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stacker_liew last won the day on June 5 2022

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  1. Although ASM is very important in programming language, but no productivity at all, especially in risc environment.
  2. stacker_liew

    ChatGPT Converted Unit

    I use ChatGPT convert a JavaScript script to Delphi (Firemonkey) unit, it seems have error, can anyone check for it. unit LakeEffect; interface uses System.Types, System.Classes, FMX.Controls, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Types, FMX.Objects; type TLakeEffect = class(TImage) private FSpeed: Single; FScale: Single; FWaves: Integer; FImage: Boolean; FCanvas: TCanvas; FFrames: TArray<TBitmap>; FFrame: Integer; FMaxFrames: Integer; FOffset: Single; FImgLoaded: Boolean; procedure CreateFrames; procedure LoadImage(Sender: TObject); procedure TimerTick(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Speed: Single read FSpeed write FSpeed; property Scale: Single read FScale write FScale; property Waves: Integer read FWaves write FWaves; property Image: Boolean read FImage write FImage; end; implementation uses System.Math; constructor TLakeEffect.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FSpeed := 1; FScale := 1; FWaves := 10; FImage := True; FCanvas := TCanvas.Create; FFrames := nil; FFrame := 0; FMaxFrames := 0; FOffset := 0; FImgLoaded := False; end; destructor TLakeEffect.Destroy; begin FCanvas.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLakeEffect.CreateFrames; var Img: TBitmap; Ca: TBitmap; Id: TBitmapData; Odd: TBitmapData; W, H, DW, DH: Integer; Pixel, J, Displacement, M, N, Sign: Integer; X, Y: Integer; begin Img := TBitmap.Create; try Img.LoadFromFile('path_to_image.jpg'); // 請替換為你的圖像路徑 Ca := TBitmap.Create(Img.Width, Img.Height * 2); Ca.Canvas.BeginScene; Ca.Canvas.DrawBitmap(Img, TRectF.Create(0, 0, Img.Width, Img.Height), TRectF.Create(0, 0, Ca.Width, Ca.Height), 1); Ca.Canvas.Scale := PointF(1, -1); Ca.Canvas.DrawBitmap(Img, TRectF.Create(0, -Img.Height * 2, Img.Width, 0), TRectF.Create(0, -Ca.Height, Ca.Width, 0), 1); Ca.Canvas.EndScene; FCanvas.Assign(Ca.Canvas); W := Ca.Width; H := Ca.Height; DW := W; DH := H div 2; Img.Map(TMapAccess.Read, Id); try Odd.SetSize(W, H); Odd.Map(TMapAccess.Write, Id.PixelFormat); for Y := 0 to DH - 1 do begin for X := 0 to DW - 1 do begin Displacement := Trunc(FScale * 10 * (Sin(DH / (Y / FWaves)) + (-FOffset))); J := ((Displacement + Y) * W + X + Displacement) * 4; if J < 0 then begin Pixel := Pixel + 4; Continue; end; M := J mod (W * 4); N := Trunc(FScale * 10 * (Y / FWaves)); if (M < N) or (M > (W * 4) - N) then begin Sign := IfThen(Y < W / 2, 1, -1); Odd.SetPixel(X, Y, Odd.GetPixel(X, Displacement + Y) * Sign); Continue; end; if Id.GetAlpha(J) <> 0 then begin Odd.SetPixel(X, Y, Id.GetPixel(J)); end else begin Odd.SetPixel(X, Y, Odd.GetPixel(X, Y - W div 2)); end; end; end; FOffset := FOffset + FSpeed; FFrame := FFrame + 1; FFrames := FFrames + [Odd.Clone]; if FOffset > FSpeed * (6 / FSpeed) then begin FOffset := 0; FMaxFrames := FFrame - 1; FFrame := 0; Exit; end; if FOffset <= FSpeed * (6 / FSpeed) then begin CreateFrames; end; finally Img.Unmap(Id); Odd.Unmap; end; finally Ca.Free; Img.Free; end; end; procedure TLakeEffect.LoadImage(Sender: TObject); begin FImgLoaded := True; FCanvas.BeginScene; FCanvas.DrawBitmap(FFrames[FFrame], TRectF.Create(0, FCanvas.Height / 2, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height), TRectF.Create(0, FCanvas.Height / 2, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height), 1); FCanvas.EndScene; FFrame := FFrame + 1; if FFrame > FMaxFrames then begin FFrame := 0; end; end; procedure TLakeEffect.TimerTick(Sender: TObject); begin if FImgLoaded then begin FCanvas.BeginScene; if not FImage then begin FCanvas.DrawBitmap(FFrames[FFrame], TRectF.Create(0, 0, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height div 2), TRectF.Create(0, 0, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height div 2), 1); end else begin FCanvas.DrawBitmap(FFrames[FFrame], TRectF.Create(0, FCanvas.Height div 2, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height), TRectF.Create(0, FCanvas.Height div 2, FCanvas.Width, FCanvas.Height), 1); end; FCanvas.EndScene; FFrame := FFrame + 1; if FFrame > FMaxFrames then begin FFrame := 0; end; end; end; end.
  3. stacker_liew

    Why This App No Screen?

  4. stacker_liew

    Why This App No Screen?

    I use ChatGPT to convert a Vcl Tetris to FMX Version, compile is ok, but no screen, any one can help?FMXTetris.7z FMXTetris.7z
  5. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    Use fingerprint {is deprecated, so untick will be ok}
  6. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    Project->Options->User Permission->Use biometric, Use fingerprint {must tick}
  7. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    I know what happen, I forget to tick two permissions in project option.
  8. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    I'm using Android 12, it skip the Request Permission section. RAD 11.3.1 FMX 64 bits.
  9. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    This is new one. NewBiometricAuthDemo.7z
  10. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    I followed your instruction, still won't work. Here is the source.
  11. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    This is the new one without third party components. NewBiometricAuthDemo.7z
  12. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    Wait...I create another one which without third party component.
  13. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    It should display the request permission dialog, but it won't. I'm using Android 12.
  14. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    I checked the Biometric Authorization Service, still won't work.
  15. stacker_liew

    Any Demo On How To Use TBiometricAuth In Delphi

    OK, thanks.