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Everything posted by mtjmohr

  1. Before I come back again to the Windows Service aspect, may I ask another question? On the screenshot you can see that I receive the same error message (when saving or compiling) for "DCP_3des1" and - not displayed - "DCP_sha11". These two whatsoevers belong to "DCPcrypt" and are to be found as *.pas files in their respective directories. How shall I handle this? Issue here for me is that I do not find them in the Palette ... Could you please give me another hint?
  2. Thank you, I will give it a try and report about what I have found. Also, thank you for the tip with the "ServerSocket1.Open;".
  3. This is exactly (!) the way it should look! Thank you so much, my dear helpers, all of you, here in this forum! I must confess that today within 2 hours I have learnt and understood more than during a long period of time coding in different languages as I had never really made use of one which had this Form Creator in it - I was always hooked onto the bare code. I cannot even express how thankful I am! And still, I have two last questions: This piece of software is running as a 32-bit release. If I want to compile also a 64-bit version, is there a general tip for me as to what to look for regarding "compile parameters" or can I simply change the compiler directive to 64-bit? I want to bring this "application" into a Windows service. Is there a standard procedure for handling this? Have you got some instructions where I might learn that from?
  4. Aha! It looks much better now! This is the screenshot from the live system. The declaration within the *.ini file still has to contain the proper ODBC and database declaration, but I guess this will be feasible.
  5. Now that I have commented out the "ServerSocket1" from all positions, I successfully "dropped the TServerSocket icon" into the form. The compiling process does work now, I will check into whether it runs on the target system.
  6. I have commented this out in the the "public" section and uncommented it when it first was declared. But I cannot drop the "TServerSocket" onto the form, I am getting an error:
  7. Okay, I had integrated the "dclsocket260.bpl" for RAD Studio 10.3.3 even before but never came to the idea of dropping the component icon onto the form. Can you please tell me how to do that, i. e. where the palette is from which I can take them for dropping them?
  8. I have moved the //ServerSocket1: TServerSocket; from the very first placed into the "public" segment as, when saving the file or running it, it always gave me the warning that there is no - in my own words - reference to this and the two other components. A lengthy Google search for the error told me to put these declarations into a private, protected or public section. However, the error code being the reason for the issue described has not changed independent of where I put these three lines.
  9. Hello, Kas Ob., I am here now, as you can see from the screenshot. How can I proceed from here? Especially if you take a look at the source code from my preceding message?
  10. Yes, it has to do with SetPort (EurekaLog has given me this result). Here is the code (I hope this is what you mean) from FormMain.pas: unit FormMain; interface uses DB, ADODB, Windows, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, DCPcrypt2, DCPblockciphers, DCPdes, DCPsha1, ScktComp, Classes, Forms, SysUtils, INIFiles, JvDebugHandler, //InnopactSystemUtils, Graphics, DateUtils, //mMailer, IdEMailAddress, AppEvnts, Messages, Dialogs, InnopactAppUtils, InnopactDBUtils, InnopactSystemUtils, HL7Types, //HL7Functions, HL7DLLIntegration, JvComponentBase; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) ADOConnection1: TADOConnection; ADOQuery1: TADOQuery; //ServerSocket1: TServerSocket; //DCP_sha11: TDCP_sha1; //DCP_3des1: TDCP_3des; Timer1: TTimer; Label1: TLabel; LabelServiceStatus: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; LabelInserted: TLabel; LabelRejected: TLabel; Label10: TLabel; LabelNotSaved: TLabel; LabelProcessedMessages: TLabel; Label9: TLabel; LabelPort: TLabel; Label12: TLabel; LabelStatus: TLabel; Label14: TLabel; LabelADTs: TLabel; Label17: TLabel; LabelBytesRecievedCaption: TLabel; Label19: TLabel; LabelBytes: