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  1. jhoward1801

    Main screen tab error

    Editing the .dsk files did the trick. Thank you.
  2. jhoward1801

    TJsonTextWriter out of memory

    Thank you. I was hitting the 2GB limit for 32bit applications and it was a combination of some cached memory for some large SQL calls and so my SQL writer was pushing me over the threshold so I was able to do some better house cleaning and was able to get it to work. Thanks for the responses.
  3. I am creating a large amount of json data using TJsonTextWriter using Delphi 10.4. When I get to around 100,000 objects being loaded into the array, and each object has around 25 values, I am getting an out of memory error. I also tried the other JSON framework using the JSONObject and I get the same error. What are the size and or object limits using Readers and Writers JSON Framework: TJSonWriter? Thanks
  4. jhoward1801

    Main screen tab error

    After upgrading to Sydney version 10.4 and once I close any project, an error TAB will show up with this message: Unable to locate "bds:/documentation.htm" I noticed that I had a "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Welcomepage" documentation.htm file for version 19 but I do not have that file for version 21? Any idea how to resolve or disable the error tab from coming up or get an updated documentation.htm file? Thanks