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Posts posted by taariq

  1. Good day
    Plz note I am a newbie to Delphi and still learning but enjoying it...


    I need help with calculations please...


    I got total sum via database by using the following code that is working...


    dmuse.dmDBuse.FDQueryMaterialTotal.Open('SELECT SUM(COST) AS TC FROM MATERIAL WHERE ORDERNO=:d',[dbOrderNo.Text]);
    Showmessage(format( 'Total for Material OrderNo %s is %m',[dbOrderNo.text,dmuse.dmDBuse.FDQueryMaterialTotal.FieldbyName('TC').asCurrency]));


    dmuse.dmDBuse.fdQueryTraveling.Open('SELECT SUM(COST) AS TC FROM TRAVELING WHERE ORDERNO=:d',[dbOrderNo.Text]);
    Showmessage(format( 'Total for Traveling OrderNo %s is %m',[dbOrderNo.text,dmuse.dmDBuse.fdQueryTraveling.FieldbyName('TC').asCurrency]));


    But here is my issue - trying to add the two values together


    Code I tried but get error -


    Code I am using...

    procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    var  tMaterial, tTraveling, tTotalCost: Currency ;
     usSet : TFormatSettings;

      tMaterial :=  StrToCurr (lbMaterial.Caption,usSet) ;
      tTraveling :=  StrToCurr (lbTraveling.Caption,usSet) ;

      tTotalCost := tMaterial + tTraveling;

      tProjectCosting.text := CurrToStrF(tTotalCost, ffCurrency, 2);



    Please help

    Thank you

  2. Good day
    Thank you - getting closer now....

    I updated the code to include amountex - hope I did it correct - it runs and then I get this error...




    My current records


    The updated code


    procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    //declare var to enter new job card
    var sOrderNo, sJobName , sStartDate, sCompletionDate, sAmountEx: string ;
    sOrderNo := Inputbox ( 'OrderNo' ,  'Enter OrderNo'  , 'QU000' ) ;
    sJobName := Inputbox ( 'JobName' ,   'Enter JobName'  , 'Company Name' ) ;
    sStartDate := Inputbox ( 'StartDate' ,   'Enter Start Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD' ) ;
    sCompletionDate := Inputbox ( 'CompletionDate' ,   'Enter Completion Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD' ) ;
    sAmountEx := Inputbox ( 'AmountEx' ,   'Enter Amount Ex'  , 'R '  ) ;
    dmTas.tblJobCard.Connection.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO jobCard (orderno,jobname,StartDate,Completiondate,AmountEx) values (?,?,?,?,?)', [sOrderNo,sJobName,sStartDate,sCompletionDate,sAmountEx]);

    // if you want to retrieve last id you can use ExecSQLScalar
    //LID:=dmTas.tblJobCard.Connection.ExeSQL('INSERT INTO jobCard (orderno,jobname,StartDate,Completiondate,AmountEx) values (?,?,?,?,?) RETRUNING ID into :id',  [sOrderNo,sJobName,sStartDate,sCompletionDate,sAmountEx]);
    // put LID as private or public of the form
    // do refresh Grid




  3. 9 minutes ago, Serge_G said:

    Why don't you use this in your code ?

     procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    //declare my var to enter new job card
    var sOrderNo, sJobName , sStartDate, sCompletionDate, sAmountEx: string ;
    sOrderNo := Inputbox ( 'OrderNo' ,   'Enter OrderNo'  , 'QU000'  ) ;
    sJobName := Inputbox ( 'JobName' ,   'Enter JobName'  , 'Company Name'  ) ;
    sStartDate := Inputbox ( 'StartDate' ,   'Enter Start Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    sCompletionDate := Inputbox ( 'CompletionDate' ,   'Enter Completion Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    dmTas.tblJobCard.Connection.ExeSQL('INSERT INTO jobCard (orderno,jobname,StartDate,Completiondate,amount) values (?,?,?,?,?)', [sOrderNo,sJobName,sStartDate,sCompletionDate,sAmountEx]);
    // if you want to retrieve last id you can use ExecSQLScalar
    //LID:=dmTas.tblJobCard.Connection.ExeSQL('INSERT INTO jobCard (orderno,jobname,StartDate,Completiondate,amount) values (?,?,?,?,?) RETRUNING ID into :id',  [sOrderNo,sJobName,sStartDate,sCompletionDate,sAmountEx]);
    // put LID as private or public of the form
    // do refresh Grid 

    Thank you - let me do this one will get back to you asap
    Thank you so much for your time....