TLabel; LabelBytesRecieved: TLabel; ButtonQuit: TButton; Label22: TLabel; LabelReconnect: TLabel; Label24: TLabel; Label27: TLabel; LabelExceptions: TLabel; Label26: TLabel; LabelA01: TLabel; Label31: TLabel; LabelA08: TLabel; Label33: TLabel; LabelP01: TLabel; Label32: TLabel; LabelDatabaseType: TLabel; Label35: TLabel; LabelODBCAlias: TLabel; LabelBytesSent: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; LabelR01: TLabel; JvDebugHandler1: TJvDebugHandler; procedure ButtonQuitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure ServerSocket1Accept(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure ServerSocket1ClientConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure ServerSocket1ClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure ServerSocket1ClientError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer); procedure ServerSocket1ClientRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure ServerSocket1Listen(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } //ServerSocket1: TServerSocket; //DCP_sha11: TDCP_sha1; //DCP_3des1: TDCP_3des; TimeOutFlag: boolean; HL7Message: string; HeaderDetected, StatusOK: boolean; EncryptedDBUsername, EncryptedDBPassword: string; FNumBytes: integer; FCountExceptions: integer; FCountInserted: integer; FCountNotSaved: integer; FCountA01: integer; FCountA04: integer; FCountA08: integer; FCountP01: integer; FCountR01: integer; FCountRejected: integer; FCountProcessedMessages: integer; FNumBytesSent: integer; FNumBytesReceived: integer; function MakeSQLDate(DatumZeit: TDateTime): string; function GetIniFilename: string; function GetLogFilename: string; procedure SetLabelAnzahl(aLabel : TLabel; aCount : integer); procedure SetCountExceptions(const Value: integer); procedure SetNumBytes(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountA01(const Value: integer); //procedure SetCountA04(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountA08(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountP01(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountR01(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountInserted(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountNotSaved(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountProcessedMessages(const Value: integer); procedure SetCountRejected(const Value: integer); procedure SetNumBytesSent(const Value: integer); procedure SetNumBytesReceived(const Value: integer); property CountProcessedMessages : integer read FCountProcessedMessages write SetCountProcessedMessages; property CountInserted : integer read FCountInserted write SetCountInserted; property CountRejected : integer read FCountRejected write SetCountRejected; property CountNotSaved : integer read FCountNotSaved write SetCountNotSaved; property CountA01 : integer read FCountA01 write SetCountA01; //property CountA04 : integer read FCountA04 write SetCountA04; property CountA08 : integer read FCountA08 write SetCountA08; property CountP01 : integer read FCountP01 write SetCountP01; property CountR01 : integer read FCountR01 write SetCountR01; property IniFilename: string read GetIniFilename; property LogFilename: string read GetLogFilename; property CountExceptions : integer read FCountExceptions write SetCountExceptions; property NumBytes : integer read FNumBytes write SetNumBytes; property NumBytesReceived : integer read FNumBytesReceived write SetNumBytesReceived; property NumBytesSent : integer read FNumBytesSent write SetNumBytesSent; public { Public declarations } ServerSocket1: TServerSocket; DCP_sha11: TDCP_sha1; DCP_3des1: TDCP_3des; end; const SoftwareProduct = ''; ACK_Table = 'hl7_messages'; NO_ACK_Table = 'hl7_messages_noack'; StrK_DB = '195asdNJU782XSCDVF986431xsyxuhuztrfrde19735628465987HKOLMXXXYAQERTWSDFGHJNBVFGTREwsawqexykxzxzz42528173928546761949999kJgDcWxXnKLbvfDREplkoRTE45rfds782145682749DFF'; MailPassword = '3ag$0zvl'; MailUserId = 'error'; var frmMain: TfrmMain; ODBCName: string = 'adipositas'; LogEmailAddress: string = ''; LogEmailSMTPServer: string = ''; HL7_Port: Cardinal = 3000; DatabaseType: string = 'MySQL'; ADT_Events: string = 'A01,A08'; TimeOutReconnect: integer = 4; HL7Version: string = 'ANDERE'; implementation uses HL7DLLIntegration, HL7Functions; {$R *.dfm} function