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Pat Foley

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Posts posted by Pat Foley

  1. uses
      MyUnit, //From TrPartUnits.bpl, if remove, breakpoint works in win32 and win64
      AppForm in 'AppForm.pas' {Form2};
    {$R *.re

    Based on your info when the myunit is removed it compiles.


    Delphi 12 in debugger mode even with update often shows the dissembler first under a tab. To avoid compile the program and start the program using the browser in "attach to process" under the run button to start the executable and press f7-f9 buttons if hung up in the dissembler.  If blue dots not lined up with the source check path.  

  2. Quote

    ip 8: Seldom Use Form1 In Other Forms Even in the code of other forms, try to avoid direct references to global objects, such as Form1. It is much better to declare local variables or private fields to refer to other forms. For example, the main form of a program can have a private field referring to a dialog box. Obviously this rule becomes essential if you plan creating multiple instances of the secondary form. You can keep a list in a dynamic array of the main form, or simply use the Forms array of the global Screen object to refer to any form currently existing in the application. From Macro Cantu's Sidney 10.4 Handbook

    Reading between the lines means using a string for finding a form in runtime with the Screen.   Or Each Library should just launch its own forms or class var singleton form as needed.  

  3. program App;
      MyUnit, //From TrPartUnits.bpl, if remove, breakpoint works in win32 and win64 = please don't put MyUnit here
      AppForm in 'AppForm.pas' {Form2};
    {$R *.res}
      Application.Initialize; //Breakpoint here: on win32 is ok, but 64 the breakpoint dont stop!
      Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
      Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2);

    If myunit is available in a library, it can't also be in the program's dpr.  Access the Library myunit in each unit uses clause as needed! 


    If the unit uses clause doesn't see myunit adjust the path.  Putting my myunit in apps dpr will hide these issues and defeats the goodness of modular construction methods.    

  4. I try to use EM units say roughly a font of 72 would be one inch high, on a laser printer of 600 dpi you get one inch high lettering.    Using CSS you can set the sizing to show the ... when the ... rule is set. 


    Somehow windows can make small images when hovering over an icon or medium size images in task view.   What's neat the image is animated. 


    Now I just right-size the form and use units of "fat-finger" on custom control resize events.    This resize event helps on the 4k machines.






    Screenshot 2024-03-18 222616.png

  5. On 3/3/2024 at 7:05 PM, Anders Melander said:


    Given that truncation is supposed to round towards zero, I believe that System.Trunc is correct. But then why is CVTTTSS2SI not doing that?

    Say with periodic stuff like TDateTime Trunc works well if it understood that right now is yesterday date + 0.xxxx fraction so Trunc not supposed be rounding up to zero when negative. 




    On the Unit circle a truncated 1/4 turn needs one turn  added to get a "reading"   of 1    Now to turn back that turn added, we remove that turn when looking at "negative values"   (-1/4 - 1)   = Trunc(-1.25) = -1.  



  6. Why not put a break point in it and use the call stack to see who needs it since you found the unit.   Or comment out half the enums or settings in it. 


    If it's only a dcu--view in a text editor.    


    The graph tool does have a build order output that could in help placing a breakpoint when compiling when unit is renamed. 

  7. Style sludge and shadow it's hard to know which window is showmodal.  I like to move the cursor to control being surfaced to help end user know which window has focus. Windows is flashing the active window though the smoke to alert you pushing buttons on inactive window. :classic_ninja:   

  8. On 3/7/2024 at 2:36 AM, dormky said:
    On 3/6/2024 at 7:27 AM, Pat Foley said:

    You could hide the pagecontrol to show the label parented to the form or change the label parent to control on top. I would use a Tpanel set to top align that "pushes" the Tabsheet/pagecontrol down to mimic the banners used in MS's XL when showing.         

    I don't want to change anything about other controls, I just need a control to be on top of all others.



    Here's putting the label on a tabsheet.  This allows giving a context to incoming label.  By using tabsheets in the IDE you can group controls readily Then show only what is needed in runtime.  


    var ts: TTabsheet;
    var labelNu: Integer = 1;
    procedure TForm1.AddLabelwithTabbedIndexClick(Sender: TObject);
      ts:= TTabsheet.Create(Self);
      ts.PageControl := PageControl1;
      ts.Caption := LabelNu.ToString;
      var llabel := TLabel.Create(Self);  //was TStaticText
      llabel.Name := 'llabel' + LabelNu.ToString;
      lLabel.Caption := 'label&' + LabelNu.ToString;
      lLabel.Parent := ts;
      //LLabel.TabStop := True;
      ts.TabVisible := True;
    procedure TForm1.RandomShowHideTabClick(Sender: TObject);
      ts := PageControl1.Pages[Random(PageControl1.PageCount)];
      with ts do TabVisible := not tabVisible;
    procedure TForm1.Showllabel1Click(Sender: TObject);
      var lbl := FindComponent('llabel1');
      (lbl as TControl).show;


  9. 2 hours ago, dormky said:

    TFormMain = class(TForm) PageControlMain: TPageControl; Sheet1: TTabSheet;

    You could hide the pagecontrol to show the label parented to the form or change the label parent to control on top. I would use a Tpanel set to top align that "pushes" the Tabsheet/pagecontrol down to mimic the banners used in MS's XL when showing.         

