We've also used for the last 10 years certificates from Comodo(now Sectigo) through Tucows and then KSoftware.
But after reading this post, checking what's with KSoftware I saw the bad reviews on trustpilot for the last year and other blog posts.
So I began to search for a safe and better alternative, and found 2: ssl.com (they have their own CA from what I understood) and ssl2buy.com (they use Sectigo CA and DIGICERT CA),
SSL.COM offers OV Code Signing Certificates for up to 10 years (but the certificate is for 3 years and you need to get verified again for each 3 year period) the price seems correct, not cheap.
I liked that they will offer the option to use your own FIPS YubiKey with their certificate after 1st June 2023.
The second option I found and decided to use is ssl2buy.com (they have good chat support and good reviews on trustpilot), I ordered the 3 years OV code certificate and hope to have it in a 1-2 days (already in contact with Sectigo for callback)
I also got a good deal for 42.90$/year on the 3 year and for my first order an extra 10% so 116$ 🙂 really cheap.
You can find the special deal on this page, is valid till April 30th. On Sectigo page they say they allow till 24th Apr orders without the FIPS Token.
Hope this helps others finding a reliable alternative to KSoftware.
P.S: After you place the order, they send an email where you generate the CSR code (doesn't matter which browser you use), make sure you save your private key.