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Everything posted by angusj

  1. Edit: New Vcl.Imaging.QOI unit uploaded to GitHub. See https://github.com/AngusJohnson/TQoiImage
  2. OK, all fixed now. I've attached a working example. The example loads a QOI file and saves it to BMP, then loads the saved BMP and saves that to a second QOI, and finally loads the second QOI and saves as a second BMP. Edit: Another minor bugfix (with thanks to feedback from kadaif). Edit2: Deleted obsolete attachment. See post below.
  3. The following seems OK reading QOI files/streams ... Edit: Just spotted an occassional artefact in the rendered images that I'm now chasing. I've also written the WriteToStream code (that seems bug free) that I'll upload once I've found and fixed the bug in the ReadFromStream code above. Edit2: Code sample above deleted. See bugfixed version in zip package below.
  4. Persisting with my dance analogy, being so late to the dance everyone has partnered up. IOW, browers must support formats that webpages use, and webpages will use what browsers support. But as I said above, there's little cost to browsers supporting QOI given the simplicity of the compression and decompression algorithms. Time will tell.
  5. QOI is certainly very late to the dance but she's very pretty (very simple to implement and good compression). So I wouldn't be surprised if browsers quickly supported this new format too.
  6. OK, sorry David. Just showing my ignorance again 😢.
  7. What comes to mind is a client server model using batches (along the lines of database data entry). IOW, let the end user decide when to process the batch/ update.
  8. Image32 is a 2D graphics library written entirely in Delphi Pascal. It provides an extensive range of image manipulation functions and includes a polygon renderer that supports a wide range of filling options. Documentation: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/_Body.htm Examples: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Examples.htm Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/image32/
  9. Hi again Tim. I see in another thread that you've installed Image32 as part of SVGIconImageList. I suspect the problem lies there and you may need to temporarily uninstall SVGIconImageList and reinstalling Image32 before compiling the FMX sample apps. Otherwise, I'm not aware of anyone else having problems with compiling the samples.
  10. Hi Tim. What version of Delphi are you using? Older versions of Delphi don't contain the FMX library.
  11. It's a soon to be released **experimental** (or proof of concept) unit that creates visual controls entirely independant of VCL and FMX. However, these controls would really require a lot of work to make genuinely useful and ISTM that I'm probably just reinventing the wheel. Having said that this new Img32.CTRL unit could be very useful if there were reasonably simple Linux, Android and Mac equivalents of the Window's CreateWindow/WindowProc GUI.
  12. Hi wuwuxin. Here are several short videos that demonstrate Image32's interactive capabilities... http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Videos/img32.ctrls.mkv http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Videos/layers301.mkv http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Videos/layers201.mkv
  13. angusj

    A way to collapse Defines in the IDE??

    Sorry, I misread your OP. I thought you were trying to hide the define statements themselves, not the code inside these conditions.
  14. angusj

    A way to collapse Defines in the IDE??

    Have you considered using an include?
  15. angusj

    Skia versus VCL for plotting points

    I got the impression from the OP that he was primarily interested in relative performance (ie Skia vs VCL) rather than perfectly optimised performance. I think we've demonstrated that third-party libraries offer no performance benefit when we're only considering coloring individual pixels.
  16. angusj