  4. 14 minutes ago, Stano said:

    PrimaryKeys are an internal DB issue. You have nothing to do with them. The user must not suspect that such a thing exists.
    I repeat: you must use the Generator to insert new PrimaryKeys.


    Good day

    I did create Generator BUT for some reason Only works in Flamerobin and not in Delphi...


  5. Good day

    Thank you so much I will have a look - this is my first FlameRobin and Firecad database - I had it all working 100% with a Access database...
    So now just trying to understand Flamerobin and Firecad ......

    But for now if I want to take the ID as I got it in DBText2 and + 1 their how will I set the following to get the value from a label or the dbtext

    iID:= StrToInt ( Inputbox ( 'ID' ,   'ID'  , '002'  ) ) ;

  6. 31 minutes ago, joaodanet2018 said:

    if "ID" is auto-increment by default on table, then, dont inform it on inserts --> you dont need know what next id, your database will know it! 

    That is the issue I got ?
    In Flamerobin I can add a record and it generates the id for the next record...
    But in Delphi it asks for ID?

    My code that I currently got where it asks for id...
    I get error > Field 'ID' must have a value.


    procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    //declare my var to enter new job card
    var sOrderNo, sJobName , sStartDate, sCompletionDate, sAmountEx: string ;
    //iID : integer;
    //asign values to input box
    //iID:= StrToInt ( Inputbox ( 'ID' ,   'ID'  , '002'  ) ) ;

    sOrderNo := Inputbox ( 'OrderNo' ,   'Enter OrderNo'  , 'QU000'  ) ;
    sJobName := Inputbox ( 'JobName' ,   'Enter JobName'  , 'Company Name'  ) ;
    sStartDate := Inputbox ( 'StartDate' ,   'Enter Start Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    sCompletionDate := Inputbox ( 'CompletionDate' ,   'Enter Completion Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    sAmountEx := Inputbox ( 'AmountEx' ,   'Enter Amount Ex'  , 'R '  ) ;
    //insert values to DBgrid
    dmTaS.tblJobCard.Insert ;
    //dmTaS.tblJobCard['ID' ] := iID ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['OrderNo' ] := sOrderNo ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['JobName' ] := sJobName ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['StartDate' ] := sStartDate ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['CompletionDate' ] := sCompletionDate ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['AmountEx' ] := sAmountEx ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard.Post ;
    //refresh db grid
    //show mesagges



    But if I do it like the following and add the ID manually it works - so I sorted the query via sql to get the last ID - I have the last ID in DBText2 - so now trying to figure out how to + 1 and give the value to iID

    procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    //declare my var to enter new job card
    var sOrderNo, sJobName , sStartDate, sCompletionDate, sAmountEx: string ;
    iID : integer;
    //asign values to input box
    iID:= StrToInt ( Inputbox ( 'ID' ,   'ID'  , '002'  ) ) ;
    sOrderNo := Inputbox ( 'OrderNo' ,   'Enter OrderNo'  , 'QU000'  ) ;
    sJobName := Inputbox ( 'JobName' ,   'Enter JobName'  , 'Company Name'  ) ;
    sStartDate := Inputbox ( 'StartDate' ,   'Enter Start Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    sCompletionDate := Inputbox ( 'CompletionDate' ,   'Enter Completion Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    sAmountEx := Inputbox ( 'AmountEx' ,   'Enter Amount Ex'  , 'R '  ) ;
    //insert values to DBgrid
    dmTaS.tblJobCard.Insert ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['ID' ] := iID ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['OrderNo' ] := sOrderNo ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['JobName' ] := sJobName ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['StartDate' ] := sStartDate ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['CompletionDate' ] := sCompletionDate ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['AmountEx' ] := sAmountEx ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard.Post ;
    //refresh db grid
    //show mesagges





