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Everything posted by Frickler

  1. Frickler

    Delphi/FireDAC and Firebird 4

    Full support including the new 128 Bit types, timestamp with timezone and the new batch API for INSERT/UPDATE? I ask because UniDAC/IBDAC only supports a subset at this time.
  2. Frickler

    Absolute Database question

    Using SQL, it's slow. But Absolute Database isn't made for SQL, but for good ol' ISAM: IndexName, SetRange, Locate, Filter, you name it. There (and in single user mode) it is really fast. And you not only don't need any DLLs to access it, you can even embed the database into the EXE (for read only databases such as catalogues).
  3. It's possible that Interbase supports only "simple case", that is case foo when 1 then 'one' when 2 then 'two' else 'many' end
  4. What if you remove the parentheses around the case statement?
  5. Frickler

    MiTeC DFM Editor 8.0.0

    Is it possible to do manipulations like "multiply all 'Left' properties by 2" using this DFM Editor?
  6. Frickler

    Firebird 3 and SP in Object Pascal

    Pascal example: https://github.com/Arcantar/FirebirdSQL_Sample
  7. Frickler

    SVG Magic released

    Could you please provide the source code of your little demo?