TfrmMain.MakeSQLDate(DatumZeit: TDateTime): string; var dbt : TDBServerType; begin dbt := GetDBServerTypeFromString(DatabaseType); Result := SQLDateString(DatumZeit, dbt); end; procedure TfrmMain.ButtonQuitClick(Sender: TObject); begin ADOQuery1.Close; ADOConnection1.Close; Close; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var inf: TIniFile; DB_Username, DB_Password: string; begin frmMain.Caption := frmMain.Caption + ' ' + GetApplicationVersion; CountProcessedMessages := 0; CountInserted := 0; CountRejected := 0; CountNotSaved := 0; CountA01 := 0; //CountA04 := 0; CountA08 := 0; CountP01 := 0; NumBytes := 0; NumBytesReceived := 0; NumBytesSent := 0; CountExceptions := 0; TimeOutFlag := False; if FileExists(INIFileName) then begin inf := TIniFile.Create(INIFileName); try ADT_Events := inf.ReadString('Common', 'ADTEvents', ADT_Events); DatabaseType := inf.ReadString('Common', 'DatabaseType', DatabaseType); EncryptedDBUsername := inf.ReadString('Common', 'DatabaseUsername', EncryptedDBUsername); EncryptedDBPassword := inf.ReadString('Common', 'DatabasePassword', EncryptedDBPassword); ODBCName := inf.ReadString('Common', 'ODBCName', ODBCName); LogEmailAddress := inf.ReadString('Common', 'LogEmailAddress', LogEmailAddress); LogEmailSMTPServer := inf.ReadString('Common', 'LogEmailSMTPServer', LogEmailSMTPServer); TimeOutReconnect := StrToIntDef(inf.ReadString('Common', 'TimeOutReconnect', IntToStr(TimeOutReconnect)), 4); HL7_Port := StrToIntDef(inf.ReadString('HL7-Collector Socket', 'Port', IntToStr(HL7_Port)), 3000); except end; inf.Free; end; ServerSocket1.Port := 3000; //ServerSocket1.Port := 80; ServerSocket1.Active := True; LabelPort.Caption := IntToStr(HL7_Port); LabelADTs.Caption := ADT_Events; HeaderDetected := False; JvDebugHandler1.LogFileName := GetLogFilename; // 'OnkoManagerHL7Collector.log'; JvDebugHandler1.ExceptionLogging := True; // ========================================================================================== if ADOConnection1.Connected then ADOConnection1.Close; if (EncryptedDBUsername <> '') or (EncryptedDBPassword <> '') then begin if EncryptedDBUsername <> '' then begin // ------------ Decryption --------------------------- DCP_3DES1.InitStr(StrK_DB, TDCP_Sha1); DB_Username := DCP_3DES1.DecryptString(EncryptedDBUsername); DCP_3DES1.Burn; // ---------- End Decryption ------------------------- end; if EncryptedDBPassword <> '' then begin // ------------ Decryption --------------------------- DCP_3DES1.InitStr(StrK_DB, TDCP_Sha1); DB_Password := DCP_3DES1.DecryptString(EncryptedDBPassword); DCP_3DES1.Burn; // ---------- End Decryption ------------------------- end; ADOConnection1.ConnectionString := 'Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=' + DB_Password + ';Persist Security Info=True;User ID=' + DB_Username + ';Data Source=' + ODBCName; end else ADOConnection1.ConnectionString := 'Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=' + ODBCName; ADOConnection1.Open; if TimeOutReconnect > 0 then begin Timer1.Enabled := False; Timer1.Interval := TimeOutReconnect * 3600000; Timer1.Enabled := True; LabelReconnect.Caption := 'every ' + IntToStr(TimeOutReconnect) + ' hours.'; end else begin Timer1.Enabled := False; LabelReconnect.Caption := 'Off.'; end; LabelODBCAlias.Caption := ODBCName; LabelServiceStatus.Caption := 'Started'; LabelDatabaseType.Caption := DatabaseType; // ========================================================================================== HL7ParserSetup(PChar(IniFileName)); ServerSocket1.Open; end; function TfrmMain.GetIniFilename: string; begin Result := GetApplicationDirectory + SoftwareProduct + 'HL7Import.ini'; end; function TfrmMain.GetLogFilename: string; begin Result := GetApplicationDirectory + SoftwareProduct + 'HL7SocketCollector86.log'; end; procedure TfrmMain.