    Skia versus VCL for plotting points

    Hi hsauro. Image32 should be completely cross-platform, so I'd be very interested if you've encountered problems in that regard. I also doubt this since the drawing is done by directly addressing (ie coloring) every individual pixel (not by using a polygon renderer). There'd be little to no benefit in using another graphics library here. You could perhaps marginally improve pixel addressing by converting the temporary bitmap into a pf32bit pixelformat, getting the base image address (from bitmap.Scanline[bitmap.Height -1]) and efficiently offsetting that pointer to color everything (as per below). procedure DrawMandelbrotVCL2(bmp: TBitmap; X, Y, au, bu: Double; X2, Y2: Integer); var c1, c2, z1, z2, tmp: Double; i, j, Count, rgb: Integer; hue, saturation, value : double; fr, fg, fb : single; ACanvas: TCanvas; p, currPixel: PColor; bytesPerLine: integer; begin bmp.PixelFormat := pf32bit; //nb: should probably test here for the occas. non-inverted image p := bmp.ScanLine[0]; bytesPerLine := bmp.Width; c2 := bu; for i := 10 to X2 - 1 do begin c1 := au; currPixel := p; inc(currPixel, i); for j := 0 to Y2 - 1 do begin z1 := 0; z2 := 0; Count := 0; // count is deep of iteration of the mandelbrot set // if |z| >=2 then z is not a member of a mandelset while (((z1 * z1 + z2 * z2 < 4) and (Count <= 50))) do begin tmp := z1; z1 := z1 * z1 - z2 * z2 + c1; z2 := 2 * tmp * z2 + c2; Inc(Count); end; // The color depends on the number of iterations hue := count / 50; saturation := 0.6; value := 0.5; currPixel^ := TColor(HSLtoRGB(hue, saturation, value)); c1 := c1 + X; dec(currPixel, bytesPerLine); end; c2 := c2 + Y; end; end;
  17. OK, so if I understand you correctly, you're wanting to create SVG files but use ImageEN to read and render them. My strong recomendation is to create SVGs in UTF-8 format. SVGs were initially designed for web display and it's very rare to find an SVG file that isn't UTF-8 encoded (and just about everything web related is UTF-8). HTHs.
  18. I'm somewhat confused by your questions. Your first sentence implies you're wanting to bypass the rendering done by ImageEN (mentioned in your fourth sentence). Is that your intention? If so, are you intending to write your own SVG parser and renderer?
  19. Actually I forgot to mention 😱, you have to load some fonts before they can be rendered in Image32 (and SVG files only very rarely contain font resources). Image32 reads TrueType fonts both directly from files or indirectly through the OS as demo'ed in SVG101 ... procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ... FontManager.Load('Arial'); FontManager.Load('Arial Bold'); FontManager.Load('Arial Italic'); FontManager.Load('Arial Bold Italic'); FontManager.Load('Times New Roman'); FontManager.Load('Times New Roman Bold'); FontManager.Load('Times New Roman Italic'); FontManager.Load('Times New Roman Bold Italic'); and make sure you add Img32.Text to your uses clause. Also, you don't need to load a whole lot of fonts, just the ones that you'll need. More info here: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Units/Img32.Text/_Body.htm You certainly don't need ImagePanel, that's just useful for displaying images on a form. You can just save images to file if you wish.
  20. Hi misc_bb. Yes, I think you are 😜. Try modifying the SVG101 sample by adding a TSaveDialog control (with filters for PNG and JPG file types). Then make sure both Img32.Fmt.PNG and Img32.Fmt.JPG are in you uses clause. Finally add a mainmenu option with the following OnClick event: procedure TForm1.SaveAs1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if SaveDialog1.Execute then ImagePanel.Image.SaveToFile(SaveDialog1.FileName); end; Edit: If the image has transparency, make sure you save it as in PNG format, otherwise you'll probably get a black background. Edit2: And if you don't want to add that extra bit of code, just make sure the image panel has focus (in SVG101) and click Ctrl+C. Then you can paste the result into your favorite image editor.
  21. Done. Also, there was a problem with the last update where I failed to upload a recent change in Img32.pas which caused problems in Img32.Layers. That's now fixed too. I've also made a minor update to the Layers301 sample application. https://sourceforge.net/projects/image32/files/
  22. Just updated to version 3.2 https://sourceforge.net/projects/image32/
  23. Using your metaphor they're only optional if you buy the sports car. 😜
  24. Try this ... unit Img32.SVG.Reader; .... TElement = class private .... fId : UTF8String; public .... property Id: UTF8String read fId; end; procedure Id_Attrib(aOwnerEl: TElement; const value: UTF8String); begin aOwnerEl.fId := value; //ADD THIS LINE aOwnerEl.fReader.fIdList.AddObject(string(value), aOwnerEl); end;
  25. @Rollo62 I've just uploaded to Image32's SourceForge repository another update to the SVG reader. The changes are primarily in anticipation of future animation but they should also allow you to dynamically change (most) element properties including fill and stroke colors, opacity etc. https://sourceforge.net/p/image32/code/ci/master/tree/source/ Example: procedure ChangeNearBlackPenToNavy(element: TElement); var i: integer; dd: TDrawData; begin if (element.DrawData.strokeColor <> clInvalid) and (element.DrawData.strokeColor <> clNone32) and (RgbToHsl(element.DrawData.strokeColor).lum < 5) then begin dd := element.DrawData; dd.strokeColor := clNavy32; element.DrawData := dd; end; //recursively call all children for i := 0 to element.ChildCount -1 do ChangeNearBlackPenToNavy(element[i]); end; //and to use the above procedure begin if not svgReader.LoadFromFile(fn) then Exit; //edit the loaded SVG elements ChangeNearBlackPenToNavy(svgReader.RootElement); //draw the edited SVG elements svgReader.DrawImage(ImagePanel.Image, true); end;