  7. Good day

    I am VCL

    I got my table ordered correctly now via SQL
    It is ordering DESC
    I got the last ID now in a DBText2

    So all I have to figure out now is how to add +1 to the value and I assume update the following...


    iID:= StrToInt ( Inputbox ( 'ID' ,   'ID'  , '002'  ) ) ;


    dmTaS.tblJobCard['ID' ] := iID ;



    So the Delphi passes the next id on ....
    I think...




  8. Good day

    I got it to work now from Delphi side when I manual add the id...

    Now I see that the sort by does not work and I have to do it by SQL..
    So now I am trying to figure out how to sort the db grid to get last ID record to get the next ID - is this correct ?

    please point me in the right direction....


    Thank you

  9. thanks for the quick reply - I don't understand that - sorry newbie - first time working with Firebird and flamerobin...
    Maybe I created the table wrong - here is the code I used to created the table..


    create table JobCard (id integer generated by default as identity primary key,
      orderno varchar(12),
      jobname varchar(100),
      startdate varchar(24),
      completiondate varchar(24),
      amountex varchar(12),
      desc varchar (50)

  10. Thank for all the help - really learning a lot now - thank you so much for your time and effort...


    So now I did the following...
    1. Create my Firbird databse
    2. Used FlameRobin

    3. I added a record via Delphi to the database - so happy
    4. Now I am trying to generate the ID next number so I don't have to manually add it...
    My code works all fine adding record, but not once I add the code to sort field to get ID vale...
    I get error under //get next ID


    procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    //declare my var to enter new job card
    var sOrderNo, sJobName , sStartDate, sCompletionDate, sAmountEx: string ;
    iID : integer;
    //assign values to input box
    //iID:= StrToInt ( Inputbox ( 'ID' ,   'ID'  , '002'  ) ) ;
    sOrderNo := Inputbox ( 'OrderNo' ,   'Enter OrderNo'  , 'QU000'  ) ;
    sJobName := Inputbox ( 'JobName' ,   'Enter JobName'  , 'Company Name'  ) ;
    sStartDate := Inputbox ( 'StartDate' ,   'Enter Start Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    sCompletionDate := Inputbox ( 'CompletionDate' ,   'Enter Completion Date'  , 'YYYY/MM/DD'  ) ;
    sAmountEx := Inputbox ( 'AmountEx' ,   'Enter Amount Ex'  , 'R '  ) ;
    //get next ID
    dmTaS.tblJobCard.Sort := 'ID ASC'  ;
    iID : = dmTaS.tblJobCard['ID'] + 1 ;

    //insert values to DBgrid
    dmTaS.tblJobCard.Insert ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['ID' ] := iID ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['OrderNo' ] := sOrderNo ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['JobName' ] := sJobName ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['StartDate' ] := sStartDate ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['CompletionDate' ] := sCompletionDate ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard['AmountEx' ] := sAmountEx ;
    dmTaS.tblJobCard.Post ;
    //refresh db grid
    //show messages


    Thank you

  11. Thanks will have a look...
    Just a question if I have a field  > ORDERNO , can I use that as my id as all tables will use the >orderno< to identify the records related to that order number...
    Or is it a must that I must have an id field....


    Thank you



  12. Thank you so much

    Playing with Firebird and Flamerobin
    How would I setup an id field that is an auto number for ID as access db

    My SQL

    create table JobCard ( id varchar(10) not null primary key,
      orderno varchar(12),
      jobname varchar(100),
      startdate varchar(24),
      completiondate varchar(24),
      amountex varchar(12),
      desc varchar (50)


    Thank you
