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Everything posted by stacker_liew

  1. stacker_liew

    uniGUI Question

    Anyone using uniGUI here? I have some question to ask. Thanks
  2. stacker_liew

    Does RIO 10.3 Support IOS 12.1?

    Anyone tried it? I faced e8008015 error while installing app into the device, any solution?
  3. stacker_liew

    Does RIO 10.3 Support IOS 12.1?

    After I ran the xcode project, then I delete the xcode app, and run the Delphi project again, now it's successfully running, thanks.
  4. stacker_liew

    Does RIO 10.3 Support IOS 12.1?

    The empty project is running perfectly in ipad using xcode.
  5. stacker_liew

    Does RIO 10.3 Support IOS 12.1?

    Don't know how to use xcode to run project in ipad, not in simulator.
  6. stacker_liew

    Does RIO 10.3 Support IOS 12.1?

    xcode version 10.1, sdk version 12.1, I connected my ipad and detected in my rio 10.3 ide. PAServer 20 I tried with Tokyo 10.2.3, with PAServer 19 also with same result.