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  1. One major drawback is the bad debugger of the 32-bit Clang tool chain. Expect missing variables (you can not even see the values in the watch list) and even wrong variable values, especially when using the same variable name within a function but in different scopes, like for ( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { ... } for ( int i = 1; i < 7; ++i ) { ... }
  2. hansw

    Problem with linking of Midas.dll on 64 bit

    The source code of the midas.dll seems to be distributed with C++Builder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\23.0\source\data\dsnap\midas Maybe you can build a static 64-bit static library from it.
  3. hansw

    Problem with linking of Midas.dll on 64 bit

    You can use mkexp to create the import library file: mkexp midas.a midas.dll Then you should replace your "#pragma comment(lib...)" and #pragma link commands with just one command: #pragma comment(lib, "midas") By omitting the extension the linker will automatically use ".lib" resp. ".a" depending on the platform. HTH, Hans
  4. If you are not using runtime packages, then you could check for the libraries listed in the <LIBRARIES> section of the .bpr file. Usually third-party packages are installed outside the C++Builder application directory.
  5. I would definitely recommend to create a new project with C++Builder 12 and then add the used files to the project. The project file structure has changed a long time ago to support multiple build configurations (debug/release, win32/win64). You should also convert all DFM files to text (with C++Builder 5), so you any easily track modifications done by the upgrade. Regards, Hans
  6. You could also use FloatToStrF() which returns a UnicodeString using the local decimal separator. In case you want get a double value from an input text, you could use TryStrToFloat() which returns TRUE if the input is a valid floating point number (which avoids an exception in case the input text is invalid).
  7. Hello, I have a very similar problem. I get an ilink64 access violation in 64-bit debug build only. It happens only in one of our projects (which uses TMS VCL UI Pack) - and we have several (even more complex) projects using TMS which all build without any problems. I filed a QP report https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-680 but I cannot provide a simple example project. Maybe you can attach your example project to the report and I can test if I can reproduce the problem. Regards, Hans
  8. Hi Roger, thanks for the clarification. Then it seems I'm as lost as you are. You could try to run the make from the RAD Studio command prompt: msbuild /t:Make /p:"Config=Release" /p:"platform=Win64" /v:diag "MYPROJECTNAME.cbproj" Please note that you will have to define user environment variables manually in the command prompt, if they are set in the IDE (Tools | Options | Environment Variables) only. I guess you will have to open an Embarcadero support case. Regards, Hans
  9. Hi Roger, you have to set the Verbosity option to Diagnostic and you have to turn Twine Compile off. Now when the linker fails you have to switch in the messages area to the Output page. There you can see which heap is running out of memory. It's described here: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Handling_Linker_Out_of_Memory_Errors Twine Compile does not seem to intercept these output messages. HTH, Hans
  10. Hi, you must not increment and refer to a variable in one statement. It's undefined behavior, because the result depends on whether AData[ui3++] or AData[ui3] is evaluated first. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33743254/c-unsequenced-modification-and-access-to-i
  11. hansw

    C++Builder 11 - any way of compiling .PAS?

    You can use C++Builder to install Delphi packages with some manual steps. First you compile the package from the command line: "%BDS%\bin\dcc32.exe" -JL -LE<BPL_OUTPUTDIR> -NB<DCP_OUTPUTDIR> -NH<INCLUDEDIR> Package.dpk Afterwards you can use the IDE (Component -> Install Packages -> Add) to register the bpl manually. HTH, Hans
  12. Please put your votes here: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-16123 You can also send a PM to David Millington (David DOT Millington AT embarcadero DOT com) to bring some more attention to the topic. Regards, Hans
  13. hansw

    [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'DATA.OBJ'

    I would assume that the library paths for bcc32c are different from the paths for the classic compiler. You could compare the arguments passed to ilink32 in both settings. HTH, Hans
  14. Do you mean the "SORTA Compile" feature which should have an option to be turned off?
  15. Hi, I am not using 10.4, but in my TwineCompile options in the "Plugin" area there is an option called "Compile files/projects without saving them." - which I have turned off, and it saves before compiling. HTH, Hans