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Posts posted by stacker_liew

  1. 9 hours ago, MJBComp said:

    When i close Delphi i get a list of 30 or more error screens regarding GExperts.  Here is a screenshot of just one of the screens.  Notice it says 'expert 1'.  As i click OK the next error will be 'expert 2', then 'expert 3', etc... up through 40 or so error screens.


    Each of the Error Screens always displays the same 'Read of address xxxxxxxxx'.   I can uninstall, and reinstall GExperts and it will work a time or two and then start giving these errors.  I always have to end-task on Delphi.


    Its worth noting that i don't have GExperts Toolbar in my IDE along the top of the Editor Window.  It is a default installation where i get to the GExpert features from its own Menu in Delphi.


    I installed GXRS10.4_1.3.21_experimental-twm_2022-04-09.exe  then downloaded the code to bring the build up to 3853 fix the case-sensitivity issue.


    Perhaps there is a different/newer combination i could use that might solve the problem.


    Any thoughts on what it could be?




    I got this error while using IDE 11.1.5 every exiting the IDE.

  2. On 7/10/2022 at 1:46 AM, Stano said:

    Nothing was overwritten. Because I always had only one instance displayed! But I saw more instances in task manager. Usually two. Both instances went to 30%. The responses were long and sometimes it was impossible to do anything. I already knew how much it beats.
    Fortunately, it calmed down.

    Sometimes the IDE won't close probably event user had select exit or click the windows close button, still we have to use task manager to force close it.

    • Like 1

  3. 1 hour ago, corneliusdavid said:

    Show us the code that calls this dialog box. Perhaps there's something else we're not understanding about what you're doing.

    procedure TFireDACDemoForm.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
      case MessageDlg('Ready To Quit?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) of
          CanClose := True;
          CanClose := False;

    That's my code.
