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Dave Craggs

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Everything posted by Dave Craggs

  1. Dave Craggs


    How do you get a StackTrace when an exception occurs? I have implement a logger inheriting from TDUnitXNullLogger Got this in OnTestError procedure TJPANUllLogger.OnTestError(const threadId: TThreadID; const Error: ITestError); begin inherited; FCurrentTestItem.Error := True; FCurrentTestItem.StackTrace := Error.StackTrace; Codesite.SendFmtMsg('StackTrace %s',[Error.StackTrace]); Codesite.SendFmtMsg('Message %s',[Error.ExceptionMessage]); Codesite.SendFmtMsg('LocationInfo %s',[Error.ExceptionLocationInfo]); Codesite.SendFmtMsg('AddressInfo %s',[Error.ExceptionAddressInfo]); end; ExceptionMessage is coming through, but not StackTrace
  2. Dave Craggs


    OK got it working. Needed to include {$I DUnitX.Stacktrace.inc} Needed to be edited to enable MadExcept5 Also needed to add DUnitX.StackTrace.MadExcept5 to the project.
  3. Dave Craggs


    Think I am losing it. Was also discussed here - no resolution though.
  4. Dave Craggs


    Hmm - there is a unit DUnitX.StackTrace.MadExcept5;
  5. Dave Craggs


    I have been using MadExcept for years. So how do I plug it into DunitX?
  6. Dave Craggs

    DUnitX and StackTraces

    OK - first, I use the GUI Test Runner when developing tests. Tests are then run using the console tester when doing builds using FinalBuilder. I need the stack trace to tell me where exceptions occur when tests fail. I have managed by using Codesite to show the stack trace, that will do for now.
  7. Dave Craggs

    DUnitX and StackTraces

    Anyone know how to view the stack trace using the GUI test runner?
  8. Dave Craggs

    DUnitX and StackTraces

    Did you get this working I have tried the MadExcept option, and it is getting called, but the stack trace is not being shown. Dave
  9. Hi All, Using the GUI test runner, how can I run code that executes after all the test have run? I tried inheriting from the main form but that was not allowed. Thanks Dave Craggs
  10. Dave Craggs

    DunitX run code after all tests have run

    That is what I did 🙂
  11. Dave Craggs

    DunitX run code after all tests have run

    Worked it out. Needed to implement OnTestingEnds in TDUnitXNullLogger
  12. Dave Craggs

    DunitX run code after all tests have run

    To print out a report.
  13. Dave Craggs

    Nevrona Rave Reports

    HI All, MalwareBytes is reporting the Nevrona website as containing Trojans. http://www.nevrona.com/ Anyone know anything about this? Dave Craggs
  14. Dave Craggs

    Nevrona Rave Reports

    It is MalwareBytes that is flagging it up.
  15. Dave Craggs

    Nevrona Rave Reports

    Still getting issues with this site
  16. Dave Craggs

    TVirtualStringTree Columns

    When using columns, is there way to have text in column 0 extend into the other columns? Bit like merge in excel. This is what happens at the moment
  17. Dave Craggs

    TVirtualStringTree Columns

    Fixed it. Moved the images to column 0.
  18. Dave Craggs

    TVirtualStringTree Columns

    Yes - the col 0 width on the first one is a bit wider so you can see the truncated text.
  19. Dave Craggs

    TVirtualStringTree Columns

    So if I enable toAutoSpanColumns, the GetImageIndex event to show images in the second column does not work. Any ideas?
  20. Dave Craggs

    TVirtualStringTree Columns

    Hmm - although my icons have disappeared now. Images are set in GetImageIndex
  21. Dave Craggs

    TVirtualStringTree Columns

    Many thanks!!
  22. Dave Craggs

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    That's worth considering!
  23. Dave Craggs

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    Given that I only use it now for VCL stuff, it is very hard to justify an upgrade.
  24. Dave Craggs

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    Indeed - and it is FAR too expensive
  25. Dave Craggs

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    I always installed new versions of Delphi and then see if they build. VCL stuff seems to work pretty much OK from one version to another. Saying that I let my subscription lapse a year ago. Might consider jumping back in, but the cost is much too high