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Ranja AZ

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Everything posted by Ranja AZ

  1. Ranja AZ

    Open HFSQL WINDEV Table error

    My objective is to access the tables of a database named GMAO of a WINDEV HFSQL (Hyperfile SQL) server. I try to use ODBC. Here is my source: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var FDConnectionODBCHFSQL: TFDConnection; TableODBC:TFDTable; begin TableODBC := TFDTable.Create(nil); FDConnectionODBCHFSQL := TFDConnection.Create(nil); try FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.Params.Clear; FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.DriverName := 'ODBC'; FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.Params.Add('ODBCDriver=HFSQL'); FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.Params.Add('Database=GMAO'); FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.Params.Add('User_Name=admin'); FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.Params.Add('ExtendedMetadata=True'); FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.Params.Add('ODBCAdvanced=Server Name=DESKHOLY-PC;Server Port=4900;IntegrityCheck=1'); FDConnectionODBCHFSQL.Open; TableODBC.Connection := FDConnectionODBCHFSQL; TableODBC.TableName := 'appartenance'; try TableODBC.Open; ShowMessage('Table is open!'); except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Open Table error : ' + E.Message); exit; end; end; except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Connection Error: ' + E.Message); exit; end; end; end; The connection goes through, but when I try to open a table there is always an error: Error opening Table: [FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The driver does not support this function. Please, can anyone help me to resolve this issue? Regards!
  2. Hello everybody! I have a NEXGO android POS with an integrated biometric reader. I have already converted the SDKs to delphi for the biometrics reader. I also have a sample application but it's in Java (see attached). Can someone help me translate the following program lines? SM62K2UARTAPI.pas file is SDK library. app.java: package com.miaxis; import android.app.Application; import com.miaxis.alg.MxFingerAlgAPI; import com.miaxis.data.AppDataBase; import com.miaxis.finger.api.SM62K2DriverApi; import com.miaxis.utils.FileUtils; import java.io.File; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; /** * @author Tank * @date 2021/12/11 5:40 下午 * @des * @updateAuthor * @updateDes */ public class App extends Application { private final Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); private final SM62K2DriverApi mSM62K2DriverApi = new SM62K2DriverApi(); private final MxFingerAlgAPI mMxFingerAlgAPI = new MxFingerAlgAPI(); private static final String LicenseName = "license.txt"; public static final int RequestCode = 1001; private static App context; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); context = this; AppDataBase.getInstance().init(this); } public String getLicenseFilePath(){ return new File(FileUtils.getPrivateDirectory(this), App.LicenseName).getAbsolutePath(); } public static App getInstance() { return context; } public SM62K2DriverApi getSM62K2DriverApi() { return this.mSM62K2DriverApi; } public MxFingerAlgAPI getMxFingerAlg() { return this.mMxFingerAlgAPI; } public Executor getExecutor() { return executor; } } in MainActivity.java: (What I want to convert in Delphi) private void open() { showLog(getString(R.string.text_open)); mMainViewModel.busy.postValue(true); mMainViewModel.opened.postValue(true); GeneralDdi.ddi_device_poweron(); SystemClock.sleep(500); try { String com = binding.etCom.getText().toString(); int baudRate = Integer.parseInt(binding.etBaudRate.getText().toString()); MxResult<?> open = App.getInstance().getSM62K2DriverApi().open(com, baudRate); showLog(open.getMsg(), true); MxResult<?> init = App.getInstance().getSM62K2DriverApi().AlgHandshakeInit(); showLog(getString(R.string.text_Alg_Handshake_Init) + "\n" + init.getMsg(), true); mMainViewModel.opened.postValue(open.isSuccess()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); showLog(getString(R.string.button_open) + "\n" + e); mMainViewModel.opened.postValue(false); } mMainViewModel.busy.postValue(false); } Thank you! App.java MainActivity.java SM62K2UARTAPI.pas
  3. Ranja AZ

    Please need help for some java lines program to Delphi

    Thank you! The issue is resolved now. following code: procedure TForm2.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var OpenResult : JMxResult; begin OpenResult := TJMxResult.Create; OpenResult := mSM62K2DriverApi.open(StringToJString('/dev/ttyS0'),115200); Memo1.Lines.Add(JStringToString(OpenResult.getMsg)); end; procedure TForm2.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var OpenResult : JMxResult; begin OpenResult := TJMxResult.Create; OpenResult := mSM62K2DriverApi.close; Memo1.Lines.Add(JStringToString(OpenResult.getMsg)); end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin CanPrint := True; DeviceEnginex := deviceEngine; Printerx := deviceEngine.getPrinter(); DeviceInfo := deviceEngine.getDeviceInfo(); POSModel := JStringToString(DeviceInfo.GetModel()); TJGeneralDdi.JavaClass.ddi_device_poweron; sleep(1000); mSM62K2DriverApi := TJSM62K2DriverApi.JavaClass.init; end; Regards.
  4. Ranja AZ

