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Everything posted by JLG

  1. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    I really sorted it now. I needed the following line IdMessage.ContentType := 'multipart/mixed'; phew. thanks to all of you out there!!
  2. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    thanks a million. I now got it to work. the main points seem to be 'https://www.googleapis.com/upload/gmail/v1/users/' + gOAuth2.email + '/messages/send'; and HTTP.Headers.Add('Accept: application/json'); it now works. however when i try with an attachment - it does send, but the receiver does not get it as an attachment, but a load of base64 text within the email. any further ideas? I really appreciate your help.
  3. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    I did try what you said by doing this code IdMessage.SaveToStream(MS,False,false); this resolves the dottransparency. but still not working. I enclose the txt file of the MS saved as file (I just changed the email address to xxxx to protect privacy) I do not know what is wrong, other than perhaps not the right json format for gmail ? I tried encoding base64... not resolved.. messsage.txt
  4. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    I am afraid I still get a "bad request" response
  5. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    in order to use the drafts folder of gmail, you need permission. gmail does not allow apps permission to drafts if all they need is to send emails. they insist to use https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/' + emailFrom +/messages/send instead. if i had access to drafts, then I could use the smtp component. this works well, but the google team complained to me that they don't allow this as I only require to send email, so no access to smtp. the code using synapse above is using smtp. when I experimented with smtp, I did not need JSON as you say correctly. problem is now that I am attempting to email directly, the code above wont work. I tried adding the header accept json and mmime type as suggested, but to no avail... gmail staff are incredibly unhelpful. they refuse to support delphi questions. they have sample code for other platforms(see https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/js). I just cant get code working for delphi. does anyone there have a simple send with attachment code using delphi for gmail without smtp but using REST?
  6. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    thanks. any idea how to do this. is there no way to convert idmessage to json? in the google docs it requires things like a unique message id and other stuff with no explanation of how. do i invent one or retrieve one?? their docs are so unhelpful to delphi user...
  7. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    thanks foir your reply. the following is based on your existing code for getting token function TgmailFrm.Sendemail(FromName, emailFrom, emailRecip, emailSubject, emailBody, emailAttach: string; Quietly: Boolean): Boolean; var HTTP: TIdHTTP; Response: TStringList; Url, s: STring; Base64: TBase64Encoding; IdMessage: TIdMessage; MailBuilder: TIdMessageBuilderPlain; xoauthSASL: TIdSASLListEntry; MS: TStringStream; fIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL: TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; begin result := False; if not SetupAuthenticator or not HasSavedToken then begin /// Authenticate; this is done in setup authenticator IdHTTPServer1.Active := False; Exit; end; // if we only have refresh_token or access token has expired // request new access_token to use with request OAuth2_Enhanced.RefreshAccessTokenIfRequired; if OAuth2_Enhanced.AccessToken.Length = 0 then begin raise Exception.Create('Failed to authenticate properly'); // Exit; //need to free the stuff end; // xoauthSASL := IdSMTP1.SASLMechanisms.Add; // xoauthSASL.SASL := TIdOAuth2Bearer.Create(nil); // TIdOAuth2Bearer(xoauthSASL.SASL).Token := OAuth2_Enhanced.AccessToken; // TIdOAuth2Bearer(xoauthSASL.SASL).Host := IdSMTP1.Host; // TIdOAuth2Bearer(xoauthSASL.SASL).Port := IdSMTP1.Port; // TIdOAuth2Bearer(xoauthSASL.SASL).User := clientaccount; try Url := 'https://gmail.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/' + emailFrom + '/messages/send'; try HTTP := TIdHTTP.Create; fIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(HTTP); with fIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.SSLOptions do begin Method := sslvTLSv1_2; Mode := sslmClient; SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1_2]; end; HTTP.IOHandler := fIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL; // HTTP.Request.CharSet := 'utf-8'; IdMessage := TIdMessage.Create(Application); MailBuilder := TIdMessageBuilderPlain.Create; MailBuilder.PlainText.Text := emailBody; MailBuilder.PlainTextCharSet := 'iso-8859-1'; // MailBuilder.PlainTextContentTransfer := 'base64'; if (emailAttach <> '') and (FileExists(emailAttach)) then begin MailBuilder.Attachments.Add(emailAttach); IdMessage.ContentType := 'multipart/mixed'; end else IdMessage.ContentType := 'text/plain'; IdMessage := MailBuilder.NewMessage(); // if UseHTML then // 'text/html'; // else IdMessage.ContentType := 'text/plain'; IdMessage.Encoding := meMIME; IdMessage.From.Address := emailFrom; IdMessage.From.Name := FromName; IdMessage.ReplyTo.EMailAddresses := IdMessage.From.Address; IdMessage.Recipients.Add.Text := emailRecip; IdMessage.Subject := emailSubject; IdMessage.Body.Text := emailBody; IdMessage.NoEncode := False; MS := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.UTF8); // this enables me to show progress try if not Quietly then begin IdMessage.SaveToStream(MS); Sz := MS.Size; HTTP.onWork := EvHandler.DoWork; IdSMTP1.onWork := EvHandler.DoWork; HTTP.BeginWork(wmRead); // this enables me to show progress end; // if not quietly then with HTTP do begin Request.CustomHeaders.Add(Format('Authorization: Bearer %s', [OAuth2_Enhanced.AccessToken])); HandleRedirects := True; Response.KeepAlive := False; AllowCookies := True; end; MS.Position:=0; HTTP.Post(Url, MS); if not Quietly then ShowWait(0, 0, TimeToStr(Time) + ' email sent to ' + emailRecip, True); if not Quietly then HTTP.EndWork(wmRead); result := True; except On E: Exception do begin Add2Log('Error while sending email to ' + emailRecip + ': ' + E.Message); result := False; if not Quietly then ShowTimedMsg('Error while sending email to ' + emailRecip + ': ' + E.Message, 10); end; end; finally IdSMTP1.Disconnect; HTTP.Free; // fIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Free; MS.Free; IdMessage.Free; MailBuilder.Free; end; finally IdHTTPServer1.Active := False; end; end;
  8. JLG

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    your gmailAuth on github is really good. but due to google strict requirements, I need a solution which does not use idsmtp but IDHTTP, as only have send authorization. I used your code to get the token - works brilliant. but I tried to make some code to post the message I generated using idmessage (into a tstreamstring) but always get a bad request error when posting. I think the problem is when doing IDHTTP.Post, the message is not formatted correctly. please could you advise? many thanks