Pat Foley

    auto fill parameters

    You are saying local variable names are prefixed with 'a' when your function is used? That lets the person reading the code know what variables are to be touched outside the procedure. That's better than marking the variables that are not touched outside a procedure with an L. I think the Help insight control J s for summary is good. It has better latency than the Control Space business.
  15. Pat Foley

    auto fill parameters

    Wouldn't a custom template do? Hitting CreateC shown with Control-J yields constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
  16. Pat Foley

    mouse move on screen

    Just put the image you are using for the desktop into your program. double click on the form in the IDE to bring up FormCreate. set backgroundImage named imgAnimals with pix used for desktop image. You can use Panels for rendering your Boxes that have labels allready centered! imgAnimals := Timage.Create(Self) parent := Self; imgAnimals.align := alClient; imgAnimals.Picture.LoadFromFile(cAnimalPixPathed); (**above put this stuff. const cAnimalPixPathed = 'path and filename'; var imganimals: TImage; //Put upstairs BoxLabels := TList<TPanel> **); {You move the panels in BoxLabels around with mouse then use show and hide as necessary.}
  17. Pat Foley

    mouse move on screen

    How about low code drap n drop using Delphi IDE and VCL. Drop timage on the form Set the following form properties under F11 Key Color = clMoneyGreen TransparentColor = True TransparentColorValue = clMoneyGreen procedure TForm10.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Image1.left := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos).X - Image1.width div 2; Image1.Top := ScreenToClient(Mouse.CursorPos).Y - Image1.Height div 2; end;
  18. Pat Foley

    Project Release Icon not Showing

    Maybe clicking in Projects window is needed.
  19. Pat Foley

    Can I assign an alias????

    How about mainunit and unit9 listing the DataModule named DM in this example. Button1Click in mainunit calls buildEmailList that has two tables as arguments. Note in button1click the tables used are in DM. in the buildEmaillList procedure only tables passed are used. Button2Click should get you started. 🙂 //unit9 //... // TDM = class(TDataModule) // MyTable: TFDMemTable; // emailsTable: TFDMemTable; Uses unit9; procedure TForm8.buildEmailList(SourceTable, EmailTable: TfdmemTable); begin EmailTable.Open; SourceTable.Close; end; procedure TForm8.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin buildEmailList(DM.MyTable, DM.emailsTable); end; procedure TForm8.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var bigtable: TFDMemTable; EmailsNeedtoSend: TFDMemTable; begin bigtable := DM.MyTable; EmailsNeedtoSend := DM.emailsTable; end;
  20. Pat Foley

    Can I assign an alias????

    Better to use reference... { Once instance is created you use references to it.. procedure TForm5.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var sourceDM: dm5.TDataModule6; dmLog: TStrings; begin dmLog := sourceDM.dm6log; //or just dmLog := dm5.TDataModule6 ... //in dm5's TDataModule6 has stringlist for logging dm6log: Tstrings;
  21. Pat Foley

    docwiki.embarcadero.com is not working

    I guess 50% back. The accept cookie text should be another concern on viewing blog. https://blogs.embarcadero.com/ The cookie text reads Clicking on do not sell my personal information returns: "You really want to opt out." Hopefully this is not implicit when using the help. Since I have a subscription they have more personal information to sell.
  22. Pat Foley

