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Everything posted by Amberel

  1. I'm using a web server based on the ICS 8 sample code. It appears to render UTF-8 correctly when the source is a fixed part of a web page, but not when I generate the content dynamically. Specifically, I am using a dynamically generated string as an Ajax response - this is the relevant part of the Delphi code: Flags := hgWillSendMySelf; s := 'Chaitén / αυτό είναι ένα τεστ'; TMyHttpConnection(Client).AnswerString(Flags, '', '', '', s); Log('Unicode response: ' + s); Result := TRUE; The unicode is correctly rendered in the log file. I have put a very short example file at http://www.amberel.com/test/unicodetest.htm At the top of the page is a static paragraph that displays the unicode correctly. If you click the Ajax button, the response is shown as Ajax response: Chait�n / a?t? e??a? ??a test The dynamically generated string can be accessed directly from the address bar of the browser using http://www.amberel.com/test/ajaxunicodetest.htm In this case I see Chaitén / a?t? e??a? ??a test - the first part appears correct but the second part not - I think this is because that, while the first part is UTF-8, it coincidentally happens that the same character appears in the single byte iso-8859-1 character set. I am using ICS 8.41, it's not the latest version because when I tried to use a later version, the SSL stopped working. If it is necessary to use the latest version for this to work, I will have another try at the update. I've spent a lot of time making no headway on this - this stuff is far removed from my speciality! Any idea for fixing it, or even just ideas of how to narrow the problem down, gratefully received. Rgds, Andy
  2. OK, I think I found the solution; use AnswerStringEx TMyHttpConnection(Client).AnswerStringEx(Flags, '', '', '', s, CP_UTF8); Very many thanks for the comments that got me going down the correct path 🙂 Rgds, Andy
  3. I have ensured that the string s is UTF-8 encoded, but it has made no difference. I have declared s: UTF8String; and tec: TEncodeType; s := 'Chaitén / αυτό είναι ένα τεστ'; tec := System.WideStrUtils.DetectUTF8Encoding(s); if tec = etUSASCII then begin Log('ASCII'); end else if tec = etUTF8 then begin Log('UTF8'); end else if tec = etANSI then begin Log('ANSI'); end else begin Log('Encoding not defined'); end; The log reports that s is UTF8 encoded. I have also tried TMyHttpConnection(Client).AnswerString(Flags, '', '', '', System.UTF8Encode(s)); but that too had no effect (These changes were tried on a test server on port 42080 and not on the live server, to avoid any disruption) Angus - I will try the upgrade later, but I'd rather deal with one issue at a time unless the older version is directly responsible for this problem. Rgds, Andy