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Mustafa Simsek

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Posts posted by Mustafa Simsek

  1. On 9/9/2023 at 3:00 PM, DelphiUdIT said:

    Which operating system are you using?
    For TCP/IP connections, there are limits on the number of available IP ports and the number of concurrent connections. If you have a high connection/disconnection speed, you may run out of available ports as they may all be in the TIME_WAIT state.
    But it could also be that the "used" and released ports are not reused "immediately" and therefore the server "stops" when the range of available ports has run out.


    Look this https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/482793/tcp-ip-concurrent-connections

    Thanks for answer.


    I use Windows Server 2019 Standard.


    i'll check the link and TCP/IP connections limit.

  2. On 9/9/2023 at 1:00 PM, mjustin said:

    Does the server run out of resources?

    What does netstat say about client connections?

    Does the server cleanup (remove) stale connections?


    Thanks for answer.


    1. Server's ram and cpu enough for ds server. There is enough resources.

    2. i run "netstat -a" command and see clients. But i couldn't check in error status. is there any other commands to run and check?

    3. No, Server doesn't clean up. How could i cleanup stale connections?

  3. Hi,


    i have a mobile app, using datasnap server.


    Datasnap Server : A vcl standalone .exe program. Datasnap server (no rest), DBX and SQL Server connection.

    Client : FMX app, Android clients and TClientDataSet.


    A while before, I have 20-25 clients, there was no problem. But android client numbers increase, 190-200. Server running awhile but about one day later, it didn't response anything. Clients doesn't connect to server. I close and open datasnap server program. Then clients connect and operate again. How could i solve this?


    object DSServer1: TDSServer
        Left = 96
        Top = 11
      object DSTCPServerTransport1: TDSTCPServerTransport
        PoolSize = 250
        Server = DSServer1
        Filters = <>
        AuthenticationManager = DSAuthenticationManager1
        Left = 96
        Top = 73
      object DSAuthenticationManager1: TDSAuthenticationManager
        OnUserAuthenticate = DSAuthenticationManager1UserAuthenticate
        Roles = <>
        Left = 96
        Top = 197
      object DSServerClass1: TDSServerClass
        OnGetClass = DSServerClass1GetClass
        Server = DSServer1
        Left = 200
        Top = 11

    I increase Poolsize to 250. But it didn't solve problem.