    A book about Object Pascal Style Guide

    Argument prefixed with vowel should be An if following an English style guide. I would use argArgument here. Since argument is 3 syllable word passing 3 syllable argument names help readability when procedure variables are not 3 syllable. L prefix or scoping would be used to avoid other similar named properties in UI. Like Width or Enabled. Otherwise, L is not needed when arguments are prefixed with 'a' IMHO. Short variable names. Longer Names input a,b,c. Either preface with 'in', arguments allready done with arg. iterator i,j,k Cap per current style. graphic w,h scope with Rect output should be x,y,z; preface with 'out'.
  23. Not getting how that works? Using streaming appears to help reduce exe growth. // Lifted from Remy L DP post procedure TForm4.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); var //FS: TFileStream; // FS: TBufferedFileStream; //saves a little Reader: TStreamReader; FN, data, s: string; eT, vLinesCounter: Int64; begin et := GetTickCount64; vLinesCounter:= 0; FN := 'C:\2022\2021VAERSData\2021VAERSDATAutf8.csv'; //lactually just changed all (?) to (') 87xxx of the things FS := TBufferedFileStream.Create(FN,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try Reader := TStreamReader.Create(FS); Try while not Reader.EndOfStream do begin StringGrid1.rows[vLinesCounter].StrictDelimiter := True; StringGrid1.rows[vLinesCounter].CommaText := Reader.ReadLine; Inc(vLinesCounter); if vLinesCounter mod 20000 = 0 then caption := vLinesCounter.tostring; end; Finally Reader.Free End; finally FS.Free; end; StringGrid1.rowcount := vLinesCounter + 3; eT := GetTickCount64 - eT; Caption := vLinesCounter.tostring + ' Records loaded to SG in ' + (eT/1000).tostring + ' seconds.'; end; // For viewing cropped text in D procedure TForm4.StringGrid1SelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean); begin memo1.Lines.Text := StringGrid1.Cells[aCol, aRow]; end; //New L code loads in 7 seconds procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var et: int64; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then FN := OpenDialog1.FileName else exit; et := GetTickCount64; SG.LoadFromCSVFile(FN); et := GetTickCount64 - eT; Memo1.lines.add(eT.tostring); end;
  24. Hey I had D in 32 platform switching up to 64 I able to load all data into StringGrid 🙂 You setting SG.rowcount to big Number. Running the L exe the UI hung at 300000 lines but kept going. Running the D64 exe it grew in size albeit slowly. // D10.4.2 code runs 746,xxx in 42 seconds on i5 procedure TForm4.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var FN: TextFile; Row: Integer; s: string; eT: int64; begin Row := 0; eT := GetTickCount64; AssignFile(FN, 'C:\2022\2021VAERSData\2021VAERSDATA.csv'); Reset(FN); while not Eof(FN) do begin Readln(FN, s); StringGrid1.Rows[Row].StrictDelimiter := True; StringGrid1.Rows[Row].commaText := s; Inc(Row); end; eT := GetTickCount64 - eT; caption :=Row.tostring + 'records loaded in' + eT.ToString + ' Msecs'; end;
  25. //Thanks to Ralph of team B old post function MMFileToString(const AFilename: string): string; var hFile: THandle; hFileMap: THandle; hiSize: DWORD; loSize: DWORD; text: string; view: pointer; begin Result := ''; if AFilename = '' then Exit; if not FileExists(AFilename) then Exit; // Open the file. hFile := CreateFile(PChar(AFilename), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin loSize := GetFileSize(hFile, @hiSize); // File was opened successfully, now map it: hFileMap := CreateFileMapping(hFile, nil, PAGE_READONLY, hiSize, loSize, 'TextForString'); if (hFileMap <> 0) then begin if (GetLastError() = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) then begin MessageDlg('Mapping already exists - not created.', mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); CloseHandle(hFileMap) end else begin try // File mapped successfully, now // map a view of the file into the address space: view := MapViewOfFile(hFileMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (view <> nil) then begin // View mapped successfully. CloseHandle(hFile); // Close file handle - as long is view is open it will persist. SetLength(Result, loSize); Move(view^, Result[1], loSize); end else MessageDlg('Unable to map view of file. ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); finally UnmapViewOfFile(view); // Close view; CloseHandle(hFileMap); // Close mapping; end end end else begin MessageDlg('Unable to create file mapping. ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end else begin MessageDlg('Unable to open file. ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError), mtWarning, [mbOk], 0); end; end; { TForm1 } //L has procedure TForm1.btnFixDateClick(Sender: TObject); var r, Cutoff: Integer; s: string; begin for r := 0 to sl.count - 1 do begin s := SG.Cells[1,r+1]; Cutoff := length(s)-5; s := '2021/' + copy(s,1,Cutoff ); SG.Cells[1,r+1] := s; end; end; //note need to set strictDelimiter each time. Delphi too. //for losing the " procedure TForm1.btnmapDataSGClick(Sender: TObject); var c,r,i: integer; et: int64; begin et := GetTickCount64; sl := TStringList.Create; sl.Capacity:= 750000; sl.text := MMFileToString('C:\2022\2021VAERSData\2021VAERSDATA.csv'); c := sl.Count; for r := 0 to c -1 do begin SG.Rows[r].StrictDelimiter:= True; SG.rows[r].CommaText := sl[r]; if r mod 5000 = 0 then btnmapDataSG.caption := 'r:' + r.ToString + ' c:' + c.tostring; end; et := GetTickCount64 - et; memo1.lines[0] := format('done loading in %f',[et/1000]); end; //view cropped data in cell with memo. Delphi NA procedure TForm1.SGBeforeSelection(Sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer); begin memo1.text := SG.Cells[aCol,aRow]; end; Above is Lazarus code I was to only load 145000 lines in D or got 'out of memory errors' with bigger files the L exe swells to 3500 when loading the data. It loaded 748,xxx records in the SG in 12.78 seconds. One could cut the file up with Notepad++ or excel Or load a Tarray<recordwith38strings> reading the file in line by line. Making the commatext with arecord do format('%s1,...%38', [s1,..s38]);