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Everything posted by yshejia

  1. My program needs to use multiple icsproxys. When many clients connect, I can feel that the response of the main window is very slow. I want to run icsproxy in multiple threads at the same time to speed up the execution efficiency of the program. What should I do?
  2. Thank you!I seem to have found a way
  3. By outputting the current thread ID through debug, I found that multiple icsproxys work in the main thread.
  4. I am using icsproxy component to proxy forward eth mining data. But I want to modify the data in the "icsproxydatasendtar" and "icsproxydatarecvtar" events and then forward it. How to operate? Can you give me a simple example?
  5. Thank you very much. I have done some wh on the basis of the source code
  6. I use the "ticsproxy" component, not "ticshttpproxy", because the packets I want to process are TCP protocol, not HTTP protocol. I try to use ticshttpproxy, but I can't receive anything in httpreqbody, httprespbody, httpreqhdr and httpresphdr events
  7. ================Here's how I use it==================== procedure TFrmMain.IcsProxyDataSendTar(Sender: TObject; ProxyClient: TProxyClient; var DataPtr: Pointer; var DataLen: Integer); var CMDData: TBytes; CMDStr: string; begin CMDData := TBytes(DataPtr); SetLength(CMDData, DataLen); CMDStr := TEncoding.Default.GetString(CMDData); //Here, I will modify the content of "cmdstr" CMDStr := ReplaceText(CMDStr, "A", "B"); CMDData := TEncoding.Default.GetBytes(CMDStr); DataLen := Length(CMDData); DataPtr := @CMDData[0]; end; ============================================================
  8. I read the comments in ticsprox and "targetbufxmit" and "sourcebufxmit", but I'm not sure how to deal with "dataptr: = @ ftarbuffer [0]". I even modified the source code of icsproxy, "procedure icsproxydatarecvtar (sender: tobject; proxyclient: tproxyclient; VAR dataptr: pointer; VAR datalen: integer);", Although I finally modified the data, I always felt that there was a simpler way.