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Everything posted by mikak

  1. mikak

    Codeformatter from Commandline

    Hi, Is it possible to run code formatter from command line. ?
  2. mikak

    Codeformatter from Commandline

    I was talking about GExpert (since this is Gexpert subforum ) But thanks, that was simplier than I expected. And version copied from D12.2 installation to D10.3.1 installation works also. Nice.
  3. mikak

    FastMM4 with D10.4.2 -- need $G ???

    Don't know if you have solved this, but just ran to same problem. And found solution {$define UseRuntimePackages} to FastMM4options.inc
  4. Hi, I need to implement somekind of message exchange between two similar VCL apps inside same local network. All are windows machines. I have been thinking following options install local mosquito server and use TMS mtqq client build websocket server (for example using mORMot) brute force: write to DB and read using timer based poll (not a real option IMO) use case is that user can press help on self service kiosk and it would raise notification in service personal desktop app. Or there is an error and application automatically sents notifcation . Also considering in future to have handheld (android) devices to receive messages. is there another reasonable choices?
  5. This has been my guideline all the time when talking about delphi code. and it has saved me couple of times. But sometimes must relay on ready solutions but use those who have large user base. One just don't have enough time to write everything by himself ( = myself + my team)
  6. Actually I was just thinking about this. It came from differenent case where I got complaint from customer that purchase price in order doesn't change immediatly in when user changes price in product maintenance in another workstation. tought I could use same mecanishm to send messages. then I rememberd that some of workstation are dhcp, change and some are event in different subnet (warehouse vs storage). Had to configure many terminal. I will go with MQTT.
  7. Yes, In deed it was short description. there will be 2 ... n windows pc's which run our VCL application. Some are self service kiosks ( Point of Sales) and some have employees operating them. Configuration might be for example 4 self services and 2 with personel. In kiosk users make mistake which required staff's actions. Accidently orders wrong product and pays it, employees help is needed to cancel it. Or age limited product, staff could click It's ok from his own terminal if he / she see that customer is and old guy. Anyway in these cases self service terminals application sends msg to all (configured) manned workstations. Personel could send command (ok - continue, wait-i'll be there) from own workstion back to originaiting selfservice kiosk. usually messages are from one terminal to another, but might be brodcast also. So my current plan is that number of messages quite few and they might be short. Of course if implementation works we might extend it more, like manned workstation could see what user does in self service kiosk. (not whole screen, only items purchased). Current envirmoments are all in own private local area cable network, so encryption isn't a must. But it will if in some day customers wan't to use stand alone clients. Our DB is Actian Zen (old btrieve) so no notification 😞 thanks for responses so far 🙂 intresting reading.
  8. Hi, Is there possiblity to add attributes to fields or properties while createing them with MMX. I'm hoping to speed up process while creating new fields to TMS Aurelius entity.
  9. I was searching solution this object creation also and remembered finally that Delphi rtl json library does that. uses ... system.rtti, rest.jsonreflect; var ctx: Trtticontext; a, another: TMybaseClass; begin a := tMyancestorClass.create; //actually no need to call ctx := trtticontext.create; another := TJSONUnMarshal.ObjectInstance(ctx, a.QualifiedClassName) as tmybaseclass; assert(a.classname = another.classname); end; Only default constructor is supported (constructor create)
  10. Hi, Is it possible to capture actual data of TRestRequest sent by TrestClient before sending. I have been using fiddler while developing (if needed) but during pilot installation i'd like to capture all request sent by our application only to that specific endpoint (so not every request sent by our app ) and store them safely.
  11. My Delphi 10.3.1 compiles my quite large application from ide in about 20-25 sec. If I check use MSbuild to compile it takes over 2 minutues. I have Installed fastdcc 6.4.4 and IDE Fix Pack 6.4.4 I there anything I could do - we have over 10 applications so building them from command line takes of course a long time...
  12. mikak

