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  1. CyberPeter

    ICS V9.2 announced

    Thanks for the update. All I needed to know. Cheers.
  2. CyberPeter

    ICS V9.2 announced

    FYI: Using C++ Builder 12.1 I tried to compile icsv8w: IcsVclCB110Run.cbproj and IcsCommonCB110Run.cbproj which now fails This still worked OK using C++ Builder 12 PS. I only need the run time stuff, not the design time stuff. I link to the *.hpp and *.o / *.obj files To the point: So I downloaded this version (9.2) and notice the packages for C++ are generic ? No version number ? I built: icsv92\Packages\IcsCommonCBNewRun.cbproj icsv92\Packages\IcsVclCBNewRun.cbproj successfully, using C++ Builder 12.1 But .. there are no *.hpp files emitted ? Libs are created (*.o and *.obj) but they seem 'light' in number and size (not tried to link in anything yet since I don't have the *.hpp files) No c++ support yet ? Not to mention support for the 64 bit 'Modern' build toolset.
  3. Just FYI I installed C++ Builder 12 yesterday (fresh install, no settings borrowed from earlier versions) I built again and get the exact same error.
  4. Frustrating. I'm all in currently. Let's see if I can get passed the issues.
  5. Oh, I waited until my release was out of the way before I started messing with v 12. Next release is still a while away. I did not risk that. No issues ? A smooth release ? Did you have compile and/or link issues going from v11 to v12 ? I'm having some linker issues at the moment. It looks like I have to recompile all libraries (32 bit, I assume 64 bit will be the same). I did not expect that. I thought they had not upgraded clang etc. yet ? Certainly not 32bit. Oops, I realize I'm digressing.
  6. Any idea if it's worth reporting this as a bug (when that service becomes available again (sigh)) ?
  7. For the moment solved by copying "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\22.0\\Styles\\Windows11_Modern_Dark.vsf" "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\22.0\\Styles\\Windows11_Modern_Light.vsf" to "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\23.0\\Styles\\Windows11_Modern_Dark.vsf" "C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\Embarcadero\\Studio\\23.0\\Styles\\Windows11_Modern_Light.vsf" but very curious whether I should report this as a bug, or if this is expected behavior ?
  8. I was counting on the fact that v12 would have the same VCL styles as v 11 ? I mean they can add styles, but remove them ?? This introduces all sorts of problems since I store the selected style in user settings, and if I need to use different styles in a new build I will have to deal with that. In v11 I use: but they are not available in v12 ? v12 features: instead, which are not the same styles.
  9. CyberPeter

    How do I upgrade from (c++ Builder) 11.3 to 12 ?

    Embarcadero could so easily avoid all this confusion and frustration by redirecting https://members.embarcadero.com to https://my.embarcadero.com/
  10. CyberPeter

    How do I upgrade from (c++ Builder) 11.3 to 12 ?

    Thank you Jon, that helped.
  11. Months ago I tried to install v 12 via the web-install (I also reported a bug: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-44128 ) Every few days I tried to resume the install process without success (bad gateway) Now it happily reports: which means .. what ?? It's obviously not installed, it never downloaded to begin with. Also annoying that reporting / amending bugs is still read only !? So I logged in to my account: https://members.embarcadero.com And went to "My registered user downloads" ( https://cc.embarcadero.com/myreg ) but got: "Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream. An error has occurred while processing the page. Please try to refresh the page, or return to the home page." I see people reporting v 12 issues here and I can't even manage to download and install it ?? Where do I go to download and install v 12 ?? I'm so thoroughly frustrated with Embarcadero.
  12. CyberPeter

    docwiki.embarcadero.com is not working

    It appears to be back for me as well (It was offline 24 hours ago)
  13. CyberPeter

    Quality portal access gone for me ?

    And remember the help pages being offline for weeks on end (last year I think) !? It's unfathomable they can't keep their online stuff working in a reasonable manner. It just makes you feel they can't keep their shit together, so why trust them to make a toolset you can trust to always work when you need it.
  14. CyberPeter

    Activate account content at my.embarcadero.com/

    I tried to log in just now ( https://quality.embarcadero.com/login.jsp ) to check on some issues, supposedly fixed in 12. It won't let me log in either. " Sorry, your userid is required to answer a CAPTCHA question correctly. " Ironically there is a "report problem" link, and when you click it it says you need to log in first .. 🙄