    Please need help for some java lines program to Delphi

    Here is what I tried: unit UBio306; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.Controls.Presentation, classes,decoder, JustouchApi, MxAlgShankshake, SM62K2UARTAPI, nexgoSystemService_sdk_71, Androidapi.JNI.Media, FMX.Helpers.Android, Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes, Androidapi.JNIBridge, Androidapi.Helpers, Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, FMX.Memo.Types, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo; Type TForm2 = class(TForm) ImageControl1: TImageControl; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; Button3: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); private { Déclarations privées } DeviceEnginex : JDeviceEngine; FOnPrintListner : JOnPrintListener; public { Déclarations publiques } DeviceInfo : JDeviceInfo; POSModel : String; CanPrint : Boolean; Printerx : JPrinter1; mSM62K2DriverApi : JSM62K2DriverApi; end; TOnPrintListener=class(TJavaLocal, JOnPrintListener) public procedure onPrintResult(param0: Integer); cdecl; end; var Form2: TForm2; deviceEngine : JDeviceEngine; implementation {$R *.fmx} procedure TOnPrintListener.onPrintResult(param0: Integer); begin // end; procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if FOnPrintListner=Nil then FOnPrintListner := TOnPrintListener.Create; Printerx.initPrinter; Printerx.setTypeface(TJTypeface.JavaClass.DEFAULT); Printerx.appendPrnStr(StringToJString('Test this ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yy-hh:nn:ss',now) + #13#10 + #13#10#13#10#13#10#13#10#13#10#13#10),18,TJAlignEnum.JavaClass.LEFT,true); Printerx.startPrint(false,FOnPrintListner); end; procedure TForm2.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var OpenResult : JMxResult; begin OpenResult := TJMxResult.Create; OpenResult := mSM62K2DriverApi.open(StringToJString('/dev/ttyS0'),115200); Memo1.Lines.Add(JStringToString(OpenResult.getMsg)); end; procedure TForm2.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var OpenResult : JMxResult; begin OpenResult := TJMxResult.Create; OpenResult := mSM62K2DriverApi.close; Memo1.Lines.Add(JStringToString(OpenResult.getMsg)); end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin CanPrint := True; DeviceEnginex := deviceEngine; Printerx := deviceEngine.getPrinter(); DeviceInfo := deviceEngine.getDeviceInfo(); POSModel := JStringToString(DeviceInfo.GetModel()); TJGeneralDdi.JavaClass.ddi_device_poweron; sleep(1000); end; end. When I click on Button2 I get the access violation error.
  5. Ranja AZ

    Please need help for some java lines program to Delphi

    What I don't understand is the creation of the App class (public class App extends Application) for opening the serial port with the instructions below: MxResult<?> open = App.getInstance().getSM62K2DriverApi().open(com, baudRate); showLog(open.getMsg(), true); MxResult<?> init = App.getInstance().getSM62K2DriverApi().AlgHandshakeInit(); Is it not possible to directly create an mSM62K2DriverApi object? Regards.
  6. Ranja AZ

    Please need help for some java lines program to Delphi

    The code is in Java. I don't know the Java language. So I want to do it in Delphi. Thanks!
  7. Hello everyone, Can someone help me to transform the following cURL request with use of TRESTClient and TRESTRequest: curl --location --request POST 'https://<API server host>/auth/oauth2/token' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accepte: */*' --data-raw '{ "client_id": "013C1A93-3D33-4986-8A7C-773D02C26214", "client_secret": "FE8FBA46-6ABF-4DF1-8D5E-31345DAAD194", "grant_type": "client_credentials" }' Regards.
  8. Hello everyone! Following all your instructions, everything is OK now. Many thanks to all of you!
  9. I Try to test it with REST Debugger: same result.
  10. I show you what I do in Postman. May be help.
  11. You are right about Authorization!
  12. Before calling "payments" API, I called another API using the same token access: token work fine!
  13. by adding the following lines request.Params.AddItem; request.Params[3].Name := 'Content-Type'; request.Params[3].Value := 'application/json'; request.Params[3].Kind := pkHTTPHEADER; result is the same: status 401
  14. Uwe Raabe, Thank you so much! It's work! After Authorization, I have to execute payment with the following cURL: curl --location --request POST 'https://<API server host>/merchant/v1/payments/' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: bearer koeQidreesddfzsbxOXKjccccccc' \ --header 'X-Country: MG' --header 'X-Currency: MGA' --data-raw '{ "reference": "Testing API", "subscriber": { "country": "MG", "currency": "MGA", "msisdn": 331170348 }, "transaction": { "amount": 1000, "country":"MG", "currency": "MGA", "id": "242EB08E-0ACD-445C-8FF7-320FFD85B4A4" } }' With Postman it's work with status 200. But with following code status is always 401 var client := TRESTClient.Create('https://<API server host>/merchant/v1/payments/'); try var request := TRESTRequest.Create(nil); try request.Client := client; request.Method := TRESTRequestMethod.rmPOST; request.Accept := '*/*'; request.Params.AddItem; request.Params[0].Name := 'Autorization'; request.Params[0].Value := 'bearer koeQidreesddfzsbxOXKjccccccc'; request.Params[0].Kind := pkHTTPHEADER; request.Params.AddItem; request.Params[1].Name := 'X-Country'; request.Params[1].Value := 'MG'; request.Params[1].Kind := pkHTTPHEADER; request.Params.AddItem; request.Params[2].Name := 'X-Currency'; request.Params[2].Value := 'MGA'; request.Params[2].Kind := pkHTTPHEADER; request.AddBody('{"reference": "Testing API","subscriber": {"country": "MG", "currency": "MGA", "msisdn": 331170348}, "transaction": {"amount": 1000, "country":"MG", "currency": "MGA", "id": "FE9833FE-D5A3-4450-9786-90735F75EBFB"}}', TRESTContentType.ctAPPLICATION_JSON); request.Execute; var response := request.Response; Is there error in my code? Regard!
  15. Hello Uwe Raabe, Thanks for your response! I try it! Regards
  16. I need to intercepte USSD response in Android. Following link https://newbedev.com/prevent-ussd-dialog-and-read-ussd-response example written by Java, I need to create the same in Delphi but I have no idea. Else, Is there anyone who has experience on using TelephonyManager.UssdResponseCallback. (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/telephony/TelephonyManager.UssdResponseCallback)? Can help? Thanks
  17. Dave Nottage, thanks you again for your response! I'll try it! Regard
  18. Ranja AZ

