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Posts posted by marcovaldo

  1. The slightly extended version of the handler now sends
    differnt images from  [Application Bin folder]\img   folder


    function TDominoServerResource.ServerImg([PathParam('*')] AllStrings: string): TStream;
    //AllStrings contains plain image filename
    Result := TFileStream.Create('img\'+AllStrings, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);

    Why I wanted that MARS is also serving HTML pages for browser
    - Status Display
    - Setup functions (as my app normally is running as service)

    My old application used a telnet connection for that purpose but
    I bet that customer IT is nowadays unhappy having an open telnet connection
    on a productive server.

    The http connection can be protected by various auth methods..



  2. Fixed:

    1) Created a separate handler in MARS for images (similar to MARSContentType Demo):

        [GET, Path('/img/{*}'), Produces('image/jpg')]
        function ServerImg([PathParam('*')] AllStrings: string): TStream;


    function TDominoServerResource.ServerImg([PathParam('*')] AllStrings: string): TStream;
      Result := TFileStream.Create('Sample.jpg', fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);

    Note: This sample serves only one fixed image to all requests. AllStrings needs to be processed still...

    2) In HTML I had to take care not only on HTML SRC path but also on MARS/REST path

    <img src="/rest/default/myservername/img/Sample.jpg">

    Waterfall mode of Chrome Browser is your friend!
    (as it showed what is requested by browser)

    Greetings to All, 

  3. Many Thanks Attila, for your quick help!

    I am trying to play with the Bootstrap Server example
    (as I can edit html without compile)

    In Mars this page is served as follows

    function THelloWorldResource.SayHelloWorld: string;
      LStreamReader: TStreamReader;
      LStreamReader := TStreamReader.Create('..\www\helloworld.html', TEncoding.UTF8);
        Result := LStreamReader.ReadToEnd;

    What works: if the IMG is served from external server
    What doesn't work: if the IMG is referenced to local filesystem (location of binary)
    i thought that WEB root is application folder (maybee I am wrong?)
    Just try to find something in the web about this ....




  4. Hi All,

    Beside using MARS as a REST server using JSON interface
    I also want to serve a few plain HTML pages used for status display with browsers.

    There shall be a table returned containing text and if possible images/icons beside that
    Device1   online   [an image]
    Device2   offline  [ an other image]

    Is there any example how to do this?
    The images are shown as broken in browser.

    Does this need multiple endpoints to serve ?
    (One for the text and then one extra for every image, as the browser will
    do several  HTTP connections to retrieve them)

    I am using Indy in a windows service (alternatively startable via /GUI as application)

    Kind Greetings,

  5. On 12/22/2019 at 12:09 PM, Yaron said:

    If anyone else is wondering how it's done, you need to add "[Context] marsRequest: TWebRequest;" and then the client's IP is available in "marsRequest.RemoteIP".

      TProjectXServicesResource = class
        [Context] marsRequest: TWebRequest;
        [GET, Produces(TMediaType.TEXT_HTML)]
        function xHome([QueryParam] lang : String) : String;
        [POST, Consumes(TMediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA), Produces(TMediaType.TEXT_HTML)]
        function xAction([FormParams] AParams: TArray<TFormParam>): String;
    function TProjectXServicesResource.xHome([QueryParam] lang : String) : String;
    function TProjectXServicesResource.xAction([FormParams] AParams: TArray<TFormParam>) : String;



    I am following down this path - but no success:
    - marsRequest stays nil
    - Also ading [HeaderParam] and  [QueryParam] stay empty.

    What I am looking for is
    having the RequestURL to create an auto refresh status page which autorefreshs after a short time.
    Don't want to set URL as constant string...

    Any hints how to retrieve the Request URL simplest way
    (Just scrolling through Demo Code, but not seeing the trees instead of the wood...)

    Kind Greetings,


  6. Hello All,
    Hi Kiriakos  Vlahos,

    Many thanks, Kiriakos, for creating the P4D and Pyscripter!
    (I am only just scratchig on the surface, but I am allready aware that this is a great tool and opportunity)

    Question (maybee anybody here has a hint)
    if I include P4D Code into my commercial application,
    how do the different licenses propagate through the call stack:

    Delphi code (commercial project)
    D4P Interface Code (MIT license)
    Python code  (PSFL similar to BSD license )
    3rd party Library  (GPL or Commercial license )


    Isolates the D4P and Python layer the Delphi App from the GPL constraints or
    propagates this up so that I need either putting my App into GPL too or purchase
    a commercial license of the 3rd party lib?

    Kind greetings,


  7. 54 minutes ago, Fr0sT.Brutal said:

    I doubt having 2 big network libs in a project is nice idea. Though, everything depends on how many connections you'll have. 1000s of threads won't be a good solution either.


    Thx for your suggestions!

    In the meantime I am looking more into Using ICS for the downcomms. Something event driven might be easier for implementation with complex protocols handling many different
    kinds of protocols (needing timeouts, single byte answers etc.)
    Unfortunately there will be lost of (partially yet undefined) downstream protocols...

    And if I use Indy for the MARS (Uplink side) only I can later on decide to convert to apache module (NO - i think this will not work; Apache Module will run in a Apache Request/Answer Thread and
    will not have means to keep connections with the IoT sensor nodes continously )



  8. Hi All,

    I am working on a MARS Server (runnable as Application AND as Service).
    MARS REST interface is used to communicate with Enterprise IoT Servers (eg. Upstream comms)
    The same Server also shall communicate using various TCP protocols to IoT Sensors (eg Downstream comms)

    ? What TCP library would you recommend to use for this ?

