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Peter J.

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  1. Peter J.

    Delphi 12.1 with MacOS version and iOS version

    Thanks for the feedback, Dave. I believe you are using Delphi 12.2? Could I ask if anyone has problems with Delphi 12.1, XCode 16.1 with an iOS 18.3? (given you mentioned that Delphi 12.1 does not work with XCode 16.2)
  2. Previously, I could use this parameter when installing to an Android phone, and it'll clear the previous data files when deploying a newer version of Android. However, it does not work now. Please advise if the parameter has changed. I do not have iPhone now, so I'm not sure if the iPhone has a similar problem. thanks for any advice.
  3. Peter J.

    Delphi 12.1 with MacOS version and iOS version

    I'll be having an iPhone with iOS 18.3. Would that be a problem deploying from Delphi 12.1 to this device. I assume I'll upgrade my MacOS to 15.3 and use XCode 16.1 (Minimum MacOS to run XCode 16.1 is Sonoma 14.5, from what I checked) I won't use any new features in iOS 18.3 - just basic features already found in lower iOS sdks such as iOS SDK 14 or 15. Will this cause any problem? I'm asking because if I buy the iPhone (18.3) and then is stuck with it as I will not be upgrading to 12.2 for a while. Thanks for any advice!
  4. Peter J.

    Delphi 12.1 with MacOS version and iOS version

    ok thanks Dave! I'm asking as reverting to an earlier OS would be non-trivial! I assume that iOS would follow the same Xcode 16.1?
  5. May I ask for Delphi 12.1, which is the highest MacOS version I can install and the highest iOS SDK that I can install and still be able to compile without errors? (using SQlite in my appt, if that matters) How about for Delphi 12.2 when I eventually upgrade? thanks for the advice!
  6. Peter J.

    Using Camera in Android 9 under Delphi 12.1 CE

    Thanks for the reply, Dave. sorry, I've been too overwhelmed to look into the log msg as it seems quite a lot of setup. Anyway, I ran the same code in Android 15 and it worked fine! It's quite disappointing though that it worked in 15 and not 9. How would I know if my app will work on Android 10-14? Surely it's not practical to test all.
  7. Peter J.

    Using Camera in Android 9 under Delphi 12.1 CE

    I'm using SDK 34.0 - downloaded from the sdkmanager.bat
  8. Peter J.

    Using Camera in Android 9 under Delphi 12.1 CE

    Thanks for the reply. The camera did not show at all. The app crashed as in "closed without error message". procedure TForm2.DidCancelTaking(const Sender: TObject; const M: TMessage); begin if M is TMessageDidCancelTaking then begin DoCancelTaking; // do cancellation stuff end; end; procedure TForm2.DoCancelTaking; begin //if Assigned(OnDidCancelTaking) then //Memo1.lines.insert(0,'cancel taking photo'); end; procedure TForm2.RequestCameraPermissions; begin PermissionsService.RequestPermissions(['android.permission.CAMERA'], PermissionsResult, nil); end; procedure TForm2.PermissionsResult(Sender: TObject; const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const AGrantResults: TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray); //PermissionsResult begin //if AGrantResults = TPermissionResult.GRANTED then if (Length(AGrantResults) = 1) and (AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted) then begin // Permissions granted, start the camera // CameraComponent1.Active := True; takephoto(); //TakePhotoFromCameraAction1.Execute; showmessage('executed'); end else begin // Permissions denied, show a message ShowMessage('Camera permission is required to use this feature.'); end; end; procedure TForm2.takephoto(); var Params: TParamsPhotoQuery; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXCameraService, FCameraService) then begin Params.Editable := False; Params.NeedSaveToAlbum := False; Params.RequiredResolution := TSize.Create(640,640); Params.OnDidFinishTaking := TakePhotoDidFinishTaking; Params.OnDidCancelTaking := DoCancelTaking; FCameraService.TakePhoto(button1, Params); end else begin end; end; procedure TForm2.TakePhotoFromCameraActionDidFinishTaking(Image: TBitmap); begin Image2.Bitmap.Assign(Image); showmessage('TakePhotoFromCameraActionDidFinishTaking()'); end;
  9. Peter J.

    Using Camera in Android 9 under Delphi 12.1 CE

    oh, thanks for the response! I didn't know that Android 9 is not supported. Delphi 12 Athens is here! – Delphi Worlds -> it says Android 8.1 so I'm a little confused. There's no error. click the button to take photo and the app closes. As for the adb log, it is way too many, so I didn't think it would be useful. I'll try to get a newer Android phone. Meanwhile, if anyone has similar experiences, please let me know possible solutions. thank you!
  10. I used this for Delphi 11.x with Android 9. No issue. Now the same code in Delphi 12.1 crashes after I "allow camera" in Android phone. Permissions [x] Camera. I even enabled "Secured File Sharing" just to be safe. Any advice? A similar service for Select Photos From Folder (IFMXTakenImageService) does not crash. Any advice on this? var Params: TParamsPhotoQuery; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXCameraService, FCameraService) then begin Params.Editable := False; Params.NeedSaveToAlbum := False; Params.RequiredResolution := TSize.Create(640,640); Params.OnDidFinishTaking := TakePhotoDidFinishTaking; Params.OnDidCancelTaking := DoCancelTaking; FCameraService.TakePhoto(button1, Params); end else begin end;
  11. I ran my Android 64-bit app. The splash screen hanged without giving any error. Running a blank app is ok. What is the best way to find out what happened during the loading? I tried running app in DEBUG mode, but each time I pressed F7 or F8, the deployment process will re-start all over again. It seems the app does not even hit the first line of the .DPR project file. I know how to start logcat but there are so much messages coming in. Any other way to debug Android 64 apps? Do I really have to comment out as much code as possible, and slowly add them back in? Thanks for any ideas.
  12. Peter J.

    3D render engine that works with Delphi

    thanks for the reply. I didn't know it can do realistic images as the examples on youtube show a little "cartoon-like" renderings. ok, I'll check this out. What I'm trying to do is go close to a Blender 3D software rendering... meaning if I put in textures & lightings, it can give me an almost photo-realistic rendering. There was one suggestion of using Firemonkey 3D. I have tried it using the 3D forms etc. However, I read that the "perspective" generated in Firemonkey is not correct (similar to old-generation 3D rendering engines). Not sure whether this is true. I'll check out the links you gave. Thanks! Lastly, do let me know if I can achieve Blender-like 3D renderings with textures and lightings... eg. I would want water and glass to look natural too. thanks
  13. Peter J.

    3D render engine that works with Delphi

    Most of the 3D render engines seem to be C++. It doesn't seem to be trivial to translate the C++ to headers that can be used by Delphi. Are there any existing 3D libraries that work with Delphi? When I mean 3D, I don't mean Castle game engine type (not realistic enough). thanks for any pointers.
  14. Peter J.

    Delphi 11.3 with Android SDK 33

    Thanks for the tip. I found this link [Android] How to upload native deubg symbols to playstore? · fastlane/fastlane · Discussion #21090 · GitHub for the debug symbols. if anyone figured out how to do it for Delphi, do update here 🙂
  15. Peter J.

    Delphi 11.3 with Android SDK 33

    Thanks, Dave!