    How to send and intercept USSD result

    Hello! Please, I need help about sending and receiving USSD: how will my program intercept the returned string. Here is the code I am using for sending first USSD code: unit UTestPhoneDialer; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Platform, FMX.PhoneDialer, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.Edit, FMX.Memo.Types, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo; type TForm1 = class(TForm) lblCarrierName: TLabel; lblISOCountryCode: TLabel; btnGetCarrierInfo: TButton; lblTelephoneNumber: TLabel; edtTelephoneNumber: TEdit; btnMakeCall: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure btnGetCarrierInfoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnMakeCallClick(Sender: TObject); private { Déclarations privées } PhoneDialerService: IFMXPhoneDialerService; public { Déclarations publiques } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.fmx} {$R *.LgXhdpiPh.fmx ANDROID} procedure TForm1.btnGetCarrierInfoClick(Sender: TObject); begin { test whether the PhoneDialer services are supported on your device } if Assigned(PhoneDialerService) then begin { if yes, then update the labels with the retrieved information } lblCarrierName.Text := 'Carrier Name: ' + PhoneDialerService.GetCarrier.GetCarrierName; lblISOCountryCode.Text := 'ISO Country Code: ' + PhoneDialerService.GetCarrier.GetIsoCountryCode; end; end; procedure TForm1.btnMakeCallClick(Sender: TObject); begin { test whether the PhoneDialer services are supported on your device } if Assigned(PhoneDialerService) then begin { if the Telephone Number is entered in the edit box then make the call, else display an error message } if edtTelephoneNumber.Text <> '' then PhoneDialerService.Call(edtTelephoneNumber.Text) else begin ShowMessage('Please type-in a telephone number.'); edtTelephoneNumber.SetFocus; end; end; end; constructor TForm1.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXPhoneDialerService, IInterface(PhoneDialerService)); end; end. After first calling, Then I would have to respond to the different USSD information. How do I do? Regard!
  19. Ranja AZ

    TJHashset Java instruction to Delphi

    I have the following instruction in Java: HashSet<CardSlotTypeEnum> slotTypes = new HashSet<>(); How do I write this in Delphi? TJHashSet is in unit Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes.
  20. Ranja AZ

    Amount input for Android POS

    I need a component like TEdit to enter amounts like $ 23,000.00. I see that TMaskEdit does not exist for FMX. What componant can I use? Regard.
  21. Ranja AZ

    Amount input for Android POS

    exmailx45: I can't use TDBEDIT for android, how do I do?
  22. Ranja AZ

    Amount input for Android POS

    Good morning all, Thank you for your help! I agree with Roll62's idea: just improve TEdit. In the meantime, I will try the currency edit program and also the simple emailx45 casting. Thanks a lot guys!
  23. Here is an instruction that I cannot convert to delphi: printer.startPrint(false, new OnPrintListener() { //roll paper or not @Override public void onPrintResult(final int retCode) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Toast.makeText(PrinterActivity.this, retCode + "", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); } }); Regard.
  24. Thank you Dave! Your explanation is very clear. Now printing is OK now. Thank you so much. Regard
  25. I want to convert java code to delphi code. My problem is the call to new OnPrintListener () in the parameter. Regard