  10. To find what is not connected, use the debugger.   Switch from the form view ~design tab to the code view and insert a breakpoint on a line that has a blue dot on it in left gutter. Using F5 will cover the blue with red dot if the project is in debug mode selected in manager.  


    Test the Button click it should halt program at the program line selected. 


    Test the DrawGrid ondraw event next. If the program doesn't break at the breakpoint, inspect if the Drawgrid1 event ondraw is assigned using the object inspector Events tag.  



  11. Observations 12 Patch vs 11.3

    1. 12 eats inifile lines commented out using ;  Unsure if the IDE or program made is doing it. 
    2. 12 IDE editor tabs get resized just like GEx tabs when hot switching from 4K to low resolution. Suggesting that Style needs applied for high DPI to work.  An executable with style seems to "right" size readily:)    


  12. Here is a sample of runtime created controls that use same string.  Plus assigns event handler. 

      InputPLC256 = 'x0,x1,x32,pin64,pin128,pin255,None';
    procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
      for var I := 1 to 100 do
          var P := TPanel.Create(Self);
          with P do begin
            Name := 'TagInputEdit_' + I.ToString;
            SetBounds(280 - 5, 17 + I * 34, 204, 30);
            Parent := Self;
            Caption := '';
          var L := TLabel.Create(Self);
          with L do begin
            SetBounds(80, 6, 64, 22);
            Parent := P;
          var CB := TComboBox.Create(Self);
          with CB do begin
            SetBounds(5, 3, 65, 22);
            Parent := P;
            onchange := TagUpdater;
            Tag := NativeInt(L);
            items.CommaText := InputPLC256;//memo1.Lines;
            Text := Items[Random(items.Count)-1];
            L.Caption := Text;
    procedure TForm1.TagUpdater(Sender: Tobject);
      var S := Sender as TComboBox;
      var L := TLabel(S.Tag);
      var N := S.Parent.Name;
      L.Caption := Format('%s %s', [N, S.Text]);


    • Like 1

  13. Try setting the TabStop property of Radiogroup to True when none of the controls are selected. In the RadioGroups.OnEnter set focus on a control so keys can change the selection as needed.


    //Need RG .TabStop prop set to True to 'focus' the groupbox when its control index
    //is -1;
    procedure TformInstructorStation.RadioGroup2Enter(Sender: TObject);
      with Sender as TRadioGroup do
        if ItemIndex = -1 then
     //(Sender as TRadioGroup).OnEnter := nil;


  14. How about a collection of check boxes  TCheckListBox 


    The sample simply clears the checkboxes that were in the IDE and adds the ones that are in Array<string>


    To extend you would change the Panel and Tstrings that the UI uses update the backend. Here the back end simply updates the UI when programs are used.


    It uses a Ddd pattern Data driven pattern.  " Update the data early and often"   


    class function TptrApps.HookInUI(inSG: TStringGrid; inLog: TStrings; inChBxs: TcheckListBox;
         inBanner: TPanel): TptrApps;
      Result := nil;
      focusedApp := @cacheApp;
      var R := TptrApps.Create;
      R.ChBxs := inChBxs;
      R.ChBxs.OnClick := R.changeExesList;
      for var I := Low(goodApps) to High(goodApps) do
          R.ChBxs.Checked[I] := True;
      selfClass = 'FrmPat';
      GoodApps: Tarray<string> = [cEveryThing,'Shell_TrayWnd','Notepad', 'TAppBuilder', 'Window',
       'Chrome_WidgetWin_1', 'Notepad++', selfClass, 'TfmPeInformation' ];



    • Like 1

  15. Outlook's contact info is a vcard file and calendar event is vcalendar *.vcs or *.ics file. The employee calendar shows the events provided by the calendars the employee has access to. 

    Example of email attachment

    You would simply add an event attachment to the email of employee.


    But better to educate the office staff how to use Outlook calendar by having the secretary set the events on the employee calendars as needed. 

    Employee leave requests are sent to office manager. If approved the secretary amends the department's calendar which updates the employee calendar.

    The employee looks at the calendar events provided by the secretary. The secretary knows when the employee knows of a calendar event by the employee opening an email with a calendar event attachment and confirming the event.


  16. Here's my 7 cents worth.  'Explicitly' use a's Value to remove need for braces.

      a: TplFilterValue<Boolean>;
      B: Boolean;
      procedure  //Boolean User output
        Bout (argS: string; aB: Boolean);
            writeln(argS + ' = ', aB);
        NotFixup(aB: TplFilterValue<Boolean>): Boolean;
            Result := not aB.Value;
        a.Value := True;
        //if not a then
          Bout('not a', not a);
          Bout('a or True', a or True);
          Bout('a and True', a and True);
        Writeln('  NotFixup');
        //if not a or True then  // <<--- Error [dcc32 Error] E2015 Operator not applicable to this operand type
          Bout('Notfixup(a) or True', NotFixup(a) or True);
          Bout('NotFixup(a or True)', NotFixup(a or True));
        Writeln('  Precedence manual sort fix');
         // Bout('True or not (a)', True or not (a));
          Bout('True or not a', True or not a);
        Writeln('  not precedence working for boolean here');
          B := a;
          Bout('not B or True', not B or True);
          a := not B or True;
        Writeln('  Or use a''''s Value explicitly :)');
          Bout('not a.value or True', not a.value or True);
        on E: Exception do
          Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);

