I try to translate the captions of the buttons in the MessageDlg in Delphi 10.4, VCL.
If I add the unit consts.pas to my project, wich contains 1 line of code :" Messagedlg('Hoi', mtconfirmation, [mbYes.mbNo],0) " , the the captions of the unit are used. (Ja,Nee)
In a big project ( > 100 units) I also add the unit to the project ( in the project directory) , but the Dialogs ignore the translations. It seems lile they keep using the vcl.consts unit,
What do I have to do, to force my project to only use the translated Consts,pas in the project-folder.
I tried editing the unit C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\source\vcl\VCL.Consts.pas but i get errors when I save it (unable to crate backup), and I prefer not to edit the original Delphi Units.
Any suggestions are very welcome...
kind regards,
Dirk Janssens.