Hi, thank you for your reply.
In latest stable version v8.68, the sample ftp-ssl client project "OverbyteIcsSslFtpTst" works fine. I also try accessing server ics.ftptest.org:990, and it also works fine.
The problem is on ftp-ssl server project "OverbyteIcsSslFtpServ", I testing with implicit ftp (delphi 7 and delphi 10.3.3), it's not work fine. Here is the output screenshot:
I found the code in "OverbyteIcsFtpSrv.pas" after I checked:
if GetIcsHosts = Nil then
Client.SslEnable := ftpImplicitSsl in Client.FtpSslTypes;
An I change the code to:
if GetIcsHosts <> Nil then
Client.SslEnable := ftpImplicitSsl in Client.FtpSslTypes;
Then the ftp-ssl server project "OverbyteIcsSslFtpServ" works well, below is the output screenshot:
Is this a bug? Or what I think is wrong? What's your opinion?