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Beppe Magistro

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Everything posted by Beppe Magistro

  1. Beppe Magistro

    Delphi iOS Push Notifications (APNS)

    hi Dave, I tried to build th example following the readme , but i have this errors. it's Delphi 12.2 Thanks in advance Beppe
  2. Beppe Magistro

    Delphi iOS Push Notifications (APNS)

    thank you very much !!! i will try asap
  3. Beppe Magistro

    Delphi iOS Push Notifications (APNS)

    hi all , there is a Server Side delphi example projet to send Apple push notification using tokens? Thanks in advance Beppe
  4. Beppe Magistro

    osx dark mode 10.4.2

    Hi all , there is in delphi 10.4.2 a way to understand if MAC is in dark mode and switch theme ? Thanks in advance Beppe
  5. Beppe Magistro

    SOAP Client Android

    Hi All, I have a D11 small fmx app consuming a Soap web service authorized by user/password , if i run on WIndows all is working good, if i try to run on Android i Have this error : Project Client_Wms.apk raised exception class ESOAPHTTPException with message 'Unauthorized (401) - 'http:/masterdata/Artikel.asmx''. this is the code : indirizzo:= THTTPRIO.Create(nil); indirizzo.HTTPWebNode.UserName := 'user'; indirizzo.HTTPWebNode.Password := 'password'; indirizzo.HTTPWebNode.UseDefaultCredentials :=true; art := GetartikelSoap(false,'http:/masterdata/Artikel.asmx',indirizzo); APP_ART:= art.getDBValue('ARTIKEL','ARTIKEL','EANCODE','8007057433524'); in the Android manifest i added : android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" Thanks in Advance
  6. Beppe Magistro

    SOAP Client Android

    in manifest i have already added this : android:usesCleartextTraffic="true">
  7. Beppe Magistro

    SOAP Client Android

    same on delphi 10.4.2
  8. Beppe Magistro

    SOAP Client Android

    yes same result '' result : Project Client_Wms.apk raised exception class ESOAPHTTPException with message 'Unauthorized (401) - '''.
  9. Beppe Magistro

    SOAP Client Android

    the url is an internal one and is working if i run on windows , i tried to modify to https://masterdata/Artikel.asmx" but the connection is refused by the server under windows too.
  10. Beppe Magistro

    SOAP Client Android

    please tell my what to change
  11. Beppe Magistro

    iOS push notification http/2

    hi all , Apple will discontinue notification in binary mode at the end of march and will work only in HTTP/2 mode. anybody has a working example? Thanks in advance Beppe
  12. Beppe Magistro

    osx dark mode 10.4.2

    thank you very much !!!!
  13. Beppe Magistro

    osx dark mode 10.4.2

    thank you Wil , do you have a small code example ? Beppe
  14. Beppe Magistro

    IOS 14 and Xocde 12 issues

    i have the same issue , delphi 10.4.1 ,xcode 12.3 ios 14.3 Beppe
  15. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

    hi all, i have an application builded with Delphi 10.3.3 and android firebase notification are working good. I tried to move the application to Delphi 10.4.1 but the app hang when try to connect the server. PushService := TPushServiceManager.Instance.GetServiceByName(TPushService.TServiceNames.GCM); ServiceConnection := TPushServiceConnection.Create(PushService); ServiceConnection.Active := True; i Tried with a small example from the scratch but the same result. anybody has a working example on 10.4.1 ? Thanks in advance Beppe
  16. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

  17. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

    PushService := TPushServiceManager.Instance.GetServiceByName(TPushService.TServiceNames.FCM); if PushService <> nil then begin ...... remain nil !
  18. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

    hi , this example do not compile on 10.4.1 , PushService: TPushService; ServiceConnection: TPushServiceConnection; Notifications: TArray<TPushServiceNotification>; these variables remain in red , may be are not more defined in FMX.PushNotification.Android; if i include System.PushNotification; the sample compile but hang
  19. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

  20. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

  21. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

    yes the same as 10.3.3
  22. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

    this is not my case , on 10.3.3 my app is working , the problem is on 10.4.1
  23. Beppe Magistro

    Firebase Notification

    Hi Dave, i tried TPushService.TServiceNames.FCM but same result ,the program hang when execute ServiceConnection.Active := True; There is a tutorial or an example for 10.4.1 ? Thanks Beppe