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Everything posted by al17nichols

  1. al17nichols


    Thanks for the responses. Simply looking for the best performing solution that supports adding, deleting, perhaps master / detail relationships. Some analysis showed SQLMemtable with very good performance. Really hoping to discover more information on table definitions, and other examples.
  2. al17nichols

    Rest Server file transfer

    Does anyone know where to find a sample rest server, that can scale, written in Delphi that can be used to transfer files? These will be jpg, exe, and text files.
  3. I want to create an application that can check for updates and if needed download new an update before launching. The application will contain multiple forms and some threads to monitor tidtcpclient (socket) connections. My thought was to create a thin application what would check for version updates on a remote server. After checking and downloading (if necessary) i could launch the application. Should the secondary (core of the application) be a .dll or should I call the windows API that that launches a second application?
  4. al17nichols

    Rest Server file transfer

    Dany Marmur are these components or a server? Are these similar to Indy?
  5. al17nichols

    best way to structure an application

    Great answers. I can appreciate the ability to rename the exe and quit, but That is not quite a smooth as a launcher. If I used a launcher do I need to create the main as a .dll or launch it with the Windows API. I can't remember but I used it quite some time ago.