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marcocir last won the day on June 16 2021

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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. marcocir

    Delphi 11.3 CEF4Delphi

    I'm sorry for the delay. Thank you Peter, now I understand a little better how Delphi packages work. In fact the problem with Delphi 11 was PATH: the version 22.0 folder contained the correct (D11) version of the design-time packages, but run-time ones had same name of D12 corresponding packages and... PATH did the rest. So, today I was able to fix that issue, manually moving those run-time packages to Delphi correct version bin folder, as a workaround, and, after, rebuilding all "broken" packages with $(Auto) LIB suffix. And thank you too Salvador, setting LIB suffix to $(Auto), last answer, was icing on the cake 😉 Many thanks to both. Marco
  2. marcocir

    Delphi 11.3 CEF4Delphi

    Hi all. After successfully installing CEF4Delphi on Delphi 12.1, same package in Delphi 11.3 raised an error at startup. Now, every attempt to reinstall it on Delphi 11.3 results in the same error, specifically during the installation of the design-time BPL. Any help? Thanks Marco
  3. marcocir

    ParnassusCoreEditor.dll AccessViolation

    Hi, in my main VM I've had 10.3, 10.4.2 and 11.3 versions of Delphi Professional coexist without a problem for years. I've just deinstalled 10.3 version and this is what I get if I try to execute Delphi 10.4.2 or 11.3 version too (same errors). Both newer versions abort immediately, so I can't access IDE, getit and so on. I wonder if someone has a workaround to let me fix this. Thanks in advance for your help Marco
  4. Hi, I have the same problem, more precisely, to me, it seems that every time I start the IDE that checkbox is checked (and I don't want to search for whole words only). A little issue, but annoying. Marco
  5. marcocir

    EIdReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded Exception

    Hi Alexander. I tried to do the same before asking here, without being able to identify exactly which is the "client component" where to set my IoHandler, thanks! Marco
  6. marcocir

    EIdReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded Exception

    Exactly, and thanks, perhaps.. I was trying to use query parameters to send the JSON payload. ;( Once, not without some initial trouble, I switched to a post call, sending JSON in the body, the error disappeared. Thank you all. Marco
  7. Hi All. I have a Delphi 10.4 web broker application that raises this exception receiving a request with a json text > 16K bytes (default max line length). I failed to find a simple way to set idIOHanlder MaxLineLength property to a higher value, so I wonder if someone can help me to find a solution that let my web broker API server accept calls with a larger json text attached, thanks a lot. Marco
  8. marcocir

    A screen mirroring utility

    Thank you all, Scrcpy is really an amazing piece of software, not only a screen mirroring, but a great solution to connect to, and use from your PC, an Android device. I only wonder if there is a way to automatically reconnect the device via wi-fi without have first to reconnect it , every time, via USB to the PC (this is a configuration - remoting an Android tablet on a PC or Mac - that should be used daily by my customers, and tell them that every morning they have to connect first the tablet to the USB cable is not the optimum) Marco
  9. marcocir

    A screen mirroring utility

    Hi all. I'm looking for a simple Windows software capable to show the screen of an Android device connected to the same wifi of my PC. Many times I've seen this type of software used in videos and during Delphi conferences by the speakers, to show to the audience the IDE of Delphi *and* an Android App running on the device at the same time, but I can't remember their names. Marco
  10. marcocir

    64 bit compiler problem

    Hi Arnaud, and thanks. I don't know if that change happened, but, as said by David, stack overflow error was there for a problem in my code: the (evil) static array had a size change when I ported the source from Delphi 10.2 to 10.3 , so the overflow problem with the stack, my bad.
  11. Thank you Bernhard. No, I couldn't use the external libraries either way. Having to use the a different version of Python from any other that was eventually registered, I set the DLL's path on the OnBeforeLoad event of the Engine. The problem was only with Python external libraries Anyway, I found a solution. 1) Follow this StackOverflow answers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49737721/adding-packages-to-python-embedded-installation-for-windows 2) I fixed the error, and succesfully imported and used numpy and matplotlib with the embedded version of Python adding lib\site-packages entry to pythonXX._pth file, inside embedded python folder. Now I have a zip file that I can expand on a generic PC and run my P4D application with numpy and matplotlib plots (as SVG) 😉
  12. Hi all. I have a Delphi P4D Windows application that I would to distribute as a single zip file. I use an embedded 3.8.9 64 bit version of Python in a \python folder of my application , where I have installed numpy and matplotlib, libraries that my app needs to use as well. If I try to copy the whole application folder, with \python subfolder, in another PC, and run the code where Python try to import numpy, I always get a ModuleNotFoundError : No module named 'numpy' (matplotlib is the next import module in the script, but Python script aborts on numpy import line, I think). If I don't try yo import and use these libraries my application runs just fine from the zip file. I've used Google to search for a hack but no solution seems to help: someone could suggest how to add Numpy (and MatPlotLib, I think this should be the same) to that zip file, so my customer can simply de-zip my installation file and use my Delphi application? Thanks!
  13. marcocir

    64 bit compiler problem

    Uhmmmm, I agree, but I have compiled the same exact source code, using same Delphi Compiler options. I don't know if it's normal that mov eax,.... instruction at offset $4 is of different length. Ok.., It's enough, thank you all. 😉
  14. marcocir

    64 bit compiler problem

    Yes David, I'm here to learn, if possible. My code is buggy, no problem, and static arrays are horrible in this context. So same exact code, compiled in 10.2.3 version continues to run without problems, and compiled with 10.3.3 version continues to crash with stack overflow error: work to do this summer. This runs (10.2.3): This crashes (10.3.3): Thanks for your great help.