Hello! I am using Delphi Community Edition to build a simple SQLite Database app using FireDac.
On a form I have a DBGrid, 2 DBedit and 1 DBMemo and a DBNavigator.
The odd behavior is as follows. If I use the DBNavigator to scroll to a record and then click the DBNavigator insert button, I can begin entering data in the DBEdit controls and begin creating the record. All works as it should.
*** However if I use the DBGrid to navigate to a record and then click the DBNavigator's insert button, as soon as I enter a DBedit field to begin entering data it behaves as if a Cancel edit gets fired. The DBEdit Controls go from blank and ready to receive data to displaying the previous record's data. ***
I have to click the DBNavigator's insert button a second time in order to actually begin entering data.
To further test the behavior I have placed a regular Tbutton on the Form and in it's click event placed a FDQuery.insert; That works as it should.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated. I have spent 2+ hours with no success.
Thank you