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  1. Michele

    [Android] Odd problem with TMediaplayer

    Sure, as soon as i have a little bit more time to investigare! Thank you!
  2. Michele

    [Android] Odd problem with TMediaplayer

    Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This works perfectly! Many many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hi there! I'm facing a quite off problem... On a very easy Android/Delphi App i've a tmemo, a tbutton and a tmediaplayer. On the OnClick of the button i do this: memo.Lines.Add('blablabla'); MediaPlayer1.FileName := System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'a.mp3'); //playing an internal resource MediaPlayer1.Play; The problem is that "blablabla" is written on the memo only after Mediaplayer finishes playing the file...very very odd! Any ideas? I'm using Delphi 10.3 Community Edition
  4. Michele

    TListView and Stylebook on 10.4

    Hi! Can someone confirm that styles are not applyed on tlistview? (seems a bug to me...all other controls are styled ok using stylebook). It remains white. Any suggestion?