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  1. Andry

    ScoreBoard StopWatch

    Hello all, I'm trying to create a scoreboard, I need to use a stopwatch that can be paused and then resumed. I've already tried with a Timer, a TStopWatch but it's the Pause/Resume function that bothers me a bit. Could you suggest me something for this feature. Andry
  2. Andry

    FastReport - Check printing

    Thank;s Serge. I'll try your suggestion. Andry
  3. Andry

    FastReport - Check printing

    Hi all, I will create an app to manage and print bank checks. I'm going to use FastReport since I'm used to it. I don't have a priori any problem except on the printing of the amount in words which is often shifted because there is the wording "Pay against this check" for example and continues on the line normally like the attached image. How should I manage the first line knowing that we must not leave too much space on the first line before going down to the second line. Counting on your ideas. Thanks all
  4. Hi all, I have to get the exact ClientWidth and ClientHeigth of a VCL control (TPannel) docked in a form to position some controls within a loop within a method. The form is fixed at wsMaximized at designtime but when I run the application, I cannot have the ClientWidth and ClientHeigth of the control, instead, I have the ClientWidth and ClientHeigth of the control like as designtime even if the form is maximized in runntime. So when is the best moment to get theses properties to do execute the method. Regards Andry