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Posts posted by Fraser

  1. If I make a small console application without saving it I can build and run it once.  Than I get [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Could not open .\Win32\Debug\Project1.exe (error code 1224).  This always happens now with Builder 11.3.  If I use the Clean option I get [Delete Error] Unable to delete file ".\Win32\Debug\Project1.exe". Access to the path 'C:\Users\Fraser Ross\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\Projects\Win32\Debug\Project1.exe' is denied.

  2. That would be laughed at.  It is probably itself or Delphi.  Does anyone have 10.1 Berlin installed?  I have been getting many script errors while starting it recently and after reinstalling it.  I also have a blank strip across the startup picture that is still there after reinstalling.

  3. Does the project option 'Show header dependencies in project manager' work with the community edition?  I was trying the option but my cbproj file got corrupted and I've had to retrieve a backup.

  4. When I run my program from the IDE of 11.3 I am finding that _argc is 0 when I have not set any parameters.  So _argv[0] is not the program name as is the documented functionality.  I've not seen this before with any other version of C++ Builder.  If I set a parameter then _argc will be 1 and _argv[0] will be the parameter so there is not an error in how I use these variables.  I made a small test program but the problem would not show up.

  5. I have discovered that the ability to run from the IDE and to set the icons are disabled together when I place any #include directives above #pragma hdrstop in the project source file.  Also the abilities are restored when I remove those extra include directives.

  6. The point where it becomes impossible to run is when the signature of WinMain is modified.  It is

    int WINAPI _tWinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPTSTR, int) originally.


    I am using a utf8 code library that is here: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5252037/Doing-UTF-8-in-Windows I have changed '_TCHAR maps to' char in the belief that it is required for that library code.  I have had some use of that library although it takes some effort to make it compatible with C++ Builder.


  7. I created a new project with 11.3 that is equal to one I have for 10.4.  After getting everything done it wouldn't let me set the icons.  So I finally deleted the whole project and started again, this time setting the icons as soon as possible.  Now I have built it for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and both debug and release but none of them allow me to run the program from the IDE.  I've had many versions of C++ Builder and many projects but this has not happened before.

  8. I have tried to install the newly available community edition which is 11.0.  The Embarcadero site tells me: Your download should begin immediately for
    C++Builder Community Edition 11.3 Alexandria installer.   My serial number does not seem to be matching to the installed software.  It says something about Delphi which is another incorrect thing when I try to register.  Has someone made a complete mess of things?  My e-mail with the serial number gives a link to an installation program for 11.3 : RADStudio_11_3_esd_28_13236.exe

  9. I had this kind of problem.  It is caused by Windows File Explorer having a cache of icons and not updating the cache.  I have checked my icons in the exe with PE Explorer and tried another file manager called Explorer++ and this confirms where the problem is.

  10. After my C++ Builder 10.4.2 Community edition license expired I got another.  Now some projects have lost support for Windows 32-bit and I could not add the Windows 32-bit target platform.  Strangely after trying some more I can add that platform again.

  11. Quote

    For obj's exception it is caught and the handler executes correctly and there is not another throw.


    No, there is no explicit re-throw statement in the catch block.  But the catch block is performing an implicit re-throw, because you are using a function-try block instead of a normal try block:

    More than once I have said the AccessA() type of implementation works as expected and you say otherwise.  Thats ridiculous.


    You are the only person that has said anything about rethowing.  I have seen nothing.  For a start an object of one type, in my case std::logic_error, would be rethrown as the same object.  But the next exception I witness, for object a, has type EExternalException.


    I'm not aware of any difference between function-try-block and try-block other than a function-try-block is a like a try-block around a functions entire body, a shorter notation for that.  Even the standard states that where it says "try block" it can apply to either.


    Here is the rough mock-up of my program with some corrections;


    #include <vcl.h>
    #pragma hdrstop

    #include "Unit1.h"


    #pragma package(smart_init)
    #pragma resource "*.dfm"
    TForm1 *Form1;


    class A {
        A() noexcept try {
        throw std::logic_error("test");
        catch (std::exception const &ex) {
            std::cout << "Caught an STL exception" << std::endl;



    A a;


    // Alternative implementation that works as expected;

    /*A & AccessA() {
        static A obj;
        return obj;


    __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
        : TForm(Owner)
