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Posts posted by CyberPeter

  1. To complete my questions to this thread, and for future reference and search engines.

    I revisited this today after I had a light bulb moment.


    Before I could use the newly compiled package (run time package only) I obviously had to link in the compiled code.

    So I added

    #pragma link "OverbyteIcsHttpProt"

    to the .cpp file of a little test app and that did the trick (for my very limited use)


    The test app uses


    and the header file links to:

    #include "OverbyteIcsHttpProt.hpp"

    And it works OK (32 and 64 bit) on any URL that is not SSL, for instance http://brightbeautifulsilversong.neverssl.com/online

    I will be using it on a non-SSL link, so that is that.

    32 bit: On a URL that uses SSL there is an exception, by design, and the ReasonPhrase is "Abort on Exception: SSL requires a context object".  So, all good.

    64 bit: On a URL that uses SSL there is an ugly exception that I believe is not by design (!).  If this is due to my build/ c++/system then so be it, if there is an issue, perhaps you can repeat ?  In any case, a different thread I assume.

  2. Thanks Angus, I appreciate your help despite not using C++


    Still no joy I'm afraid.  Quite frustrating, feeling so helpless and ignorant on the subject.


    I downloaded the daily zip ( http://wiki.overbyte.eu/arch/icsv8w.zip ) and worked with that.


    Followed this instruction:


    1 - Do a File/Open Project, navigate to the Install directory, select the correct
    file and open it. The project manager view should now display two package
    projects, one run-time and one design-time package. The run-time package name
    contains the "Run" suffix. The design-time package name contains the "Design"


    Which was a bit unclear to me since there is the 'common' the 'vcl' and the 'fmx' version of the 'run' bpl.

    Since I'll be using VCL I started with the 'common' which built and next the 'vcl' version which built as well.

    First step successful


    2 - Select and Build the run-time package (do not install).


    I started with the 'common' version again but this resulted in an error popup dialog that says:

    "Can't load package C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\BPL\Win32\IcsCommonCB110Design.bpl.  The specified module could not be found"


    I checked that folder, the file is there ?


    I next tried installing the 'vcl' design bpi which also failed:

    [ilink32 Error] Error: Unable to open file 'OVERBYTEICSPRODUCTICON.RES'
    [ilink32 Error] Error: Unable to perform link


    However, since I don't use the components at design time I figured I try compiling one of my project files that makes use of ICS.  Actually the only file.

    I'm not sure if this is supposed to work without having installed the design time package ?

    I set the include and library paths as good as I can.
    I could compile (yeah), but not link:


    [ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'Overbyteicshttpprot::THttpCli::' referenced from D:\BUILDER\PROJECTS\11 TEST APPS\WIN32\DEBUG\ONLINEMAIN.OBJ
    [ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external '__fastcall Overbyteicshttpprot::THttpCli::THttpCli(System::Classes::TComponent *)' referenced from D:\BUILDER\PROJECTS\11 TEST APPS\WIN32\DEBUG\ONLINEMAIN.OBJ
    [ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external '__fastcall Overbyteicshttpprot::THttpCli::Get()' referenced from D:\BUILDER\PROJECTS\11 TEST APPS\WIN32\DEBUG\ONLINEMAIN.OBJ
    [ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external '__fastcall Overbyteicsurl::UrlEncode(System::UnicodeString, unsigned int, bool)' referenced from D:\BUILDER\PROJECTS\11 TEST APPS\WIN32\DEBUG\ONLINEMAIN.OBJ
    [ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external '__fastcall Overbyteicshttpprot::THttpCli::Post()' referenced from D:\BUILDER\PROJECTS\11 TEST APPS\WIN32\DEBUG\ONLINEMAIN.OBJ


    for reasons still unknown.

    Any insight (again) is appreciated.



  3. Hi Guys,


    I am porting a project from C++ Builder 2009 to Builder 11 (November patch applied too).

    I installed Builder 11 yesterday, it's all still very new and I'm catching up.  The idea is to port to 64 bit eventually.

    12 years ago or so I compiled ICS to work with Builder 2009, and for my very limited use (check online for newer version) it worked perfectly, so I have never looked at this again.

    I am now struggling a bit I'm afraid.  I'm not handy with components either, I only use ICS and DragDrop, so once installed it's never looked at again.


    My first step, before I even dare look at my own code, is getting ICS to work with the new compiler


    I downloaded http://wiki.overbyte.eu/arch/icsv867-D110.zip via http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download ( "Latest Stable Version ICS V8.67 - recommended" section)

    Is this the proper version to test ?  The version number seems right.


    I follow the readme which says:


    "1 - Open and Build the run-time package project (do not install!)."


    I assume this is IcsVclCB110Run.cbproj in the Packages folder ?
    I "Open Project" the file and hit Build


    PS. the documentation mentions IcsVclCB110Run.dproj

    I take it this is a copy/paste error in the text and the extension is meant to be *.cbproj ?


    Building it leads to an error, so I'm already stuck:


    [DCC Warning] OverbyteIcsMsSslUtils.pas(1442): W1002 Symbol 'Win32Check' is specific to a platform
    [DCC Warning] OverbyteIcsMsSslUtils.pas(1448): W1002 Symbol 'Win32Check' is specific to a platform
    [DCC Hint] OverbyteIcsHttpSrv.pas(7245): H2077 Value assigned to 'Rec' never used
    [DCC Hint] OverbyteIcsPop3Prot.pas(2450): H2077 Value assigned to 'TSyncPop3Cli.WaitUntilReady' never used
    [DCC Hint] OverbyteIcsSmtpProt.pas(4509): H2077 Value assigned to 'TSyncSmtpCli.WaitUntilReady' never used
    [DCC Fatal Error] pasall.tmp(50): F1026 File not found: '..\Source\OverbyteIcsSslThrdLock.pas'


    Kindly let me know how to proceed ?


    Also, I never use the components at design time.  I simply create an instance of one of the classes and that's it.

    Does this mean I should only compile the run time stuff ?  Or do I also always build the design time stuff ?
    Sorry this is not my cup of tea


