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  1. I thought I had FireMonkey straightened out after two days non-stop. I finally got where I was pushing to the phone. I had to replace the KeyTool.exe and JarSigner.exe and install the SDK, NDK and Java myself, by hand. After 2 days, believing I had it working, I was with several FireMonkey errors. But it kept demanding the TFDPhysMSSQLDriverLink. There is not one. There is a bleached out reference to one in the pallet but it is not there. As I looked through the Pacages, I see where dclFireDACEnt290.bpl cannot be found!! It is like I have some starter version. I have paid top top for the full rad studio!!! So, I downloaded RADStudio_12_2_i_esd_0329_4F2B and did a new install. It is totally hosed. I have been a delphi deveoper since D-1. But this is the worst I've seen.
  2. To get the Icons on the top of the formsw, go here. It is under the Experts as Editor Enhancements. GExperts Editor Enhancement tab – twm's blog (dummzeuch.de)
  3. SpringerRider

    Editor Toolbar?

    That's why I'm here. The Code Editor is not in the latest release for D-12.2.