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M. Toussaint

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  1. M. Toussaint

    Download file from AWS S3 to stream

    Hi, From our application we use several procedures and functions to upload files to AWS S3 and also download text-like files from AWS S3. We use the function below to get the contents of text-like files (.SVG, .TXT, .CSV) from S3, but we have no idea how to (download and) process binary files. function S3Get_Object_AsString(const bucket, key: string): string; var pyKey : TPythonDelphiVar; pyBucket : TPythonDelphiVar; pyObj : TPythonDelphiVar; PyEngine : IPyEngineAndGIL; pyError : TPythonDelphiVar; Script : TStringList; cModuleName : AnsiString; begin pyKey := TPythonDelphiVar.Create(nil); pyBucket := TPythonDelphiVar.Create(nil); pyObj := TPythonDelphiVar.Create(nil); pyError := TPythonDelphiVar.Create(nil); script := TStringList.Create; try PyEngine := TPyEngineAndGIL.Create; cModuleName := AnsiString(TGUID.NewGuid.ToString); pyBucket.Engine := PyEngine.getPyEngine; pyBucket.VarName := 'BUCKET'; pyBucket.Module := cModuleName; pyBucket.Initialize; pyBucket.Value := bucket; pyKey.Engine := PyEngine.getPyEngine; pyKey.VarName := 'S3KEY'; pyKey.Module := cModuleName; pyKey.Initialize; pyKey.Value := key; pyObj.Engine := PyEngine.getPyEngine; pyObj.VarName := 'OBJ'; pyObj.Module := cModuleName; pyObj.Initialize; pyError.Engine := PyEngine.getPyEngine; pyError.VarName := 'ERROR'; pyError.Module := cModuleName; pyError.Initialize; pyError.Value := ''; InitBotoClient(Script); Script.Add('import json '); Script.Add('from botocore.exceptions import ClientError '); Script.Add('s3_client = client(''s3'')'); Script.Add('try: ' ); Script.Add(' s3_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET.VALUE, Key=S3KEY.VALUE)'); Script.Add(' OBJ.VALUE = s3_object[''Body''].read()'); Script.Add('except ClientError as e: '); Script.Add(' print("Get Object failed:" + e.response[''Error''][''Message''])'); Script.Add('else:'); Script.Add(' print("Get Object:" + BUCKET.VALUE + "-" + S3KEY.VALUE)'); PyEngine.getPyEngine.ExecModule := cModuleName; PyEngine.getPyEngine.ExecStrings(Script); if pyError.ValueAsString <> '' then begin //Log(pyError.ValueAsString + 'bucket: ' + bucket + ' key:' + key , 'E'); result := ''; end else begin if VarIsStr(pyObj.Value) then result := pyObj.Value else result := ''; end; finally Script.Free; pyBucket.Finalize; pyKey.Finalize; pyObj.Finalize; pyError.Finalize; pyBucket.Free; pyKey.Free; pyObj.Free; pyError.Free; end; end; So far we found an alternative for downloading a file object from S3, but how to process this in Delphi? Script.Add('import json '); Script.Add('import io '); Script.Add('from botocore.exceptions import ClientError '); Script.Add('s3_client = client(''s3'')'); Script.Add('io_stream = io.BytesIO()'); Script.Add('try: ' ); // Script.Add(' s3_object = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET.VALUE, Key=S3KEY.VALUE, )'); // Script.Add(' OBJ.VALUE = s3_object[''Body''].read()'); // Use download_fileobj to gat a file-like object Script.Add(' s3_client.download_fileobj(Bucket=BUCKET.VALUE, Key=S3KEY.VALUE, Fileobj=io_stream)'); Script.Add(' io_stream.seek(0)'); Script.Add(' OBJ.VALUE = io_stream.getvalue()'); Script.Add('except ClientError as e: '); Script.Add(' print("Get Object failed:" + e.response[''Error''][''Message''])'); Script.Add('else:'); Script.Add(' print("Get Object:" + BUCKET.VALUE + "-" + S3KEY.VALUE)');
  2. M. Toussaint

    Android 11 Support in 10.4.2?

    I just got an answer from Embarcadero in which they state API 30 is not officially supported with 10.4.2. They plan on supporting API 30 in Delphi 10.5....