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havrlisan last won the day on September 20 2024

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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. I've seen a few people discussing their development and posting screenshots in the Skia4Delphi telegram group.
  2. havrlisan

    What does [ref] attribute actually dows

    Only if you need to access the actual reference.
  3. havrlisan

    What does [ref] attribute actually dows

    Dalija Prašnikar has a great article on what it's purpose is in FreeAndNil: https://dalijap.blogspot.com/2020/06/magic-behind-freeandnil.html
  4. havrlisan

    Method Selection ability??

    I didn't realize you meant only the implementation. In that case, I'd use the plain simple line commenting: Delphi has that feature set to shortcut "Ctrl+/", where / character is on numpad. MMX has the feature "Toggle Comment Selection", which acts very similar. You can assign a custom shortcut to that one. GExperts also has a similar feature; not a toggle comment, but comment and uncomment. You can find it under "Editor Experts", and assign a custom shortcut as well.
  5. havrlisan

    Method Selection ability??

    Even that is possible with MMX, with the feature called "Comment member(s)..." in the "Text Tools" group. I know I manually set the shortcut of that one to "Alt+Shift+X". With that one, you can even edit the "TODO" comment that gets added, in MMX > Properties >Editing (Pascal group), and there you'll see the setting "Text to insert when commenting entity" in the last section, "Insert Text When Commenting".
  6. havrlisan

    Method Selection ability??

    If you're using MMX (which I highly recommend), you can use the "Delete Entity..." feature which deletes the current entity your caret is on: interface, class, property, method, field, etc. Not sure if it's the default shortcut, but mine is "Ctrl+Shift+Delete". For fun, here are my MMX usage statistics for features that have been used 1000+ times (Delete Entity is in top 3):
  7. havrlisan

    VCL Skia *.svg display dependencies ?

    TSkSvg is originally from skia4delphi. Did you enable Skia already? You can do so by right-clicking the project in the Projects view and clicking on "Enable Skia". Sometimes that may not be enough, in which case you'll need to create a startup unit. Read more about it here: https://github.com/skia4delphi/skia4delphi?tab=readme-ov-file#enable-skia-render I failed to see you're talking about VCL, so disregard this message.
  8. havrlisan

    FMX learning resources?

    For starters, I recommend reading two FMX-related books: "Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey" by Andrea Magni, and "Fearless cross-platform development with Delphi" by David Cornelius. Together, they cover the most important parts of how FMX framework functions, and they both write about similarities and differences between VCL. I suggest you also play around and discover the RAD Studio Multi Device Samples, since they contain good chunks of code and UI components to see how to interact with FMX. If you have multiple devices with different platforms (Android, iOS, macOS), make sure you try the apps on all of them, to see how the deployment and functionality works across different platforms. As you start using FMX, I strongly recommend working with skia4delphi in every project. It is already integrated into FMX, but make sure to enable it in every project as it increases performance and provides you a ton of features that are missing in the stock FMX (such being Svg/Lottie support and right-to-left text). Good luck!
  9. You're right. I have the same behavior; I never noticed it before since I don't usually select code like that. That said, you should report it on the Quality Portal instead of here.
  10. havrlisan

    What FireMonkey style do you use and like ?

    I agree; most cross-platform apps nowadays have the same style across platforms. The FMX's approach to style objects with the png is rather stale as well; one should turn to using vector images. This is possible with zx-skiacomponents, which approaches the StyleObjects differently, allowing you to use direct properties for changing colors, animated images, or text settings on triggers. The feature I used the most was the SVG override color change, it allows you to create a beautiful yet responsive UI with no pixelization to worry about.
  11. havrlisan

    FmxLinux and GTK

    Have you installed the gtk library on the linux machine? sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
  12. havrlisan

    TypeInfo Issue..

    You've got a typo: it's not System.TypeInfo, it's System.TypInfo.
  13. That's a good question, I didn't have that case yet so haven't thought about it. Perhaps install the desktop environment and see if the app console will display itself? I never tested Console apps on other platforms, so can't help much in that area.
  14. Not sure I understand your question. Do you expect the output in the console in which you ran the PAServer? If so, that's not going to happen, because PAServer only acts as an intermediary for building and debugging the app on that platform, not outputting app logs (except for exceptions, at least to my knowledge). However, Writeln will output to the IDE Messages panel if running with a debugger, and that was always enough for me.
  15. If you're using a Delphi version 10.3 or newer, you can also achieve this by declaring an inline variable: var LEnum := ssShift;