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  1. Hi, thanks, i managed to get a license file on another pc.
  2. Hi, After I enter my serial and press Register, it says it can't connect to the server. Trying to register online gives license.embarcadero.com refused to connect. Thanks for help.
  3. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    I didn't see your question about the numeric values. The é = 101 and the ä = 116. The corresponding chars in my diacritics table are 233 and 228 though. i tried changing them with if (newName[i] == 101 || newName[i] == 116) { newName[i] = (newName[i] == 101 ? 'e' : 'a'); OutputDebugStringW(newName.c_str()); changed = true; } But i get: Debug Output: Duo Canope´e play Sta¨ndchen by Franz Schubert on a 1968 D. Friederich Guitar & Violoncello.webm Process diacritics.exe (2792)
  4. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    But how can R.Name be 'Duo Canopée play Ständchen by Franz Schubert on a 1968 D. Friederich Guitar & Violoncello.webm' and widechar W = R.Name[10] a plain e? Yes i was using [ blocks ], thanks.
  5. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    the forum does not display the code correctly, i have to use spaces in the bracket like newName[ i ] Forgot to say, other files with diacritics are catched, just this particular one is not. Duo Canopée play Ständchen by Franz Schubert on a 1968 D. Friederich Guitar & Violoncello.webm If i put this in the findfirst/next loop R.Name is still the original but ch becomes plain 'e' if (R.Name.Pos("Duo Canop")) { WideChar ch = R.Name[10]; }
  6. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    You are right, it was a my fault, i did not test it properly, the file is catched with plain RTL functions, only that file is never having detected to have diacritics, never gets added to the listview. const int DIACRITIC_COUNT = 29; static const WideChar diacritics[DIACRITIC_COUNT] = { L'á', L'à', L'â', L'ä', L'ã', L'å', L'é', L'è', L'ê', L'ë', L'í', L'ì', L'î', L'ï', L'ó', L'ò', L'ô', L'ö', L'õ', L'ú', L'ù', L'û', L'ü', L'ý', L'ÿ', L'ñ', L'ç', L'Ñ' }; static const WideChar replacements[DIACRITIC_COUNT] = { L'a', L'a', L'a', L'a', L'a', L'a', L'e', L'e', L'e', L'e', L'i', L'i', L'i', L'i', L'o', L'o', L'o', L'o', L'o', L'u', L'u', L'u', L'u', L'y', L'y', L'n', L'c', L'N' }; if (FindFirst(dir + "\\*.*", faAnyFile, R) == 0) do if(!(R.Attr & faDirectory)) { String newName = R.Name; bool changed = false; for(int i = 1; i <= newName.Length(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < DIACRITIC_COUNT; j++) { if(newName == diacritics[j]) { newName = replacements[j]; changed = true; } } if(changed) { TListItem* item = ListView1->Items->Add(); item->Caption = R.Name; item->SubItems->Add(newName); } } while (FindNext(R) == 0); FindClose(R);
  7. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    Hi Remy, the files i mention really did not show up using the RTL ones. Off course i would prefer that. And using the debugger i got strange names like Canope´e play Sta¨ndchen.
  8. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    The debugger displays the name like Debug Output: Duo Canope´e play Sta¨ndchen by Franz Schubert on a 1968 D. Friederich Guitar & Violoncello.webm How do i catch these so i can rename them? Edit, had to use the windows FindFirstFileW to get it right. Ps, I have used c++builder 12 in the past, this one is real shitty. FindFile/Next not working properly. Properties not surviving oncreate(), i had a crash that trashed my source completely, mwooooooh. I'm not gonna port my main app to this version.
  9. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    damn, it should be, newName [ i ]
  10. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    it should read newName [ i ] = replacements[j]; but the board does not let me change that.
  11. JeanCremers

    filenames with unicode chars

    i have this code, but it does not catch the filename 'Duo Canopée play Ständchen by Franz Schubert on a 1968 D. Friederich Guitar & Violoncello.webm', why not??? #define DIACRITIC_COUNT 10 static const WideChar diacritics[DIACRITIC_COUNT] = { L'á', L'à', L'â', L'ä', L'ã', L'å', L'é', L'è', L'ê', L'ë', }; static const WideChar replacements[DIACRITIC_COUNT] = { L'a', L'a', L'a', L'a', L'a', L'a', L'e', L'e', L'e', L'e', }; if(FindFirst(dir + L"\\*.*", faAnyFile, sr) == 0) { do { if(!(sr.Attr & faDirectory)) { String newName = sr.Name; bool changed = false; for(int i = 1; i <= newName.Length(); i++) { WideChar ch = newName; for (int j = 0; j < DIACRITIC_COUNT; j++) { if(ch == diacritics[j]) { newName = replacements[j]; changed = true; } } } if(changed) { TListItem* item = ListView1->Items->Add(); item->Caption = sr.Name; item->SubItems->Add(newName); } } } while(FindNext(sr) == 0); FindClose(sr); }
  12. JeanCremers

    communicate between 2 progs with sendmessage.

    Thanks a bunch again Remy, i've got it working like a charm.
  13. JeanCremers

    communicate between 2 progs with sendmessage.

    Thanks Remy. I'm getting EOSError 'System Error. Code 1411, Class does not exist.' This is c++builder 6 🙂 Edit, i also tried void __fastcall TAstroClockMainForm::ApplicationEvents1Message(tagMSG &Msg, bool &Handled) { if (Msg.message == WM_APP) Application->MessageBox("", "", MB_OK); } and HWND hwnd = FindWindow("TAstroclockMainForm", NULL); if (hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_APP, 0, 0);
  14. Ok, so one prog does for instance HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, "myprog"); if (hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_USER, 0, 0); And what exactly should the other prog do? I have this, but it's not working. in form constructor Application->HookMainWindow(&AppHook); bool __fastcall TMainForm::AppHook(TMessage &Message) { if (Message.Msg == WM_USER) { Application->MessageBox("", "", MB_OK); return true; } return false; } But i'm not getting any msg there. Thanks.
  15. JeanCremers

    IsZero or SameValue

    Can't do, i need type double, its for a script language and it has no currency type, but it has double. And this works for my needs.