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin CanClose := (MessageBox(0, 'Möchten Sie das Programm wirklich beenden?', 'Frage', MB_ICONQUESTION or MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2) = idYes); if CanClose and ServerSocket1.Active then ServerSocket1.Close; end; procedure TfrmMain.ServerSocket1Accept(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin LabelStatus.Caption := 'Connection accepted.'; end; procedure TfrmMain.ServerSocket1ClientConnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin LabelStatus.Caption := 'Client connected.'; end; procedure TfrmMain.ServerSocket1ClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin LabelStatus.Caption := 'Client disconnected.'; end; procedure TfrmMain.ServerSocket1ClientError(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket; ErrorEvent: TErrorEvent; var ErrorCode: Integer); begin LabelStatus.Caption := 'Client error !'; end; procedure TfrmMain.ServerSocket1ClientRead(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); const StartMsgChar = #11; EndMsgChar = #28#13; EndSgmChar = #13; var HL7Msg: THL7Msg; MSHPos, END_Pos: Integer; HL7_File_Flag, OS_ADT_Flag: boolean; Table, ACKMSH_Msg1_6, ACKMSH_Msg7, ACKMSH_Msg8_9, ACKMSH_Msg10, ACKMSH_Msg11, ACKMSH_Msg12, ACKMSA_Msg1_3, ACKMsg: string; dtInsert : TDateTime; function GoToSegment(pStr: string; Segment: string): integer; begin Result := Pos(Segment, pStr); end; begin LabelStatus.Caption := 'Receiving a HL7 message ...'; NumBytesReceived := NumBytesReceived + Socket.ReceiveLength; HL7Message := HL7Message + Socket.ReceiveText; MSHPos := Pos('MSH|', HL7Message); if MSHPos <> 0 then begin HeaderDetected := True; // Received at least a header of message LabelStatus.Caption := 'HL7 Header received.'; end; END_Pos := pos(#28#13, HL7Message); if END_Pos = 0 then exit; if HeaderDetected and (End_Pos <> 0) then // Received a complete message with END-Symbol begin StatusOK := True; if MSHPos > 1 then HL7Message := Copy(HL7Message, MSHPos, END_Pos + 1); //Length(HL7Message)); HL7_File_Flag := True; HL7ParserProcedure(PChar(HL7Message), PChar('DUMMY')); HL7Msg.SendApp := HL7GetSendApp; HL7Msg.SendFac1 := HL7GetSendFac1; HL7Msg.SendFac2 := HL7GetSendFac2; HL7Msg.SendFac3 := HL7GetSendFac3; HL7Msg.ReceiApp := HL7GetReceiApp; HL7Msg.ReceiFac := HL7GetReceiFac; HL7Msg.EventID := HL7GetEventID; HL7Msg.CtrlID := HL7GetCtrlID; HL7Msg.ProcID := HL7GetProcID; HL7Msg.VersID := HL7GetVersID; if Pos(HL7Msg.EventID, ADT_Events) <> 0 then OS_ADT_Flag := True else OS_ADT_Flag := False; if HL7_File_Flag then begin //if OS_ADT_Flag then //begin if TimeOutFlag then begin ADOConnection1.Close; ADOConnection1.Open; end; HL7Msg.PID := HL7GetPID; HL7Msg.Nachname := HL7GetNachname; HL7Msg.Vorname := HL7GetVorname; HL7Msg.Gebdatum := HL7GetGebdatum; if HL7Msg.PID <> '' then begin //ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO hl7_messages (PID, PatName, PatVorname, PatGebdatum, MessageText, ADT, CreateDateTime) VALUES (' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.PID) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.Nachname) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.Vorname) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.GebDatum) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Message) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.ADT) + ',' + MySQL_Date(Now) + ')'; //UPDATE mw 080825: TODO muss hier now genommen werden wegen dem löschen veralteter Nachrichten??? if HL7GetEventTimestamp <> '' then dtInsert := HL7ParseTimeStampValue(HL7GetEventTimestamp) else dtInsert := now; if OS_ADT_Flag then Table := ACK_Table else Table := NO_ACK_Table; ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO ' + Table + ' (PID, PatName, PatVorname, PatGebdatum, MessageText, ADT, CreateDateTime) VALUES (' + HL7Msg.PID + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.Nachname) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.Vorname) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.GebDatum) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Message) + ',' + QuotedStr(HL7Msg.EventID) + ',' + MakeSQLDate(dtInsert) + ')'; try ADOQuery1.ExecSQL; if HL7Msg.EventID = 'A01' then CountA01 := CountA01 + 1 else //if HL7Msg.EventID = 'A04' then CountA04 := CountA04 + 1 //else if HL7Msg.EventID = 'A08' then CountA08 := CountA08 + 1 else if HL7Msg.EventID = 'P01' then CountP01 := CountP01 + 1 else if HL7Msg.EventID = 'R01' then CountR01 := CountR01 + 1; if not OS_ADT_Flag then CountRejected := CountRejected + 1 else CountInserted := CountInserted + 1; except StatusOK := False; CountNotSaved := CountNotSaved + 1; end; end else begin StatusOK := False; CountNotSaved := CountNotSaved + 1; end; //raise ERangeError.CreateFmt('%d is not within the valid range of %d..