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Dave Craggs

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  1. Dave Craggs

    MSGraph and OAuth

    The issue I am having is getting back a token with the wrong aud. Getting one fop Azure AD Graph (00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000) rather than Microsoft Graph.(00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000)
  2. Dave Craggs

    MSGraph and OAuth

    Thanks for the reply. Have looked at some of those links already. I think the issue is I am not getting the AuthCode
  3. Dave Craggs

    MSGraph and OAuth

    Hi, I am struggling connecting to MSGraph and getting a working token back. If I put this in I do not get a code back. If I change it to token I get a token, but that does not give me access to MSGraph. I get ME - {"error":{"code":"InvalidAuthenticationToken","message":"Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.", I was thinking maybe a need to get a code first and then ask for the token. I am setting the scope to : https://graph.microsoft.com/.default Anyone done this? I have looked at GMailAuthDemo. https://github.com/geoffsmith82/GmailAuthSMTP/blob/master/GMailAuthDemo.dproj Anyone done this? Dave Craggs
  4. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    Libsuffix auto is the way to go., Thanks
  5. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    Yes - bpl conflict. These bpls are also stored in SYSWOW64. Conflicting with a previous version of Delphi. I need to rename the BPL files so they are unique to Delphi12 I think.
  6. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    The newer version of the dependency walker worked fine, no issues found. I tried copying the bpl files from the working system and still had the same problem. I wonder if there is a BPL conflict?
  7. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    Is that this? https://dependencywalker.com/ Looks quite old!
  8. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    This is strange Got these from the event log This is Delphi 12.1 Will do a more complete comparison between the two installs.
  9. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    This also describes the process https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62969608/debugging-a-package-during-component-installation But both instances of Delphi just disappear!
  10. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    Did that - when you say open up the package do you mean open up the project again and run install? Did that and both instances of d12 crashed. I do have the source.
  11. Dave Craggs

    Access violation installing a component

    I have a component (bpl) I am trying to install. I have installed this successfully on Delphi 12 on my notebook but on my desktop I get It builds fine but when you select install you get the access violation How can you debug this sort of thing? Dave Craggs
  12. HI - is there an integration update for D12 yet? Thanks Dave Craggs
  13. Dave Craggs

    Update issue

    I would do but my dev system is not a VM. I do have a backup DEV VM though. I did use VMs all the time, but it was not so good when doing mobile development.
  14. Dave Craggs

    Update issue

    I pruned the path. trying to reinstall getit packages but JEDI isn't playing ball and now my 10.3 install is not working. I had heard about D12 but I never go to a new release until at least the first service pack!