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Dave Craggs

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Everything posted by Dave Craggs

  1. Dave Craggs


    Looking at logging to a text file. Saw this article in Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41301921/how-to-log-in-dunitx?rq=1 It has a reference to TDUnitXTextFileLogger This seems to be incomplete. In the installed version of DUNITX that comes with Delphi, the constructor is blank and the FFilename field is commented out. Looking at the latest in git the constructor is: constructor TDUnitXTextFileLogger.Create(const AFileName : string; const overwrite : boolean); begin raise ENotImplemented.Create('Not Implemented'); end; How is text logging done? I want to produce reports for users showing what tests have been done in a readable form. Dave Craggs
  2. Dave Craggs

    Repository reorganisation

    Is there an official documented way to replace the bundled version with the repo? Thanks Dave
  3. Dave Craggs


    I could probably do something myself, but just wondering if I am missing something.
  4. Thanks Uwe... Hope it's not just me!
  5. Are you going to add this for 10.4?
  6. Dave Craggs

    Nevrona Rave Reports

    Strange. I went on to the site on another machine (with AVG) and version 12 is a beta. I am registered for v11 but I can't install that on D10.3. Dilemma! Dave
  7. Dave Craggs

    TSplitView Inheritence

    Hi, Anyone here use TSplitView? Having a problem with inheritence. If you inherit from a form with a SplitView, the ButtonCategory items from the inherited form disappear. This is in Delphi 10.3 update 3. I do have an example here: https://github.com/dcraggs/Splitview-Inheritence Dave Craggs
  8. Dave Craggs

    TSplitView Inheritence

    I'll see how it goes with the workaround above. Dave
  9. Dave Craggs

    TSplitView Inheritence

    Have had a play. This bit here isn't redundant: inherited SV: TSplitView Height = 361 ExplicitHeight = 361 inherited catMenuItems: TCategoryButtons It is a reference to the components in the parent form. If I delete the whole section in the dfm and show form it all looks good. As soon as I run it the buttons disappear. What has worked is if I delete the section and add a button to the category buttons list thereby making a change in the DFM to that section, they all stay. Could be a workaround. Dave Craggs
  10. Dave Craggs

    TSplitView Inheritence

    Thanks for that. I'll check it out. I have used inheritance for YEARS with no problems, so it's worrying this is happening with newer components. Dave Craggs
  11. Dave Craggs

    TSplitView Inheritence

    If it helps, here are images of the original and the inherited forms. Dave Craggs
  12. Doesn't seem to be much Delphi work in the UK. about 3 job on LinkedIn being chased by dozens of recruiters. Looking for additional work myself, but not much luck.
  13. Dave Craggs

    Delphi in the UK

    Yes - I have done a lot of C#, but self taught, so bit of a harder sell.
  14. Dave Craggs

    Delphi in the UK

    An option, but I have lesser expertise in other languages.
  15. Thanks - got it working. Key is HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\20.0\Experts Add string key ModelMakerExpert Value C:\Program Files (x86)\ModelMakerTools\ModelMaker\11\bin\MM_BDS20_Expt.dll Dave