Wow! Thank you both so much!
I now have apk that i've been able to install on android 11, and it runs, but I get an error "cannot access local data" I'm assuming that's because i have not added code for permissions, which I will work on next. My app uses location, camera, and writes to storage. It also invokes a bar code scanner, I believe made by ZXing. I will look at the camera and location examples to learn.
The only reason I write/read from storage is because i have 3 apps, and I wanted a way to share info between the 3. When one gets registered with my server, the ini file is written with some information. The other 2 apps can then read that info. Info like device name (as registered in my back end database) and one or two other things. I'm showing my code below in case you think I should throw it away and try another approach:
procedure checkIniFile;
iniPath := ExtractFilePath (ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter (TPath.GetSharedDownloadsPath));
iniPath := TPath.Combine (iniPath, 'MyFolderName');
ForceDirectories (iniPath);
iniFileName := TPath.Combine(iniPath, 'MyFileName.ini');
exportDBFileName := TPath.Combine (iniPath, DMConn.DBFileName);
IniFileExists := FileExists (iniFileName);
I am indebted to you for your time already spent, but if something jumps out at you about my approach to access a shard ini file across multiple apps, I'd appreciate being set on a better path. Also if you have any warnings about access a bar code scanner. here is that code;
procedure TfrmMain.activateBarcodeScanner;
FMessageSubscriptionID := TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage
(TMessageResultNotification, HandleActivityMessage);
ignoreWillBecomeForeground := true;
ignoreBecameActive := true;
inBarCodeScanner := true;
LaunchQRScanner (ScanRequestCode);
function LaunchQRScanner;
Intent: JIntent;
Intent := TJIntent.JavaClass.init(StringToJString(''));
result := LaunchActivityForResult(Intent, RequestCode);
I'm very rusty on android, and I learned by doing, nothing formal, so I might need to back up and learn or re-learn some basics.
Thanks again. You've given me a huge head start.