    - Indy is used by (the stand alone server of MARS).
      Its a blocking/synchronous library (the downcomms will have to be moved into threads)
      ? Might using this interfere with the MARS internals?

    - ICS - I was very happy using this over the years in kind of Bread and butter VCL apps.
      But not sure if they depend much on Windows Message Loop / Events and
      might be difficult to handle in a Windows Service/ Multithreading enviroment
      (I will have to implement much to keep the engine under the hood running)
     (I think there is a Multiping Example by Angus Robertson at least, which might help me)
      ? Is it better to go for Indy or even for the Synapse lightweight library - because
       a linear comms task in a thread is simpler structure than all that message pump ens Event stuff ?

    Many thanks in advance for any suggestion guiding my half-noob in a swampy area!

    Seasonal Greetings & a good 2022!


  9. They were ignored in application folder (if started as service)
    In my  case they _have_been_ all the time in application folder. But only used by server compiled as application.
    When service has been started, it was terminated after a few seconds (Event entry: Service failed at start....)
    I first thought it has to do with my special setup (Delphi in VM, Project files outside in shared folder), but
    it also failed if i copied service application, OpenSSL dlls, certs to a local folder inside VM, like C:\Test.
    Could this be a special case of Win10 running in a VMWare Player VM then?

  10. Hi All,

    Sorry for duplicating information!
    I repostet under new Topic for better visibility. May this save others the days I lost...

    (at least on Win10/Pro as I have) :

    the cert files (supposed to be in bin/executable folder) MUST BE IN C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ folder
    also a cert.pem is queried from C:\usr\local\ssl\cert     (i copied the root cert to this name, however not sure if necessary)

    so if sticking with Indy default names, the files are:
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\localhost.pem        root cert
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\localhost.crt           cert
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\localhost.key          key
    Selfsigned cert OK (created using XCA)

    For copying to this folder, of course Admin rights are necessary.
    If you are using a VMWare VM for Delphi 10.4.X, as I do, and the project files are in the shared VM drive outside the VM,
    you need 2-step copy: 1) project/bin to local desktop  2) local desktop to SysWOW64

    All the above is for WIN32 Service target, as I did not tryout X64 yet.
    I am happy to be out of the swamp and back on the road (after fighting Windows and not Project)

    Kind Greetings,


  11. Hi All,

    Sysinternals ProcMon is your friend 🙂

    Problem solved.

    (at least on Win10/Pro as I have) :

    the cert files (supposed to be in bin/executable folder) MUST BE IN C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ folder
    also a cert.pem is queried from C:\usr\local\ssl\cert     (i copied the root cert to this name, however not sure if necessary)

    so if sticking with Indy default names, the files are:
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\localhost.pem        root cert
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\localhost.crt           cert
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\localhost.key          key
    Selfsigned cert OK (created using XCA)

    For copying to this folder, of course Admin rights are necessary.
    If you are using a VMWare VM for Delphi 10.4.X, as I do, and the project files are in the shared VM drive outside the VM,
    you need 2-step copy: 1) project/bin to local desktop  2) local desktop to SysWOW64

    All the above is for WIN32 Service target, as I did not tryout X64 yet.
    I am happy to be out of the swamp and back on the road (after fighting Windows and not Project)

    I will duplicate this to new Topic for better visibility. Might it be helpful for others!

    Kind Regards,



  12. At first supposed it might have todo with certificates somehow
    (or with user context versus local system context to access certificates)
    - same certificates work if used from MARS Sercer compiled as VCL Application
    - no change if service is started using local user instead of local system
    - Datasnap REST server works OK running as Service using same (selfsigned) certificates and same OpenSSL dlls.

    => Indy seems to be able to use SSL from Service Application (DataSnap uses Indy too)
    => will have to dig deeper (traced until inherited call)


  13. Additional Info:

    First thought it might have todo with the Certificates (However when run Server as App they work OK)
    Recreated some fresh ones using XCA. no change.

    This has definitively to do with enabling SSL.
    As soon as a SSL Port is assigned by
    FServer.Engine.PortSSL :=

    the Startup stalls in MARShttpServerIndy.Startup  (never finished)
    SetupSSLIOHandler() exit OK
    SetupThreadPooling() exit OK with 100 Threads

    Any Ideas?

    I know that Andrea suggests a Reverse Proxy etc for SSL (and doing only Http on the Rest server), but in this project a standalone Service App has been requested by customer ...

    Kind Greetings,



  14. Hi Andrea,
    Hi All,

    I am struggling at the same theme -
    In Reference to the 1000th commit: This works very well when using ServerVCLApplication, but I ran into problems getting SSL AND SERVICE running:

    I have stated in Server.Service.ServiceCreate()   or  Server.Service.ServiceStart() :
    FServer.Engine.Port := 0;
    FServer.Engine.PortSSL := 8443;


    Service terminates few seconds after started with:

    "The xxxxxx service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other service or programs

    The Windows Events say: Failed to load root certificate.


    Therefore I copied the 3 files from bin folder (where they were as default and work  for the ServerApplication
    to an absolute path like C:\CERT\
    and setup this by (I thought, maybee the Service is started in a different context):

    (also in Server.Service.ServiceCreate() , just before setting FServer.Engine.PortSSL)

     FServer.SSLIOHandler.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := 'C:\CERT\localhost.pem';
     FServer.SSLIOHandler.SSLOptions.CertFile     := 'C:\CERT\localhost.crt';
     FServer.SSLIOHandler.SSLOptions.KeyFile      := 'C:\CERT\localhost.key';

    still not working...

    (I am a complete newbee with services unfortunately; Any suggestions very wellcome)

    Kind Regards,