    Compile speed ide vs MsBuild

    yes. I did and at start of compilation it says Compiler Speed Pack 6.4.2 - Compiler patches applied so it's 6.4.2 not 6.4.4 as I wrote but change log between isn't so huge.
  13. mikak

    Compile speed ide vs MsBuild

    okey.. of cource that might do it .. have you been using paraller compilation?
  14. mikak

    Compile speed ide vs MsBuild

    I have thought that, but they use common units - I would think that if other is trying to access dcu while other one is generating that, it would be a problem
  15. UnChecking Use MSBUild helped for me also. this occurs only in two exe on my 7 exe which are same project family. Don't know if it's exe size of what, or some library which causes problems.
  16. Hi, I'm testing classes that use RTTI and I get some strange leaks. My isolated test case is [ TestFixture ] tSomeTEst = class (TObject) private a: integer; b: string; c: double; published [ test] procedure sometest; end; /// ... and the test itself .. procedure tSomeTEst.sometest; var ctx: TRttiContext; ti: TRttiType; f: TRttiField; begin ctx := TRttiContext.Create; ti := ctx.GetType( typeinfo(Tsometest) ); for f in ti.GetFields do codesite.send(f.Name); ctx.free; end; When I run my test I get testkassaapi.tSomeTEst.sometest Message: 432 bytes were leaked in the test method Total allocation count: 26532 (1906454 B) Leak detected 06320CB0 size 76 B for class: TStringList Leak detected 06519080 size 18 B B0 04 02 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 0D 00 0A 00 00 00 | ?????????????????? Leak detected 065192F0 size 40 B 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 6C 95 51 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ????????l?Q?????????????? ??????? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ???????? Leak detected 06519560 size 16 B for UnicodeString {RefCount: 1} = a Leak detected 064A57E0 size 28 B for class: TRttiInstanceFieldEx Leak detected 064A5A50 size 28 B for class: TRttiInstanceFieldEx Leak detected 064A5CC0 size 28 B for class: TRttiInstanceFieldEx Leak detected 064A5F30 size 32 B for UnicodeString {RefCount: 1} = 3676=3676 Leak detected 064A61A0 size 40 B 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 3C 5F 4A 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ????????<_J?????????????? ??????? 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ???????? Leak detected 06320F50 size 86 B for UnicodeString {RefCount: 2} = 2EC5265F-E40C-42B0-B71D-D8C0F8E30803 Leak detected 064A6680 size 40 B 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 0 If I just use standard ReportmemoryleakOnShutdown, it reports no leaks. what's going on here? I use Delphi 10.3.1. and latest leak-check from https://bitbucket.org/shadow_cs/delphi-leakcheck/src/master/
  17. mikak

    DunitX / delphi-leakcheck and Rtti

    Thanks for reply. I'm quite ashamed of how badly I concentrated to read readme ... there it was, Right before my eyes. But opening Spring.TestRunners.pas was quite eye opener! Thanks. Got rid of some unidac singleton and some LazyLoadAttributes.MakeClosure* leaks. thanks again...
  18. Hi, Started (again 😄 ) to examine how to convert our server from datasnap to mars. Our goal is to have api like /databasename/products or /databasename/orders/10 so one server should handle multiple databases which have same structure To introduce every database Mars I write. for s in fdatabasenames do FEngine.AddApplication(s+'-app', s, [ 'Server.Resources.*','customers.resources.*','orders.resources.*',..... {about 30 different resources}]); Is there approach ok? or does this waste server resources? one server should be able to handle 10-40 databases.
  19. mikak

    Adding applications

    I'll have to look at them. 🙂
  20. mikak

    Adding applications

    Hi Andrea, Thanks for Reply. I'll study that path. About TMARSFireDAC... How much do I lose if I use UniDAC because FD with ODBC doesn't support trasnsaction savepoints (or nested transactions -can't remember correct term). Thanks mika