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Everything posted by hsvandrew

  1. hsvandrew

    ISAPI in Delphi 10.2,10.3 TranslateURI

    Apologies @Andrea Magni I wasn't able to edit the survey once it collected results and I wasn't aware of the MARS REST Library
  2. I'm not sure that I agree with this comment. Any memory based storage i.e. SSD, Memory Sticks etc can perform multiple operations at the same time. There is no head to move and multiple parts can be written or changed at the same time. So yes, using a thread would be very helpful. You should create a queue (pool) that receives files to delete, and another process that scans directories. This way you won't need to wait before the directory scan is done to start removing things. You may even want to consider the low level features Everything by Voidtools uses to get the directory structures/file structures faster than FindFirst.
  3. hsvandrew

    ISAPI in Delphi 10.2,10.3 TranslateURI

    Returns a blank string, yes logged https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-17838
  4. I'm hoping this post helps future users creating Apache modules for Linux I'm not really sure why, but it was not possible to do anything time consuming in the '.dpr' section of the project for the Apache module. I'm not sure if perhaps apache starts the module up first under root then moves it to the user workers later. In our Windows ISAPI extension we started a startup thread from the DPR before application.run. Under Apache it seems to shutdown the thread started from the main process after a few seconds. We had to move our INIT code into TWebModule1.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); and use a critical section to ensure it wasn't created multiple times. Obviously if anyone knows why, feel free to post. As an example, our startup code connects to a few socket servers to get some startup settings. We could not figure out why the code was getting part way through and just blocking and never receiving the socket response from the working server (after a few seconds/milliseconds) so the first few requests would work then stop. Once the code was moved as above all was fine again.
  5. hsvandrew

    Web dashboard application

    We've spent 2 years working on making a full commerical ERP solution powered by Delphi delivered over the web. Although a framework like Intraweb, UniGUI etc might be fast and easy and do the job, I actually would encourage you to learn a little HTML, CSS & Javascript yourself. You can use the TidHTTPServer component in Delphi to talk in HTTP/HTTPS. You might start by writing code in the default action to read a URL and turn it into a local file i.e. replace / with \ etc and don't allow any ..\ etc. This would allow you to stream a HTML5 page, a CSS file and a javascript file. After you've got this going, Review DevExpress HTML5 Library and learn how to use your new HTTP Server to send the browser JSON data streams. It might take you a few days to get up to speed with how to make a basic HTML5 page, learn CSS, Javascript etc and how to make Delphi output JSON via Indy but once you learn these skills you'll be in full control of your future look & feel. Obviously if your app gets more complex you'll have to work out how to create a session cookie & keep authentication records in your app.
  6. hsvandrew

    Changes in Parallel Library

    I'm going to pause this rant for now, perhaps these issues have been resolved and its just the tickets in quality control haven't been closed. We spend a lot of time on this in January and it failed miserably (especially for Linux) so we gave up. It appears it might be ok now on 10.2.3/10.3 I will do some more testing and advise
  7. hsvandrew

    Changes in Parallel Library

    Ok I'm prepared to concede this problem isn't happening anymore on 10.2.3 (some of these results came from earlier in 2018) - it is possible this is a linux only problem as that was the platform where this issue was experienced