%d', [0,0,0]); // For Test ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := ''; HL7Message := ''; //end //else //begin // CountRejected := CountRejected + 1; // StatusOK := False; //end; end else begin CountNotSaved := CountNotSaved + 1; StatusOK := False; end; end else begin CountNotSaved := CountNotSaved + 1; StatusOK := False; end; HL7Message := ''; CountProcessedMessages := CountProcessedMessages + 1; HeaderDetected := False; LabelStatus.Caption := 'Sending ACK ...'; ACKMSH_Msg1_6 := 'MSH|^~\&|' + HL7Msg.ReceiApp + '|' + HL7Msg.ReceiFac + '|' + HL7Msg.SendApp + '|' + HL7Msg.SendFac1 + HL7Msg.SendFac2 + HL7Msg.SendFac3 + '|'; ACKMSH_Msg7 := '|' + HL7GenerateTimeStampValue(now); ACKMSH_Msg8_9 := '|ACK^' + HL7Msg.EventID; ACKMSH_Msg10 := '|' + '123456'; ACKMSH_Msg11 := '|' + HL7Msg.ProcID; ACKMSH_Msg12 := '|' + HL7Msg.VersID; if StatusOK then ACKMSA_Msg1_3 := 'MSA|AA|' + HL7Msg.CtrlID + '|' else ACKMSA_Msg1_3 := 'MSA|AR|' + HL7Msg.CtrlID + '|'; ACKMsg := StartMsgChar + ACKMSH_Msg1_6 + ACKMSH_Msg7 + ACKMSH_Msg8_9 + ACKMSH_Msg10 + ACKMSH_Msg11 + ACKMSH_Msg12 + EndSgmChar + ACKMSA_Msg1_3 + EndSgmChar + EndMsgChar; NumBytesSent := NumBytesSent + Socket.SendText(ACKMsg); LabelStatus.Caption := 'Listening ...'; end; procedure TfrmMain.ServerSocket1Listen(Sender: TObject; Socket: TCustomWinSocket); begin LabelStatus.Caption := 'Listening ...'; end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountA01(const Value: integer); begin FCountA01 := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelA01, Value); end; //procedure TfrmMain.SetCountA04(const Value: integer); //begin // FCountA04 := Value; // SetLabelAnzahl(LabelA04, Value); //end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountA08(const Value: integer); begin FCountA08 := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelA08, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountExceptions(const Value: integer); begin FCountExceptions := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelExceptions, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountInserted(const Value: integer); begin FCountInserted := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelInserted, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountNotSaved(const Value: integer); begin FCountNotSaved := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelNotSaved, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountP01(const Value: integer); begin FCountP01 := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelP01, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountR01(const Value: integer); begin FCountR01 := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelR01, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountProcessedMessages(const Value: integer); begin FCountProcessedMessages := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelProcessedMessages, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetCountRejected(const Value: integer); begin FCountRejected := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelRejected, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetLabelAnzahl(aLabel: TLabel; aCount: integer); begin if aCount = 0 then aLabel.Caption := '--' else aLabel.Caption := IntToStr(aCount); aLabel.Refresh; end; procedure TfrmMain.SetNumBytes(const Value: integer); begin FNumBytes := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelBytes, Value); end; procedure TfrmMain.SetNumBytesReceived(const Value: integer); begin FNumBytesReceived := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelBytesRecieved, Value); NumBytes := NumBytesSent + NumBytesReceived; end; procedure TfrmMain.SetNumBytesSent(const Value: integer); begin FNumBytesSent := Value; SetLabelAnzahl(LabelBytesSent, Value); NumBytes := NumBytesSent + NumBytesReceived; end; procedure TfrmMain.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin TimeOutFlag := True; try ADOConnection1.Close; ADOConnection1.Open; finally TimeOutFlag := False; end; end; end. One addition: The source describes "ServerSocket1.Port := 3000;". This is just a test. The original code is "ServerSocket1.Port := HL7_Port;".
  11. Sorry, I forgot one screenshot only available when RD Studio 10.3.3 is open. Here it is. The code shown starts at line 274 of System.Win.ScktComp.
