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Everything posted by Andy.B

  1. Andy.B

    Delphi 12 and Android 14

    Good morning, I create a new, clean project in Delphi 12, run it on Android 14 and see the message: "This app is not compatible with the latest version of Android." In the AndroidManifest.xml file: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" android:targetSdkVersion="33" /> Android 14 is API version 34, I know. However, you upload a new program to GooglePlay and the client sees such a message? Can I ask for some tips? Regards, Andy
  2. Andy.B

    Delphi 12 and Android 14

    I haven't uploaded anything to GooglePlay yet, for now I've run this test program directly on the phone. However, such a message appears on the device (Pixel 5 in my case) only when I set "Target Platform: Android 32 bit", in the case of "Android 64 bit" there is no incompatibility message. It even seems logical, I'm sorry I didn't check it earlier and I'm making noise. In the case of GooglePlay and AAB, nothing like this will certainly happen. Thank you and best regards. Andy
  3. Hi, try this Query.ParamByName('Name').AsWideString := ... Regards
  4. Andy.B

    TLocationSensor on Android 12

    Good morning, I was a little surprised today. The program in which I use localization, written on Delphi 10.4 works on Android 11, but not on Android 12. So I compiled it on Delphi 11 and it still doesn't work on Android 12 - on older versions of Android (10, 11) it's ok. Did you manage to run Location Demo on Android 12? Like other programs with TLocationSensor component, this one doesn't work for me either. While debugging I get the message "Project Location.apk raised exception class Aborted (6)." and the program ends. I don't really know what to do with it now, can you please give me a hint? Best wishes, Andrew
  5. Andy.B

    TLocationSensor on Android 12

    Indeed, the workaround proposed by Marc Schwarzkopf works very well. Greetings!
  6. The file change date or even the size does not change anything - the file is not replaced. I do it so that I upload a new file, with a new name, and the constant declared in the program indicates the new file. The old file is simply deleted in the OnCreate data module. Works, that's what. greetings, Andrew
  7. Andy.B

    No more Transparent Forms on Android, now they are black

    It looks worse when after creating such a background you will rotate the screen ...