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Everything posted by avk

  1. Well, yes, I forgot to mention, in the benchmark all sortings except QuicksortPlus from LGenerics.
  2. They are all adaptive to one degree or another. However, you can check it yourself.
  3. I appreciate your interest. But it still seems to me that your QuicksortPlus is not in a hurry. Anyway, my own benchmark looks like this: Sorted Reverse OrganPipe Random QuickSort 0,0073 0,0135 0,2448 0,7248 IntroSort 0,0064 0,0134 0,2122 0,7448 DualPivotQuickSort 0,0064 0,0134 0,27 0,7356 PDQSort 0,0064 0,0136 0,549 0,388 MergeSort 0,0066 0,0125 0,0362 0,9725 RadixSort 0,006 0,013 0,2692 0,2554 TimSort 0,0064 0,0126 0,044 1,255 QuicksortPlus 0,4123 0,4246 2,1564 1,5676 for an array of 10 M integers and Sorted Reverse OrganPipe Random QuickSort 0,0643 0,1363 2,6703 8,4403 IntroSort 0,0793 0,1557 2,3547 8,529 DualPivotQuickSort 0,0643 0,1363 2,9583 8,4367 PDQSort 0,0643 0,1363 6,2103 4,2567 MergeSort 0,0647 0,1263 0,3347 11,114 RadixSort 0,0597 0,1313 3,268 2,4947 TimSort 0,065 0,126 0,4107 15,0483 QuicksortPlus 5,1873 5,3153 30,6993 18,7067 for an array of 100 M integers