  12. Hello, FPiette, it is enough to open and close the port. I have a test-server here in python which does nothing else than listen on port 3000, so it is possible to open this port notwithstanding all Kasperskies etc. 0x... is the reading address of the access violation, but to better define it I will produce a screenshot and post it here (see the ensuing screenshots). Yes, I ran the code under the respective product debuggers. I can show you the call stack from "madExcept" here (screenshot) and the lines of code it refers to in System.Win.ScktComp. Running compiling and building the code requires some .pas files, they are all included (as mentioned in my preceding message). The source code is available per so or through *.dpr or *.dproj files. Then, we have been using EurekaLog v6.x to help us coding, now I have been using madExcept 5. My software wants to have an ODBC statement (this can be seen from the source code and the *.ini file from which data are read), but this is not necessary to have since this error goes away when the ODBC definition is set up properly. At the moment, I cannot think of anything more to watch for. And if you were not to use either of these "helpers", then the error should pop up, you can continue the program by acknowledging the error, and then under "Port:", where "3000" should be displayed, there is merely a "-----" to be seen (default value or placeholder when something does not work correctly). The sources contain EVERYTHING, i. e. also the code for producing the DLL file. BTW: I have tried to compile this with RAD Studio 10..3.3 CE, the screenshots will show you what it shows and does not show. Another screenshot, the last one regarding its timestamp, is taken from a live system running on Windows Server 2016 (please follow the timestamps of the screenshots for a timely overview what succeed what). Sorry for the source code comments being in German and my "germanization" for version
  13. As I have stated in my initial message, I am not really experienced with coding in Delphi. Therefore, I would prefer to continue with the existing code which - in the past of 2010 and even, as I found out regarding previous versions, before - could be compiled and run ... it runs on any Windows workstation since Windows XP and on any Windows server since version 2000 (I have personally set up the software on all of them throughout time ...). I am using EurkekaLog and maxExcept to help me debugging the issue, and both of them, separately, "tell" me that the access violation error is at a specific address, each time the same, and it seems that this error is thrown every time the port 3000 is opened and closed again (since the error 0x00000044 [port open] and then 0x00000040 [port close] on RAD Studio 2007 on Windows XP SP3 and on RAD Studio 10.3.3 CE on Windows 10 Pro and, alternatively, the error 0x00000034 [port open] and then 0x00000030 [port close] on Windows XP SP3 are identified in relation to the port opening and closing processes at the start and the end of the program). For the development: Another error, not in the form of access violation, is thrown when there is no MSSQL or MySQL on the underlying OS driver defined and accessible - this is not an issue since I do not have either of them defined in my development systems and do know that this error is going away once I have done so. I have on top other instruments to check the execution of the code using various disassemblers and debuggers but do not want to go into the decompiled assembler code for the motive of time. Personally, I think it might have to do something with the port opening and closing issue which I do not experience for other software. My "security" background on the Windows 10 Pro laptop is the very latest version of Kaspersky Total Internet Security. When I do a simple port check whether I can open a server app on port 3000 and communicate with it by means of a bit of Python code, this connection is established. Would it help to give you the source code to be able to check this? I would be very grateful if someone could try to reproduce this issue. The ZIPped package comes with all original source code from 2009 up to 2011 and the necessary units (DCPcrypt, TMailer, RxLib, JEDI jcl and jcvl as well as a separate unit, developed by one of the two original coders, for your convenience of installing). If the answer is yes, then I would give access to the code on my Google Drive (the sources are small and contain various versions of the original EXE and DLL files, but the JEDIx.zip is about 22 MB), all in all about 34 MB. either by posting the link here or sending it to you in a private email, as you please. This "offer" is by no means a new scamming technique or an attempt to plant a malware. I simply would like to go on developing and renewing this system but right now I stumble over that error which I cannot resolve. The software per se is a "socket listener". Its use once again as stated in my initial message to avoid scrolling back: "Basically, a third party data integration server installed in a hospital extracts data from the underlying Clinical Information System, transforms them into HL7 spec. 2.2, 2.3 or 2.5 and then sends such a so-called ADT message to port 3000 to which on the Windows server where my HL7-Server listens to - once it has acknowledged the ADT message's validity, my HL7 server shoves the received data into a MySQL database table for further processing.". Further development here does not merely mean to enrich functionality on the Delphi code side (some of which is already given but commented out) but to enhance the accompanying functionality within my PHP code for the medical data documentation and analysis suite which I have developed since 2010 and is running in several European countries in various flavours. Since the data import from clinical information systems which is what my program does into a secondary system has always been critical regarding finances and data security aspects, clinics and societies documenting are slowly understanding the ease by which this data import can be handled, so there has been new interest in that which, hence, leads me to change and enhance the capabilities of my import software. Thus, I try to follow the course of time and attitudes of people in a personal attempt to make their more and more important documentation work easier. Just to give you a reason why this entire thing now has become more important than during the last 10 years. Sorry for such a long text but I wanted to give you a little explanation for my addressing you.
  14. Thank you, Angus, I have installed Delphi 7 under Windows 10 Pro, it works, yes, but the issues remain the same, of course. First reason to change to a more recent development system was the wish to develop a 64-bit application, too, and maybe to create a Windows service instead of a mere application. Apart from " Changing all Striing definitions to AnsiString" - any other idea what I could do?