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Everything posted by FreeDelphiPascal

  1. FreeDelphiPascal

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    new 64 bit compiler (only available in Enterprise Enterprice) https://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio/whats-new-in-12-athens 🙂
  2. FreeDelphiPascal

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    Why would you have 30 000 000 loc to compile in one single project? Don't you use packages/libraries?
  3. The mainboard of my old computer (Win 7 + Delphi 10.4) died after 12 years. God rest its soul in peace; it was a good computer . I hope is goes into the hardware heaven . So I moved to Delphi 11 on Windows 10 but everything seems slower. Everything seems slower. I don't know if it is the hardware or the OS or Delphi 11. The laptop I got now is not as powerful as my 12 years old computer. The old computer was 32GB fast RAM, 8 core 4.2GHz CPU. This laptop is a Dell Latitude from 2020 with 16GB RAM and puny i5-7440HQ (2.8Ghz) CPU. But is a newer SSD. The problem is that if I run a pure empty Delphi program, Delphi 11 needs 4 full seconds to start it and 5 full seconds to shut it down. That 9 seconds for an empty app! Beyond laughable and beyond ridiculous. I tried also an app of mine (50000 lines or so) and there is not much difference in time. Maybe the start is 0.5-1 second longer. I will have to do some benchmarking this weekend but there are so many directions in which I have to look (OS, CPU/SSD, Delphi 11). The antivirus (Defender) is stopped and the folder where I keep my projects are whitelisted anyway. The SSD encryption is off. How is in your computers (for the same default/empty Delphi program)? Could anyone do the experiment and then report the time, CPU, OS and Delphi ver? _____________ Update: scrolling up/down into the IDE also is very slow and choppy.
  4. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    PS: if still have horrible refresh issues when I scroll down the text in the IDE. If anyone has a fix for this, please let me know. In Win XP I was fixing this by disabling "smooth scroll" in "performance". Now I disabled almost everything and still takes 3-4 seconds to scroll one screen of text: PS: it happens only on mouse scroll. Scrolling with arrows and pg up/dwn is fast. I will try tomorrow this: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/change-mouse-scroll-speed-windows
  5. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    Maybe M$ retained in 2024 the same number of users as in 2014. But their SHARE of the market can still goes down. Maybe in 10 years they will even double the number of user and still drop their market share down to 1%. So, why would you program for 1 million Windows users when the 80% of the market is taken other OS? 🙂
  6. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    Yeah. Forced updates suck! Microsoft suck worst than ever. No wonder their OS is going down: https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share But this puts a higher burden on us. 15 years ago we only cared about the Windows. Nobody* owned a Mac. But now, we must compile Windows, OSX and iOS and Android. (Linux still doesn't count. Not even today.) Microsoft didn't really had many good releases (in my personal opinion only XP and Win7 were good/stale). Microsoft just happened to be there at the appropriate moment. --- * Most Macs were in US. In Europe was unheard of. And the total market was 5% anyway.
  7. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    There are no more NEW mainboards for that AMD FX-8350. 😪😪
  8. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    Yes, but this will have to do with the compilation time. I am not taking into account the compilation time. I compile separately then I press F9. _______ But I think the issue is somehow settled now. I think. After restating Windows, I shaved 2 seconds from the start and stop time. And I THINK the rest of the seconds are explained by the i5 CPU. _______ REMEMBER: Windows 10/11 is not like Windows 7. Pressing shutdown does not do a true shutdown/restart. So, I guess I will have to press Shift now each time I shutdown or always use the Restart function instead of Shutdown. Looks like microsoft made the hardware Reset button useful again. Unfortunately, laptops do not have a reset button anymore.
  9. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    I mean the time from when I press the Close button in my program (empty application, no buttons, no nothing inside) until the IDE restores itself and I can type in.
  10. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    My 12 years old CPU was an AMD FX-8350 which has a raw performance superior to i5. https://versus.com/en/amd-fx-8350-vs-intel-core-i5-7440hq > The RAM will also make a difference. I have a 45% of RAM free. > If I was you I would spend my effort on fixing your old system. I would like to repair my old rig but the mainboard (gigabyte ga-990fxa-ud3) died. TWICE! The first mainboard will not POST. Then I purchased a second hand mainboard (the same model) one year ago and it went belly up exactly the same way!!! Looks like it reached a certain age and the bios parts started to degrade in the same way. I did a Windows restart and now the shutdown of the program under the debugger/IDE is only 2 seconds. Windows 11 was running for 178 hours! I think I got to much used with Windows 7, which I would use for months without these issues 😞 So, it was a Windows problem. The smaller CPU would explain the remaining 2 seconds needed for the IDE to shutdown the program and show itself. Conclusion Laptops are always a joke compared with desktops. That's settled 🙂 So, now I am in the biggest dilemma: buy new laptop (portability) or build a brand new desktop PC (power)?
  11. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi takes 9 seconds to start/shutdown an empty application

