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Juan C.Cilleruelo

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Everything posted by Juan C.Cilleruelo

  1. Juan C.Cilleruelo

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

    Where is this info?: TBCDField converts the data from a BCD value to a currency value when it fetches the data from the database table, and converts it from a currency value to a binary-coded decimal value when it posts the data.
  2. Juan C.Cilleruelo

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

    TBcd is a complex data type. I think I can't make mathematical operations directly with two TBCD types. I'm thinking in Currency type. But this implies convert every TBCDField value to Currency and vice-versa to assign the value from database to my variables and returning the values to the database. It's complex. I think. Anyone knows a good solution? Thanks in advance.