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  1. BastiFantasti

    Build managed dll in Delphi

    Thanks @all for your replies and tipps. 👍 I will check out the mentioned possibilites and see what fits our needs best. Best regards Bastian
  2. BastiFantasti

    Build managed dll in Delphi

    Would this be an "ActiveX Library"? In the Delphi Project Templates?
  3. BastiFantasti

    Build managed dll in Delphi

    Thanks for that hint. I'll look into that option!
  4. BastiFantasti

    Build managed dll in Delphi

    Hi Lars, thanks for your quick reply. I was afraid of something like this. Ok so we have to go with with Oxygene or provide a wrapper which does the marshalling Best regards Bastian
  5. HI @all is there a way to create a managed code dll suitable for integration in .net applications? There is a separate commercially available Delphi / Objective Pascal for .net from RemObjects (Oxygene), but I wanted to know if there's a way to do it with e.g. Delphi 10.4 directly. Thanks in advance Best regards Bastian
  6. BastiFantasti

    Issues running Demo Projects on D10.4.2 / Python 3.9.2

    Hi, I've pulled the latest version from github and now the demo successfully runs! Thanks for your support and fast response! Best regards Bastian
  7. BastiFantasti

    Issues running Demo Projects on D10.4.2 / Python 3.9.2

    Now I was able to test the updated version from github. Demo7 now runs without issues. But when I run Demo31 I get the following error: Exception of class EPyImportError with Message 'ImportError: cannot import name 'rtti_var' from 'spam' (unknown location)' Do I have to set any compiler switches or any other defines?
  8. BastiFantasti

    Issues running Demo Projects on D10.4.2 / Python 3.9.2

    Thanks for your reply I'll try it tomorrow and keep you updated.i just wanted to make sure that I have done the installation right Best regards Bastian
  9. Hi @all first of all thanks for that awesome idea to add Python Support in Delphi. I really appreciate it! Here's what I did so far: - installed Python 3.9.2 x64 - installed Python4Delphi directly from Github (all ok) Now I tried to run the included demo projects to get comfortable with the options of this module. All test are done with x64 Windows Compiler Demo Project 01-06 are executing ok ## Demo07 - First Messagebox showing up: args of foo: ('hello world', 1) but then it prints the following: [Window Title] Demo07 [Content] Form's caption = Demo of Python [OK] and then an Exception pops up --------------------------- GExperts Debugger Exception Notification --------------------------- Project Demo07.exe raised exception class EPythonError with message 'Python object "(10, 25)" is not a Delphi class'. --------------------------- [&Filter ...] [Ignore &All this Session] [Break] [Continue] --------------------------- But if I get the Python code right it should have created a Python Point Object and print out Point + object handle or values then the demo breaks ## Demo31 compiles and starts up ok, but when pressing the Execute button it throws an error: --------------------------- GExperts Debugger Exception Notification --------------------------- Project Demo31.exe raised exception class EPyImportError with message 'ImportError: cannot import name 'rtti_var' from 'spam' (unknown location)'. --------------------------- [&Filter ...] [Ignore &All this Session] [Break] [Continue] --------------------------- The UI is not created and not shown This is how far I have tested the embedded demos. Any help is greatly appreciated Best regards Bastian