    YES. Now, since I moved to Win10, I have that too. So, are you on Win 7 or higher? If you are on a higher Windows, them it must be the OS that is doing that, since my old Delphi 10.4 was not doing that at all on Win7. Win10 is so crappy that MS gave it for free for years and people were still not switching to it. They had to retire Win7 in order to force people switch to 10.
  12. I tried Cursor this week. The program is still early beta. Realy early beta. Strange things are happening there. But when it would be ready, for non Delphi programmers (those HTML/JS coders without a true IDE), it is promising. In some cases it will output good ideas/code, in other cases, absolutely monumental garbage, like TListBox.Items[0].Visible:= false; (wishful thinking?) In the end I the time spent on garbage equalized the time when it produced good code/ideas. I think it would be rather useful to produce ideas instead of code. But considering that you need to understand and review other's code.... I ended up with a negative score. But the end conclusion is that unless it is integrated into Delphi IDE it will not help a well seasoned Delphi programmer. It will rather disturb you. I am not even mentioning, that you can only use it on PAS files that have no DFM associated since Cursor cannot edit your DFM files!
  13. I have found these 3 plugins for "chat": https://github.com/AliDehbansiahkarbon/ChatGPTWizard/blob/main/README.md https://github.com/Code4Delphi/Delphi-AI-Developer https://github.com/FMXExpress/CodeDroidAI But none has a level of integration similar to Copilot. _____ This is not a plugin but just a guy that says that Copilot can generate Delphi code:
  14. That article only mentions Visual Studio Code. Probalby was changed???
  15. FreeDelphiPascal

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    I expected that the transition to AI will be a bit more gradual, but it seems, Devin is already able to create a full application from a prompt. And I mean the proper way, not ChatGPT style.... So, all kind of questions are coming to my mind. For example, since we know that Microsoft is using GitHub to train its AI, for which later I will have to pay a shitload of money to use it, should I retract my projects from GitHub? Also, what is Embarcadero doing to stay on top? Will we continue to write code line by line in Delphi IDE, while other programmers will have no IDE anymore but a small chat box where they can enter a prompt? Since Devin will cost a load of money, how will independent developers (and even small companies) be able to compete? Will we all work for megacorporations that afford to buy the AI?
  16. FreeDelphiPascal

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    I hope (at least in EU) they will introduce some regulations around AIs.
  17. FreeDelphiPascal

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    I assure you, Copilot is doing a lot more than that !!!!!!
  18. FreeDelphiPascal

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    I am not talking about building their own AI, but IDE-AI integration as copilot...
  19. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi 12 is available

    I agree. There are way more 32bit apps out there than 64bit.
  20. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    Come on David, you know it worth trading the "less convenient" way of programming in Delphi, for the speed we get from a Delphi program. I won't even dare to put Python in the same speed chart as Delphi.... 🙂
  21. FreeDelphiPascal

    Keyboard shortcut to move current line up or down?

    DDevExt also has this capability https://github.com/ahausladen/DDevExtensions
  22. FreeDelphiPascal

    Moving Line or Block in the IDE editor

    DDevExt also has this capability https://github.com/ahausladen/DDevExtensions
  23. FreeDelphiPascal

    Compiler option Reference Info / Definitions only

    Sometimes Ctrl+Click simply won't work. It is probably related to this setting.
  24. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    A solid question! I don't know all the languages out there, but Java and C# (which are more memory safe than Delphi because of their GC), loose quite a bit of speed because they have to spend some time to check the GC and decide what to clean up (release). EVEN if they would spend very little on this task, they have to "stop the world" from time to time. There is no way to use such a language in time-critical systems (I worked on such a system in the past). Therefore, these safer languages, have to pay a price for their safety. I am curious if there is any language out there that is as fast as Delphi and more memory safe. From what I heard, Rust is not using a GC, while still being fast and safe. I would like to see some speed comparison between Delphi and Rust. I heard that its speed is only slightly smaller than C++'s speed (and from here we can extrapolate to Delphi's speed). But its compilation time is even higher than C++ compilation time, which compared to Delphi... well... we all know how ridiculous C++ is at this chapter. 🙂 Also, Rust cannot do GUI natively, like Delphi. So, you cannot even compare Delphi and Rust at this chapter. In Rust, you must opt for GTK, QT (ha ha ha) or do some web-based GUIs - with all their known drawbacks. So, I would say, Rust is more oriented towards "systems" (DB, servers, automations, embedded systems, robots, etc.) not towards desktop apps. So, as you Lars said, I would like to see a language that is memory safe and executes fast, and compiles fast and comes with 500 visual components out of the box. __________ Note: Note: When I say Delphi is safe, I assume that the programmer played safe and didn't abuse the pointers and didn’t override Delphi’s strong typing system. I worked on a system that look like it was written by a C programmer. Procedures like DoSomething(var P); all over the place, and half of the parameters passed are raw pointers. But as somebody said above, give a bold programmer a safe language, and it would find a way to abuse it. It would take a bit more creativity than in Delphi which puts the pointers (almost directly) on the table, but sure you can screw up in the end.
  25. FreeDelphiPascal

    Any example bitmap to grayscale?

    But aren't you supposed in the end to put the PixelFormat to pf8???? I need the final image as pf8. But if I set its PixelFormat to pf8, some wavy patterns appear in it (like when you convert a high color image to 256 color GIF)