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havrlisan last won the day on September 20 2024

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. havrlisan

    FmxLinux and GTK

    Have you installed the gtk library on the linux machine? sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
  2. havrlisan

    TypeInfo Issue..

    You've got a typo: it's not System.TypeInfo, it's System.TypInfo.
  3. That's a good question, I didn't have that case yet so haven't thought about it. Perhaps install the desktop environment and see if the app console will display itself? I never tested Console apps on other platforms, so can't help much in that area.
  4. Not sure I understand your question. Do you expect the output in the console in which you ran the PAServer? If so, that's not going to happen, because PAServer only acts as an intermediary for building and debugging the app on that platform, not outputting app logs (except for exceptions, at least to my knowledge). However, Writeln will output to the IDE Messages panel if running with a debugger, and that was always enough for me.
  5. If you're using a Delphi version 10.3 or newer, you can also achieve this by declaring an inline variable: var LEnum := ssShift;
  6. havrlisan

    Some new projects...

    I'll never understand people like you. Every project except CScript has a Requirements section where he mentions that Delphi 12.2+ is supported, or at least that it is made and tested with Delphi 12.2. You really should RTFM more often.
  7. Version: Beta Is it just me, or is the source indexer no longer rebuilding automatically after the IDE opens? This is my configuration: According to the hint: I have the source indexer window stored in the bottom panel along with messages, which is hidden until invoked. Am I missing something? This worked in a previous version. As always, thanks for your hard work!
  8. It is not possible to define TCustomContainer<T: TCustomItem> if TCustomItem is its internal public type. This only compiles (up to your error) because there is another TCustomItem defined outside that class. Doing this with classes only is impossible. You cannot have both a T that is a TCustomItem within TCustomContainer<T> and a FContainer that is a TCustomContainer<T> within TCustomItem. The relation cannot be bi-directional in this scenario. A closer implementation to what you're trying to achieve is possible with interfaces, but that comes with its own set of issues. This post has an example of what you're trying to achieve with interfaces: Also, IMO it is not a good idea to couple your classes like you're trying to do here. A TCustomItem should not directly call the TCustomContainer's HandleItemNotification; you should handle that either via an observer pattern or with events.
  9. havrlisan

    Problems with Delphi 12.2 patch 1?

    I installed the version as soon as it came out and had no issues like these you speak of. I see you wrote "patch", did you maybe install it only from GetIt, or did you do a complete reinstall of the RAD studio? For reference, here's the explanation from Embarcadero on how to install it: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-12-2-athens-inline-patch-1-available/
  10. Instead of hardcoding it like this and making it optional (which makes little sense), it would be better to fill the Tab Options (Options > Editor > Tab) with way more options, such as choosing colors for each scenario (locked units, system units, etc.), or disabling them altogether.
  11. havrlisan

    Delphi 12.2 TMEMO - indexoutofbounds

    It does. You can read the change log here: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-12-2-athens-inline-patch-1-available/
  12. havrlisan

    creating a frame at runtime

    Or to an empty string. It's the safest and easiest way, in my opinion.
  13. If you're unable to go fullscreen (try various ways, such as Windows shortcut keys), check if some other program on your PC might be restricting the window from resizing. If there is no such program, try uninstalling IDE plugins. Finally, if nothing helped, reinstall RAD Studio.
  14. I agree with the duplicate functionality, I don't like that approach either but thought it might make sense due to MMX parsing the code. I didn't realize that option was available. That did the trick, thanks!
  15. I wondered if there is an equivalent option to the Complete Class at Cursor, whose default shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+C. I'm asking because if you use that shortcut, the MMX gets out of sync and seems to parse the entire unit again, which takes around a second. During that period, you cannot use MMX's other tools, or you'll get this message: The closest option I found was invoking Edit Entity... (Ctrl+E), clicking OK, and the method implementation gets created; the MMX doesn't get out of sync that way. I get that it's a pretty specific scenario, but I find myself getting the above message quite often as I invoke the shortcuts during coding. Thanks for your time!