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  1. Joel Spolsky has written about this some 23 years ago in his famous "Fire and Motion" article. In short, Microsoft "invents" new technology, and while devs try to adapt to that, Microsoft just drops that for a "newer, better" technology. And so on, and so on.
  2. Frickler

    Alternatives for SQL Anywhere

    The "real" server can also be easily installed: just unpack the zip file and call the included batch file which installs the windows service. You can slim down that zip file in advance by removing docs and examples folders, edit the config files (firebird.conf, databases.conf, security5.fdb) and maybe even create your own batch files to name your instance. You can even have multiple firebird servers on the same machine (e.g. for your app and a foreign app) by choosing another port number (in firebird.conf).
  3. "Wiggle it" - Bob Ross
  4. Not on Windows 10 and 11. It scrolls, but doesn't expand the selection. But PSPad (written in Delphi IMHO) does.
  5. As you always need to acquire the newest Delphi version in order to get bugs fixed on FireDAC, why not try a third party DAC? DevArt IBDAC can convert from BDE, IBX and FibPlus. Never needed to convert, so I cannot say how well this works though. But you can download a trial version and try it for yourself.
  6. Frickler

    SSl witout any DLL

    There is a commercial add on to Indy called YuOpenSSL, that replaces OpenSSL DLLs with Delphi DCUs.
  7. IBX2 for Lazarus can do that. DevArt IBDAC can't.
  8. Frickler

    "Death to WITH" in your Delphi Code

    Syntactic sugar. It does nothing more than that begin-end, but makes it clear (to me) that "B" is defined only for the purpose of abbreviating that expression.
  9. Frickler

    "Death to WITH" in your Delphi Code

    Do you really need A? As you can have for var i:=1 to 10 do ... why not with var B := dmStoreInventoryData.tblUpdateItemForStore do begin B.AppendRecord([1,'foo','bar',3.1415]); end; and "B" would only be visible inside the "with" block, not outside of it. Currently you have to "fake" it by begin var B := dmStoreInventoryData.tblUpdateItemForStore B.Edit; B.FieldByName('Qty').AsInteger := NewQty; B.Post; end;
  10. Frickler

    WebUI framework: Technical preview. Part 1.

    Both compile Pascal to javascript using pas2js. This seems to be more like UniGUI, Kitto or even IntraWeb, where your program itself is a webserver.
  11. Frickler

    Avoid parameter evaluation

    You mean Simula. Modula had no classes. Btw. Anonymous functions have been a feature of programming languages since Lisp in 1958. That was really a long time ago.
  12. Maybe this is why it's named "Interbase Express" and not "Firebird Express"... Do you do low level access to Firebird? There is a low level Firebird interface API for Delphi and Lazarus from MWA Software (https://www.mwasoftware.co.uk/fb-pascal-api). It provides comprehensive documentation including a guide to write UDRs with pascal.
  13. Frickler

    Delphi Pro and MongoDB components

    DevArt UniDAC supports MongoDB (dunno how well, never tested it). mORMot supports it too (https://github.com/synopse/mORMot2).
  14. Frickler

    Feedback Request - FastReports vs ReportBuilder?

    Until 2005 we used to use QuickReport Pro with QuickReport Designer, which was very buggy at that time. So we tried ReportBuilder Pro. It was very stable, had great documentation and lots of useful features. But it was so slow. Printing a report took more than ten times as long as with QR. Then we tried FastReport - and never looked back.
  15. Frickler

    Retrieve count values on different columns

    Hmm... 50 columns? So why not concatenate all of them and get the combined length, subtract this from 50 * 5 (length of "False") and you get the count of "true".