I thought I had FireMonkey straightened out after two days non-stop. I finally got where I was pushing to the phone. I had to replace the KeyTool.exe and JarSigner.exe and install the SDK, NDK and Java myself, by hand.
After 2 days, believing I had it working, I was with several FireMonkey errors. But it kept demanding the TFDPhysMSSQLDriverLink. There is not one. There is a bleached out reference to one in the pallet but it is not there. As I looked through the Pacages, I see where dclFireDACEnt290.bpl cannot be found!! It is like I have some starter version. I have paid top top for the full rad studio!!!
So, I downloaded RADStudio_12_2_i_esd_0329_4F2B and did a new install. It is totally hosed.
I have been a delphi deveoper since D-1. But this is the worst I've seen.