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ron zwwaan

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About ron zwwaan

  • Birthday 11/14/1953

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 10.4 Sydney
  1. ron zwwaan

    debugging crash

    I have the problem from the beginning and 3 days ago I removed Delphi completely and reinstalled it again. The problem still exists after reinstalling.
  2. ron zwwaan

    debugging crash

    I tried to run a simple "Hello World" program, as advised. Apparently, it's not the program, as the same think happens with this simple program. If hit "run" the program works normally; if I hit the "trace into" button the whole computer freezes and I have to restart it. Anybody a clue why?
  3. ron zwwaan

    debugging crash

    I tried to run a sample program, namely the program "cardpanel". When I hit "run", the program runs normally. The moment I hit "trace into" the computer freezes completely and I have to close it down by pushing the on/off button on the computer and start it again. Thanks for trying to help!
  4. ron zwwaan

    debugging crash

    I use the Delphi Community Edition Delphi environment. The moment I press the "trace over" or "step into" button the computer completely freezes and the only solution is to press to on/off switch and start the computer again. Anyone any idea what the problem is and how to overcome this? Thanks very much! Ron.