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Mahdi Safsafi

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Mahdi Safsafi last won the day on December 24 2020

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225 Excellent

About Mahdi Safsafi

  • Birthday 02/12/1993

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  1. Mahdi Safsafi

    MAP2PDB - Profiling with VTune

    Excellent work ... Thanks ! I was using the tool with some map file and I got an AV error. I started investigating and I found a bug in the map parser : // debug.info.reader.map.pas (line 349): var SegmentID: Cardinal := HexToInt16(Reader.LineBuffer, n); The SegmentID should be read as a DECIMAL value and not as a HEX ! if the map file contains more than 9 segment, the next segment is emitted like (0010:xxxxx) but you're reading it like a hex (so its ID becomes 16 !) and then there is this line FSegments[ListIndex] := Result; // FSegments[10 .. ListIndex - 1] = nil => AV A simple fix : function DecToInt32(const s: string; var Offset: integer): integer; var P: PChar; begin Result := 0; P := PChar(s); while Ord(P^) in [$30 .. $39] do begin Result := (Result * 10) + (Ord(P^) - $30); Inc(P); Inc(Offset); end; end; // ... var SegmentID: Cardinal := DecToInt32(reader.LineBuffer, n);
  2. Mahdi Safsafi

    Example of wasteful, innefficient string manipulation

    @Pawel Piotrowski My bad ! I was much focusing on the pre-allocation rather than the actual code ! Thanks!
  3. @Kas Ob. As I told you ... its a problem related to VM ! // What happens when variable wasn't declared statically !!! MoveInterceptRec := GetMemory(xx); // the variable can be located far >2GB.
  4. @Kas Ob. No ! its more complicated than what you're describing ! Its not about the ability of the compiler to generate more than 2GB ! its about the virtual memory ! On x64, the OS can load DLL at the highest address and your hook can be located at the lowest address ... you see ? Also what happens if the variable is created at runtime (through a call to MM)!
  5. Mahdi Safsafi

    Example of wasteful, innefficient string manipulation

    Mike, you should always rationalize your resource and don't let someone else do it for you (MM) because this can have a wide effect : - OS may start to page things. - All sort of thrashing issues (check the link). - Cache miss. - Performance penalty. - ...
  6. Mahdi Safsafi

    Example of wasteful, innefficient string manipulation

    No! as I told you can quickly run out of memory. Imagine what will happen when you use 1 GB and another thread just reclaimed a big chunk of memory ! out of memory !
  7. Mahdi Safsafi

    Example of wasteful, innefficient string manipulation

    When you ask for memory, MM(FastMM) asks the OS for a large chunks and then it splits them and gives you a piece (based on the size you need). When the object is destroyed (free), the memory is returned to the MM. Now, based on the returned size, the MM may either choose to recycle the object location (if its small) or return the memory to the OS (a real-free-op). What you're doing in MultiplyStr is not just wasteful but extremely harmful ! For each iteration you're reallocating memory. Allocating a new block and copying the old block to the new one. It's very important to know that small block are implemented as a segregated list. i.e if you ask for a 32 bytes, MM on reality allocates an entire table i.e 32x32=1024 bytes and yields first block. In your example you said you used 1GB ! this is extremely bad because you're not economizing resources and you'll quickly run out of memory i.e another thread that asks for a large chunk. It's indeed a good practice to pre-allocate memory : function MultiplyStr(aStr: string; aMultiplier: integer): string; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, length(aStr) * aMultiplier); for i := 1 to aMultiplier do Result := Result + aStr; end; Please run the above and notice the memory and performance !!! Also a small remark ! aStr should be const !!!
  8. @Kas Ob. Cool idea ... I love it ! Although, this could be somehow challenging on x64 where data (variable that holds the pointer) could be located so far (exceeding 32-bit range) ... But I have a couple of ideas how to handle it ... Again thanks for the great idea 🙂
  9. Ah I see ... I thought you were referring to : - Build - Pack - Run one time and generate a patched version - ... Thanks ! I'll investigate further on your idea and if all works great, I'll release it as an IDE plugin 🙂
  10. Thanks I got clearly your idea ... but I have some hard time to digest this statement : Technically this won't work ! The packer unpacks the exe in memory, then DDetours applies patch ... right ? But now we ended-up with an unpacked exe ... You can't simply dump this on disk !
  11. Why ? the packer encrypts/compresses the exe in disk but soon the exe is loaded in memory, packer had to decrypt/decompress the exe and DDetours applies hook at runtime (in memory). So I don't think that using DDetours prevents anyone from using a Packer. Please if you encountered such a case send me some details 🙂 Indeed ! Personally I spotted many place where core RTL functions were doing crappy things. Here is what I understand from your idea (please correct me if I'm wrong): I'm I right to think that you want DDetours to hook functions on the first run and then generates a patched exe file that eventually will be saved on disk ? If so, then this can't be done because DDetours can't pack/compress exe ... In other word, it will fail the day you use a packer. Thanks for your ideas 🙂
  12. Mahdi Safsafi

    Updated Community Edition

    AFAIK, there is no CE for RAD Studio ! There is only CE for Delphi or C++Builder and you can't have both.
  13. Mahdi Safsafi

    Can't edit my post?

    @Lars Fosdal I have a weird issue ... sometime my comments are erased when I try to insert a Code box. Do you know anything about this ?
  14. Mahdi Safsafi

    Enumeration Type as Parameter

    It's an intrinsic and has no implementation ... the function is evaluated on the fly (no code will be generated). BTW, Spring4D makes extensively use of it.
  15. Mahdi Safsafi

    Prefix unit local variable names

    No ! I'm sure you'll become a good developer and BTW I don't find your topics annoying. I just don't want you to spend your valuable time on something that doesn't really make difference. You said you're working alone ... so literally you can pick whatever naming you like. In other word, your topic is just a color and you know that there is no color better than other 🙂