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  1. Lindawb

    mouse move on screen

    Thank you
  2. Lindawb

    mouse move on screen

    Thank you, No that is not what I meant, if you see the code, the mouse outside the program,. in fact the program not visible. just desktop with slider. see attached image, what I want is to clear 1,2,3,4 boxes and keep last box. right now works, but keeps old boxes behind. Thank you
  3. Lindawb

    mouse move on screen

    Hello, I'm playing around to have small program with timer to change cursor with square, works but keeps old squares behind till I press F5. this was part of screen saver, but now trying to make it for kids play with it. procedure TForm1.Timer3Timer(Sender: TObject); var dc: HDC; canvas : TCanvas; P: TPoint; begin Windows.GetCursorPos(P); dc := GetWindowDC(0); canvas := Tcanvas.Create; try Canvas.Lock; Canvas.Handle := dc; Canvas.Pen.Width:=1; Canvas.Pen.Color := clYellow; Canvas.Brush.Color := clRed; Canvas.FillRect(Rect(p.X, p.Y,p.X+50,p.Y+50)); Canvas.Refresh; Canvas.UnLock; ReleaseDC(Handle, DC); finally ShowWindow(dc,SW_RESTORE); FreeAndNil(canvas); end; end; All I need is just keep the square where the mouse stops and clear previous canvas. if not possible, is there a way to load mouse cursor with small picture for kids ? I mean when kid moves the mouse shows animal image or any image. ! Thank you
  4. Lindawb

    vtString and vtWideString & vtAnsiString

    Thank you so much for your time and knowledge , as I posted in my other question this is part of the zip file All I needed to Delphi XE10 new vType vtUnicodeString , vtAnsiString, vtWideString but looks I need vtUnicodeString more than anything else. I added your vtUnicodeString size error.. Thanks again
  5. Lindawb

    Delphi 2006 to Delphi XE 10.1 VType help

    Hello, Thank you all for all your help and valuable time, I gave up :( I worked on the project for months and end up with dropping it, beyond my knowledge, BTW: I did download the memSortList.pas and compared with that zipped with files, looks same, there is no UnicodeString in them means very old code. Thank you all again, I will edit that my post and remove it .
  6. Lindawb

    Delphi 2006 to Delphi XE 10.1 VType help

    Thank you, the read me txt says downloaded from http://delphi.icm.edu.pl/newl/midxd30f.htm ( [ sortlist.zip ] [ 5,976 bytes ] ) and modified the code used tor chat program only with ICS tools and I'm converting to Delphi XE 10, I done with most part.
  7. Lindawb

    Delphi 2006 to Delphi XE 10.1 VType help

    Thank you, I tried that one too, I appreciate you and Remy for helping , I'm trying to post someone else's complete code, but looks no way till post complete unit, the code posted on the internet log time ago , now I'm trying to convert to Delphi XE10. here Delphi 2006 code,
  8. I have this function, i can't convert the vtString and vtChar from Delphi 2006 to Delphi XE10.1 Berlin also as you know vtString not supported after Delphi 2009, what will be alternative to it In Delphi XE 10.1 and how get it working in this function. function checkval(const Values:array of const):boolean; var I:integer; P:byte; S:ShortString; v,d:double; OldPos:integer; ls:boolean; FISize,FISize2:byte; FRecNo:integer; begin SetLength(s,FISize); P:=1; ls:=False; SetLength(s,FISize); P:=1; ls:=False; for I := 0 to High(Values) do with Values do case VType of vtString: // Short string (only the last field in index can be of ShortString type) begin S[P]:=AnsiChar (Length(VString^)); System.Move(VString^[1],S[P+1],Length(VString^)); Inc(P,Length(VString^)+1); ls:=I=High(Values); end; vtChar: begin System.Move(VChar,S[P],SizeOf(VChar)); Inc(P,SizeOf(VChar)); end; end; if P<=FISize then begin if ls then FillChar(S[P],FISize-P+1,#0) else MessageDlg('not valid size.', mtError, [mbOK], 0); end else if P>FISize+1 then raise Exception.Create('Too many Find parameters.'); end; Thank you for any help, I appreciate your time and knowledge , I don't understand explanation , if you can help please reply with complete code .
  9. Lindawb

    vtString and vtWideString & vtAnsiString

    Hello , sorry , the S is shortstring; var I:integer; P:byte; S:ShortString; v,d:double; OldPos:integer; ls:boolean; all worked except the vtUnicodeString:, looks the length of P more than expected . any idea ? Thank you so much
  10. Lindawb

    ICS and MemoryStreamToString

    Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate your time and knowledge. No this is completely different task, I'm trying many ways, I'm asking question , if you know how to do it please help, otherwise please do not insult. what is the wrong with different questions and different ways to do things? also MemoryStreamToString(MyStream) one line code, other way too many lines , I'm trying to find better way Thank you
  11. sorry, I use tcp if that is what you asking. I wasn't clear, all 3 connection from same computer or IP, Thanks
  12. Hello, Is this code works with ICS Wsocket ? WSocket1.SendStr('<|START|>' + MemoryStreamToString(MyStream) + '<|END|>'); the sends without error, but on the server OnDataAvailable( Sender : TObject; Error : Word); Cli := Sender as TMyClient; Cli.LineMode := False; Cli.LineEdit := False; Cli.LineLimit := 99999999; sentstream:=Cli.ReceiveStr(); not working , not getting complete stream length. any help appreciated Thank you
  13. Thank you, You mean first compress the stream with Zlib on Client side, then send it , on the server side read compressed stream , then decompress it and use it. are those steps correct ? I tried it yesterday but for some reason didn't work. Thanks again
  14. Hello, If I have 3 connections (sockets) with different name connected to WSocketThrdServer ConnectionA ConnectionB ConnectionC each connection send different messages and muss receive related response, means ConnectionA if A then response from the server send to ConnectionA 'You connection A' ConnectionB if B response from the server send to ConnectionB 'You connection B' ConnectionC if C response from the server send to ConnectionC 'You connection C' all connections are tcp protocol and all 3 connections from same IP address, same host Basically reply to associated connection only. Thank you