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Mark Billig

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  1. Mark Billig

    Start application in system tray

    Thank you. I better learn to read better.
  2. Mark Billig

    Start application in system tray

    I have attached the code. About.dfm About.pas MFUnit.dfm MFUnit.pas SetDPI.dpr
  3. Mark Billig

    Start application in system tray

    I am using 11.3 and have tried that but it did not start in the system tray. I will do more testing.
  4. Mark Billig

    Start application in system tray

    Is there a way to start an application in the system tray?
  5. Mark Billig

    Visible Application List

    Thank you for your assistance. I changed to PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION and it is working. I thought I had changed it before but I must not have. // hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, PID); hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, False, PID);
  6. Mark Billig

    Visible Application List

    I am attaching the code I have at this time. I am using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot and GetModuleFileNameEx. MFUnit.pas
  7. Mark Billig

    Visible Application List

    I am trying to create a list of applications that are running and visible, similar to Windows "Task Manager" in simple view. I have been successful except for applications that are running elevated. I am trying to get the "File Description" property and as long as I can get the file name and path I can get the description. Is there a way to get the file description directly or a way to get the name and path of an elevated application? I have been searching but everything I have come across so far does not work.
  8. Mark Billig

    Desktop Icons

    Thank you for the guidance. It appears I should learn how to use Copilot and Chat AI.
  9. Mark Billig

    Desktop Icons

    Thank you for your post. My problem is understanding C to convert and fully understand what needs to be done.
  10. Mark Billig

    Desktop Icons

    I am looking to get a list of desktop icons with their descriptions and positions. Any help appreciated.
  11. Mark Billig

    TeeChart 11.3 to 12.1

    Thank you. It took me a bit to find it but it seems to fix the issue. PingChart.View3DOptions.ZoomText := ztNo;
  12. Mark Billig

    TeeChart 11.3 to 12.1

    I have a program that uses TeeChart and when recompiled with Delphi 12.1 the font size of the left and bottom axis labels are larger. Everything else seems fine and I can fix it by adding code to change the font. Any ideas what has caused this? Thanks, Mark
  13. Mark Billig

    Application Position & Size

  14. Mark Billig

    Application Position & Size

    I got it figured out. One of the problems was the WindowReticle was configured CanResize = False. Thank you again for all of your help. I need to post my updates to GitHub.
  15. Mark Billig

    Application Position & Size

    Thank you.